Friday, June 8, 2018

You're on Trial

I wore my suit for you

Trial: You'd think there would be a giant crowd there! LOL. I'd be there!! Dr Griff is testifying today. Jason is testifying today...and he's sitting in the courtroom while OTHERS testify? Um.. you can't do that. Whateverrrr
Kevin said Carly could have pushed Nelle and not have known it was wrong because of her anxiety disorder and meds. 
Sonny testifies. He's like asleep.
Jason testifies.  It's not really major. 
Isn't this trial the FASTEST EVER?? would they want an independent psych eval? I know, I know IT'S A SOAAAAP. 

Alexis goes to Monica-- tells her she'd better discuss Kiki's case or there may be a lawsuit.  Monica (2.0) says that Bensch was cleared and they were reviewing their policies. Alexis goes to see Kevin. Later she opens and envelope and finds a diamond watch. 

Finn and Anna.  She tells him about Robin.  blah blah... yada yada.. we have HEARD ENOUGH ABOUT THIS.
Finn tells Anna he ran into his Dad. He said his brother has his Dad's name and he took his mother's maiden name after she died. He was "cleaning out her stuff" and his baby brother was being born. Dad moved too fast. 

Curtis and Jordan. I guess her job is in jeopardy over Peter August being out of jail.  She wants to hire he and Sam to find Peter. WHY YOU drinking in a public place if your job's on the line? 

Michael sets up a "SNOO" some sleeping thing for the baby.  Nell catches him talking to Spinelli but Michael lies. 

Drew is moving into the Q house 


  1. Jason looks hot in a suit! Glad Drew is moving into the Q's, SO hoping he overs Nelle do something wrong and spills. Could care less about Jordan.

  2. we need the real monica back. the bad seed plays monica dumb.

  3. When has it been allowed that a husband testify against or for his wife?

  4. A wife or husband can always choose to testify, they just can't be forced to.

    Jason did look great today.

    And I love all the extra eyes ready to watch Nelle now. She's going to crack under the pressure.

  5. OK, OK, I know it's only a soap . . . I haven't watched yet, but C'MON with this trial! It takes MONTHS to prepare for a trial, not one day! And, yes, where is the court's psych eval of Carly? And why don't they bring out all of Nelle's alleged crimes of the past, and her stay in a psychiatric in-pt. facility? And HOW can all of these witnesses appear in one day? They always do trials like that on GH, it drives me crazy . . .

  6. Agreed! This is the fastest trial EVER! And LOL at Diane sneaking up on Jason/Carly conversation. Love how they aren't naming the anti anxiety med now. That's because it's not really one! Research writers, please.
    Glad Drew is moving into the mansion. Whatever happened to the plan for Monica to adopt Drew or did the writers forget the whole thing already? And is a Snoo a real thing? Been out of the baby game for a few years so I wasn't sure.
    Anyone know the significance of the diamond watch? I remember something back in the day about Alexis's mother wearing a diamond necklace when Helena slit her throat, but nothing about a watch.
    Anna's having a pity party and Finn joins in. So his name was Hamilton Chase? Kinda like it better. Paging Dr. Chase. And his dad married a girl half his age? Hmmmm, was she your girlfriend first Finn? Very suspicious.

  7. maybe finn's girlfriend and finn's son is chase

  8. Court: Diane wins the line of the day.

    Diane: She will not understand!

    ROFL! That was the only thing that made the scene better! :)

    The hospital:

    Alexis and Monica:

    Monica: What does Kiki hope to get out of this? Is it money?

    GAH! MONICA!!!! How dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just pissed me off!! GAH! SHUT THE HELL UP MONICA!!!!

    Anna's hotel room:

    Finchy and Anna: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Q home:

    Michael and Nelle: Oh boy Michael! You better be careful! You don't want her to be suspicious of you!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Jurtis: Oh yes! Get Sam and Curtis to help you! Great idea! :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


Horses and Beers

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