Thursday, June 28, 2018

Chloe Lanier is Leaving GH

There's two--I expect a third to be announced within the month. Read Daytime Confidential for details. 
She quit, btw--I'm hoping it was in time for a decent exit story (unlike Dom Z got). I for one, grew to love to hate Nelle. We really don't have enough downright evil ppl on GH anymore. 


  1. Wow. I don't like the character of Chloe, but also don't like that everyone at GH is "jumping ship" either. Soon there will be all new characters and no vets, and we won't know anyone

  2. Me too. lol I wish the actress all the best though. She is talented and I can see her getting tired of the repetition on the show.

    And how will she leave? Let the speculation begin. lol

  3. Sorry, I mean that I don't like the character of Nelle. No offense whatsoever to the actress. Sorry.

  4. Would be fun to have a murder mystery again. A GOOD murder mystery. I forget the murder mystery in the 80's or maybe 70's. Was it Karen Taylor??? The one where the name "Anne" I think it was that was written in blood. Shows my age and bad memory. I know. Turned out to be the housekeeper I believe that no one suspected. That was before spoilers. Fun time really.

  5. Diana Taylor. Had to look it up. Didn't she get murdered? That was a GOOD storyline

  6. OMG!!!!!!! I HATE Nelle, of course, but the actress is really good, plus she got an Emmy, she gets a lot of airtime on the show, why would she leave? Of course, if she got a prime time role, that would explain it. I am guessing it will be a murder mystery, but, who knows? So much for one of Chase's SLs, plus he is losing his partner, but I guess he still has Finn and his dad. . .

  7. I've been watching since before there were spoilers, I agree it was fun to not know and be so surprised.

  8. glad she is leaving. they need to clean house.

  9. I hope they don’t recast her for Chase sl sake.

  10. Not too upset. Curious about who will be the third.

  11. Well this should be interesting about Nell. They better not recast her and I would love a murder mystery, after the baby is born of course! I liked the actress and wish her well. And about time they SORASED Cameron. Poor kid has been stuck in some hinky time warp.

  12. I really thought Kelly Monaco was leaving due to JaSam going nowhere fast.

  13. it's about time! I would like her to be killed - after the baby is born, which WILL be Brad or Lucas baby - no way it's Michael's after this - maybe he will go to jail for killing her but it's really ex-hubby crazy sister...

    on the Morse Code - would Morgan know that? another theory - Carly decides to stay at Ferncliff and help her next door neighbor.

  14. Yeah I heard.. That sucks!!! I really Chloe Lanier on GH! Damn! :( I really liked her ever since she played Patricia Spencer in that flashback!!!

  15. "Julie H said.. And about time they SORASED Cameron. Poor kid has been stuck in some hinky time warp."

    Hahaha. Lucas can talk all about it to Cameron, cus he has been there! ROFL!



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