Peter is still in the cabin. He's trying to cut his ties off with a broken piece of glass. He's bleeding and Obrect catches him and SMASHES HIS WHOLE HAND WITH A BASEBALL BAT!! Oooooo. YEP!!

Nelle and Chase Ford: He said she left and didn't call back--'after what she did". He mentions watching her fiance drown. He was the police that was working the case. He fell in love with her--and got reprimanded for inappropriate behavior. He leans in to kiss her and ...doesn't ! Oh wow...chem...heat and lust-hate. I'm here for this. He thinks she manipulated him so she could get off the charges but he fell hard for her. It's so hard to tell if Nelle really loved him--the way Chloe is playing it, not sure SO THAT'S PERFECT!!

Floating Jake's: Sam and St. Jaysus play pool. Damn, Burton gave her a Vulnerable yet.. hot. That's it up there. Better on TV because of the blue eyes matching his tie. He tells her about Carly shooting Tony Jones.
Kim and Drew and Oscar. Oscar is going with Drew to the Q's because Drew was going to watch him. When they get there, Oscar sees Josslyn. They hug.
Maxie and Spin talking about Nathan's death-- and she sees Georgie. Georgie was adorable.
END: Chase is looking at an old photo of he and Nelle!! He's obsessed! WHEE!!
I wish Chase would SAY SOMETHING!! Glad Georgie is back for a bit, I hope she gets to see her baby brother. Steve is super hot so I can't wait to see him play pool with his blue eyes tie wearing self.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but the thought of anyone obsessed with Nelle is rather absurd. Not only is she a plain jane but has a personality to match. She only stands out when she is devious.
Yep. She's the one who is obsessed, can't see it the other way around. Guess this means no Maxie and him? Wonder if Finn knows his bro his cray cray?
DeleteSO confused - would Spinelli NOT tell Jason that MICHAEL hired him, too? and since they are both looking for things for Nelle, what did Michael tell him to look for that Jason didn't?
ReplyDeleteI personally want Michael to be the one to bring down Nelle - not because I hate Jason at all - but because I want to see the look on Nelle's face.
I hope it's not Michael's baby after all....
Now that Chase knows it's Nelle - SURELY he can tell Dante about his past with her....
and since Ava lied under oath about the blanket, Sonny should get full custody again. I wish Griffin would find the blanket in Ava's apartment.
If Chase heard Nelle he's gotta tell....I swear if we have one more person blackmailing another I'm gonna lose my sheeze!! He's gotta find the blanket, we know she didn't throw that thing away!
ReplyDeleteChase and Nelle: Sounded like Nelle was calling him Chason or Jason.
"Karen says Oh wow...chem...heat and lust-hate. I'm here for this."
YES! HOT chemistry between them!!!! I am here for this too!!! Oh just kiss already!!!
The cabin:
Hiney, Nina, and Dr. O: Oh no! STOP!!!!!!!!!!!! I cringed the whole time watching their scenes!!! Including when he was cutting himself trying to escape!! Stop with the torment Dr. O!!!! I hate their scenes now and I want it to end!!!!!
The hospital:
Julian and Lucas: Julian!!! Your idea is a very bad one!! Even though I agree with you, that it's all just one sided and it's wrong.
Julian and CarlyKim: Oh bug spray! They going camping? Oh why yes they are! :) Oh oh Julian! Don't do your plan for your son! It will blow up in your face!!!! Which in turn will blow up in your son and Brad's faces!!
Q home:
Georgie, Spinny, and Michael: Awwww she is adorable!!!! :) Glad Spinny is helping Michael.
Michael and Nelle: Geez! Nelle keeps walking in on him while he is doing sneaky things!!! You gotta be more careful Michael!!!!
Michael and Joss: Hmmm isn't Joss hot with that sweater on?
The floating rib:
Jasam: OH! History talk! LOVE IT!!!! :)
Maxie's home:
Maxie and Spinny: Spinny you have given Maxie great advice! You are so wise. :)
Maxie and Nina: Maxie wins the line of the day.
Maxie: You seem kind of frazzled.
Nina: No. No.
Yes she is!!!!! :)
Chase's bedroom: Hot damn!!!! A picture of him and Nelle!!!! :) He is still in the wuv with her! :)
Sam totally had on mom pants today b
ReplyDeleteOh, so cutie-pie Chase in is love with Skank Nelle? Makes NO sense . . . She and Hiney should fall in love with each other and run away together and leave Port Charles . . .
ReplyDeletei hope when nelle's baby is born it is african american. then michael realizes it is not his. (duh) and yet nelle, who becomes bat shit crazy, keeps trying to insist to michael that the baby is his and says stuff like "he has your eyes...". she just loses all sense of reality and is sent away to ferncliff... and the baby... it is then adopted by lucas and brad. (their adoption fell through earlier)
ReplyDelete(top THAT Karen!!!)
ha ha ha :)
So Julian & Kim are going in the woods camping. Maybe there is a certain cabin in the woods. Waiting for Carly to get into her new digs. She has been there before - maybe she has old enemies there cause she is not the most likeable person.Watch out Carly!!!Michael wants to take Nelle down and keep her baby for himself. I think Brad faked the DNA test and it isn't Michael's anyway.I think Nelle might be the anonymous mom giving up her baby. Chase had(has?) the hots for Nelle so where will this go?
ReplyDeleteAntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteOh, so cutie-pie Chase in is love with Skank Nelle? Makes NO sense
I agree. It makes no sense at all.
"david said...i hope when nelle's baby is born it is african american. then michael realizes it is not his. (duh) and yet nelle, who becomes bat shit crazy, keeps trying to insist to michael that the baby is his and says stuff like "he has your eyes...". she just loses all sense of reality and is sent away to ferncliff... and the baby... it is then adopted by lucas and brad. (their adoption fell through earlier)"
ReplyDeleteWow! I love it!!!! :)
I hope Nellie somehow knocked out Sonny for real and it’s HIS kid lol, hows that?
ReplyDeletekdmask said "I hope Nellie somehow knocked out Sonny for real and it’s HIS kid lol, hows that?" Good one!!! Carly wasn't upset Avery was conceived in a crypt and is Ava's daughter so Sonny having a kid with Nelle would seem just fine.Most of the kids on the show end up being stuffed in an attic somewhere and only brought out once in a while just for show.Hope to see Carly in Ferncliff soon!!
ReplyDeleteOMG LOVE IT
ReplyDelete"kdmask said...I hope Nellie somehow knocked out Sonny for real and it’s HIS kid lol, hows that?"
So is Carly going to hang out with Heather in Ferncliff?
ReplyDeleteHaha I joked about that the other day. Maybe they'll make BLT's together or braid each others hair! LOL!!!!
DeleteI missed a few days. Chase is from Florida and in love with Nell??????? So stupid. Not sure why anyone would be in love and obsessed with Nell. Especially to the point that they would possibly sacrifice their career, and go to jail for accessory to murder. ???????? SO STUPID writers.
ReplyDeleteYes, so Chase threw the case where Nelle could have been indicted? And he thinks she is guilty, but still is in love with her? She is a pregnant skank, ginormous with another man's baby, a liar, user, possible murderer, etc., and this handsome cop still wants her? In what universe?
ReplyDeleteI guess he's nuts too!! Great we lose a wonderful stand up hunk like Nathan and get cray cray Chase. Poor Maxie, shes gonna swear off men after Peter, aka Heinie and Chase. Just wait til Finn finds out! Oh wait...maybe he knows? OR MAYBE that female writer threw this idea at the wall and it stuck. Ugh....😡😡😡
DeleteI have a crazy question: why would a cop from Florida be investigating a drowning off the New England coast?
ReplyDeleteYes, I also thought it was off of the New England coast, now that are saying the incident took place in FLA I thought maybe I remembered it wrong . . .
ReplyDeleteIm just tired of SL's that are predictable. Once we found out that Nelle & Chase had a connection it didn't take much imagination to figure out what that connection would be. Ho hum!! And I do think it was Maine was mentioned for the drowning and when Chase first came I think he said he just rapped up something in New England. Can't stomach the Dr.Obrecht torturing right now. Griffin is really getting on my last nerve too! Im actually not watching too much too depressing. So I love coming to this board and reading everyones take on the episode. Brilliant Jason!! Bravo!!
ReplyDeleteHe said yesterday he had been in Boston rebuilding his career. "Incident" was def in New England bc one of the excuses she gave for not saving him was the cold cold water.
ReplyDeleteYes, the actual incident that it was based on took place somewhere in the Northeast, I forgot where, and I thought that Nelle's incident also was in the Northeast, as I said.