Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Let's See the Snake

Note: Although my heart isn't into frivolous things like soaps right now, I'm giving myself a break today and watching--not thinking about the world. 
And for the record..in case you didn't know, my husband is an immigrant. 

I take it Heiney McHeinyson didn't die a bloated snake-bite death yesterday?

Alexis and Sam at lunch. Not saying much.  

FAnna in bed. Pillow talk. They say the zex is really good.  Later, they want to go on a trip and they'be been almost everywhere in the world between the 2 of them. SO they are going to Detroit!! 

Chase looking at Nelle's photo at the PCPC. OOOOOO! Flashbacks to her interrogation in MAINE after fiance drowned. EESH! She was a manipulative bitch even then.  Oh, spoke too soon. These are AWFUL. Written awful and the acting for Chase? And I'm not saying it's him, probably is the direction he was given-- the acting is just simple. No nuance.  Upshot is that he believed her and let her go after the accident.  He followed her to Florida and wore a towel when he saw her. Just like the Ford Bros on OLTL LOL  They sleep together. She  is the one that calls his police department to out him for inappropriate behavior. 

Nelle and Michael at Kelly's. She's telling him about Chase and that he came to PC to "see her".  She sees her flashbacks and he sees his. 

Scotty and Liz. Liz is reading a Wedding Book.  He wonders how big the wedding will be. 

Franco talking to Kevin about the wedding. Kevin is distracted.  Thinking about ...Carly. Franco says (just like he's Todd) YOU HAVE OTHER PATIENTS BESIDES ME?? Giggle. Kevin says he has a wedding pressie for him. Franco says: I hope it's the crock pot I saw in Wyndams...!!! Kevin says no, free therapy. Franco takes it. But..still wants the crock pot.

Carly's all better, Kevin changed her meds. Nurse Nasty isn't happy. BTW, I'd LOVE IT if that Nurse was Claudia Zucchara's Aunt or Sister. YEP. Jason is cleaning the floors.  Kevin visits. The Nurse is mad that he changed the meds. He says too bad.  Kevin notices Jason and says "Jason" But tomorrows preview clearly shows he doesn't out him. 


  1. my grandparents are immigrants, but they came here legally.

  2. Probably all of us of a “certain age” have immigrant grandparents, including mr. drumph!!.
    On a brighter note, loving Nurse Cratchet 🏩😱😆🤣

  3. Is your husband an illegal immigrant and is someone trying to take him away?

  4. My grandparents on my Mother's side were immigrants, and my father was an immigrant, he came here with his family at age 4.

    Thanks for doing the blog today even though you are upset :(

  5. "Karen says And for the record..in case you didn't know, my husband is an immigrant."

    Oh oh! What happened?! :(

    "witch said.. my grandparents are immigrants, but they came here legally."

    So is my mom! She came to the United States with her 3 sisters and parents when she was 17 and a half years old, and they came here legally too!

    "Karen says I take it Heiney McHeinyson didn't die a bloated snake-bite death yesterday?"

    ROFL! No! And I thought that the snake was going to bite his Johnson off!!!

    Anna's hotel room:

    Anna and Finchy: More stupidity!!! That phone thing is so stupid. When is RayRay coming back? *Sigh*

    The hospital:

    Doc and BobTodd: OH! Free sessions!!! To quote Brooklyn Nine nine, NOICE!!!!

    BobTodd: You have other patients? Besides me?

    Hahaha. Now he would have won the line of the day, but then his father had to make his comment and won! :) I love that Doc is helping, BobTodd, Carly, and Alexis. :)

    Friz and Scotty: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: You know, there is a broom closet around the corner.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! So glad to see you Scotty! :) Oh hi Doc! Gee I guess he didn't see Scotty there.. Or maybe he did? If he did, no snark? No snark from Scotty? Awww rats. :(

    The police station:


    Karen says These are AWFUL. Written awful and the acting for Chase? And I'm not saying it's him, probably is the direction he was given-- the acting is just simple. No nuance.

    Yeah it was awful, until the sex scene!!! Then it was YOWZA!!!! :) He was really going at it with her!!!!! :)

    The floating rib:

    Janey and Michael: Hahahahahaa. Janey's POV and Chase's POV were completely different!!! :) Chase's POV was awwww look young Janey so innocent.. Janey POV was I will get him in trouble! BOOM! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sam and Alexis: Great scene!!!! :) Love that they were talking about Sam's grandmother. :) Show her the picture of your mother Alexis!

    Anna and Finchy: UGH!

  6. The actor who plays Harrison Chase is such a find. His storyline with Nelle is the only one that keeps me interested right now. Also looking forward to where Alexis's story is heading. Everything else is still "blah."

  7. and for the record, my husband was fortunate enough to not be fleeing horrific circumstances to come here. He's also white and has an accent people swoon over.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...