Monday, May 7, 2018

Welcome to Port Charles

Monica's replacement is on today--it's only temporary so don't freak out. Carly wants to be nice to Nelle and Monica is not buying it. Later, Monica sees Carly's pills when they fall out of her purse. She's snarky about it and they fight about AJ a bit. Carly thinks she's looking past Nelle's faults to get back at her. 

Jake's birthday.  Jason brings over a present for him. He's awkward around Jake. Jake gets a call from Spencer and goes upstairs. Liz tells Jason that Franco has been through a lot but she won't tell him what it was. Jake comes down and says he's lucky because Spencer has no dads and he has 3. Then he decides to open Jason's present now instead of saving it for later.  They are baseball tickets to the PC and Llandview game and Jake asks if Jason will go with him. 

Griffin wants to move out of Ava's. They talk about their differences and trying to stay together. Same ol same ol.  He leaves. Lucy comes in and shows Ava the check that's blank. Ava figures out it's the invisible ink from Nelle's pen.  When Nelle comes over, Ava confronts her. Nelle says yes it was for a Carly-plot and Ava better help her. Ava says no way because Griffin will get more mad. Nelle says "Oh, you're helping, yes you are". Then she shows her the photo she took of the photo Ava took of Griffin's file. 

Franco visits with a fellow Harvey survivor at Kelly's. He talks about how Jim took him in as a kid and he had trouble letting go. He worked for Jim at Niagara Electric /Gas in Buffalo.  Steve tells Franco he's not responsible for Jim hurting other kids. Franco doesn't believe it. 

The Charles' Street people want to sue the pants off of the development company. They want Alexis to be their lawyer.  Mayor Ned is lamenting to Olivia about the insurance company not paying up.  Alexis says that the company is bankrupt. They decide to sue the city. 

Olivia made a tourist video for "Port Charles" and it's pretty funny. She does a good job trying "not" to act--act. Fun. They go to Kelly's, GH..and the Metro. 

GREAT LINE OF THE DAY: Carly tells Griffin he's Ava's boy toy that she seduced to replace her son! ahahhaa 

GH Fantasy Event in Boston...Genie posted this on twitter this weekend.


  1. Love that picture. I wish the producers would take note of which actors always suppoer the show.

    And the man Franco was talking to said he might have an idea and I suspect maybe he will help find any funds Jim H had stowed away for a rainy day. I find it hard to believe he didn't have an offshore account.

    Nelle may have bitten off more than she can chew if she's blackmailing Ava. That woman is dangerous at the best of times and if she's put in a position that might jeopardize her custody we may get our wish about someone killing Nelle.

    And why is Spencer best buds with Jake who is so much younger than him. He should be friends with cameron. (Especially since they're both stashed in an attic somewhere.)

    1. Spencer and Cameron were frenemies. Both "in love" with Emma

  2. Love the photo! Yeh Ava is pretty crazy, I mean how many same people throw down a lantern or candle or whatever it was and start a fire. She's the whole reason her face got that way. Stupid woman. Haha!! I was trying to figure out how and why Jake would be calling Spencer, cause I don't remember them hanging out before, but whatever. GH.....LOL!

  3. I forgot to mention that Monica's temporary replacement was really good today. And the typo in my first line should be "SUPPORT the show"

  4. THere is NO way Finola is happy with her storyline because she just whines and cries and makes excuses I am happy to take a break from watching her.....and I LOVE her - so it makes it even more sad......wonder where she will go this summer for her time off?

    Please for the love of everything good and kind - STOP saying the BOYS ARE AT GRAM's - she is like 100 years old - make up a playdate kid - make up a nanny - STOP saying Audrey has them...

    WHERE is Faison's brain?
    wow I am ranting today...

    1. The actress that played Audrey is about 85. So, the thing about the boys ALWAYS with Gram is ridiculous. Plus they NEVER show Aiden or Cameron.

  5. Ava's home:

    Grava: Oh Griffy!!! You are NOT still judging her!!!! GAH! That's it! I want you two to break up and I want you to get the hell out!!! Oh you want to move out? GOOD! GET THE HELL OUT!!!!

    Ava and Lucy: The check!!!!!!!!!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA!

    Ava and Janey: Janey is not your friend Ava!!! I mean she didn't even Ava what she wanted! She just went straight to blackmail! Janey wins the line of the day!

    Janey: I just need you to show up to my shower, and um make sure to bring Avery.

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! What fun! I hope you don't screw this up too Janey! Come on! Do something clever for once. Lucy would have won the line of the day with her, Charlie? Comment haha. And then Steve would have won with the full of crap line, but sorry you two, Janey had a better line. :)

    Quartermaine home:

    Fake Monica, Janey, and Carly: Man Janey's dress is ugly! Ugly dress and ugly color. Yes Carly just suck up to Janey and be nice to her, until the baby is born, and then you can choke Janey! :) Fake Monica is just sticking it to Carly!!! Hey the actress did a pretty good job as Monica! :)

    Fake Monica and Carly:

    Friz home:

    Jake and Jason: Awwwwwwwwwwww! Great scene!!!!!! :) Jake is warming up to him. :)


    Steve and BobTodd: Oh great scene!!! :) Oh no Steve!! You worked for the scumbag?!?!! :(

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: MOLLY! YAY! Cute shirt! OH YES! SUE SUE SUE SUE SUE! :) Oh Lucy, I love you, but knock it off!!! OH MOLLY! You almost blew it with Jordan!!! But you had quick thinking!!! I'm impressed. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nedlia: The video!!! HAHAHAHHHAHAHAHA! Love the video, but Olivia honey you looked stiff and very weird. :) Poor Ned frustrated. :(

    Carly and Griffy: Oh Carly! HAHAHAHAHAHA! You are so funny. :)

  6. OH! I forgot to mention about Spencer calling Jake!!! SPENCER YAY!!!!!!!!!! I heard that his show was canceled. :( So is Spencer coming back during the summer and for good?!!?!? Has he gotten taller? I looked him up, and the actor is 13 now. :)

  7. Did anybody watch Brooklyn Nine nine last night?!!?!?! Ryan Paevey was on there!!! I was eating cereal and almost choked on it when I saw him! I was not expecting to see him there!!! :)

  8. Genie's pic is UNREAL! I think I would pass out if I met all of them at once.

    1. I would pass out if I even met one of them. All 4 and I'd be dead. I LOVE them and have been watching for 40 YEARS.

    2. I live near Boston but don't have any money

  9. Please just end Griffin and Ava, it's soooooo bad. They keep dragging it out. Carly was ready to throw Griffin a party, but no. Pair Griffin with a nurse or even Kiki, just anyone but Ava.
    Jason/Jake scene was nice, but since when is Spencer friends with Jake? I thought he was more Cam's age? It was also nice they acknowledged that poor Spencer has no parents left. Im holding out hope that someday Nikolas will come back from the dead, but I will only accept TC and no substitutes.
    The other Harvey victim saying that he worked for Harvey was a shock. You couldn't find another job anywhere? But psychological holds run deep.
    The video Olivia made was so bad it was great. When she kept putting her arms up like a Price is Right model I died laughing.
    They should give the substitute Monica another role, she was really good. She could be Helena's wicked stepsister or something.

    1. Haha the arm thing bugged me too! Enjoyed the Jake and Jason scene. Hope they can be close one day.

  10. "Alicia said...but since when is Spencer friends with Jake? I thought he was more Cam's age?"

    Spencer and Jake became friends off screen?

    "It was also nice they acknowledged that poor Spencer has no parents left."


    "Im holding out hope that someday Nikolas will come back from the dead, but I will only accept TC and no substitutes."

    YES!!!! Only TC!!!!!!

    "The other Harvey victim saying that he worked for Harvey was a shock. You couldn't find another job anywhere?"

    I know!!! I was shocked too!!

    "But psychological holds run deep."

    Yeah. :(

    "The video Olivia made was so bad it was great. When she kept putting her arms up like a Price is Right model I died laughing."

    It was so bad!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    "They should give the substitute Monica another role, she was really good. She could be Helena's wicked stepsister or something."

    OR Monica's sister!!! :)

  11. The actress who plays Olivia is great, she is a natural comedian, but rarely has a chance to showcase those talents, unfortunately. Remember when she was with Ned watching the TV commercial about adopting animals and she was drunk? She was hilarious!!

  12. Are there new writers? I don't mean to be disrespectful, but the show has been SO boring. Isn't it supposed to be May sweeps? Snoozer.

  13. "AntJoan said...Remember when she was with Ned watching the TV commercial about adopting animals and she was drunk? She was hilarious!!"

    Hahahaha. Yeah it was hysterically awesome!!! She won the line of the day that day. :)

  14. Your article was right on today, Thank you

  15. A reference to Erica Kane!! Love anytime we get AMC and OLTL nods. ❤❤

  16. Loved the Erica Kane mention(s), Michelle :-)

  17. Hiking:

    Oscar and Drew: Oh!!! Going hiking!!! Father and son bonding. :) Especially when they talked about sex! Oh Oscar you are way to young to be having sex. But learning everything about sex, is a very good idea!!! Knowledge is power!! You should be well informed. Oh oh Oscar's knee!!! Go to the doctor!!!!

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Janelle:

    Janelle: It's going to be epic..

    Really? Epic Janey? Your other plans weren't epic.. I don't think I can trust that this new plan will be epic!! ROFL!

    Brad and Janelle: BRAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!! Uh don't be friends with Janey!! She is bad for your health!!

    Brad: Lucas and I should be getting our little bundle the same time when yours arrives.

    Uh oh oh. Is this foreshadowing? An anvil? If Janey loses her baby, she steals Brucas's baby? Wait Brucas can't afford an expensive duck painting?!?!!?! Uh Brad! You work at the hospital as a tech, and Lucas is a doctor!!!! You can afford it!!!! Janey has got a great idea!!! Register for the baby for the painting!! :)

    The hospital:

    KimLian: Awwww my KimLian love. :) Oh geez CarlyKim! You are way too overprotective with your son!

    Julian and Lucas: Hmmm. Lucas seems mad at Julian..


    Michael and Sonny: Oh Sonny shut up!!!!! CARLY IS NOT GOING CRAZY!!!!! UGH!

    Michael, Sonny, and Carly: Yeah Carly you tell Sonny off and don't apologize!!!! Oh you two are not going away anytime soon! If the little party turns bad and Carly loses it.. What did Janey say? Oh yeah EPIC! ROFL!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Joss: Oh Joss shut up about Nelle!!! When you learn the truth about her, you are going to be so heartbroken and feel so dumb!!! I really can't wait until the truth about Nelle comes out!!


    Brucus: WHOA!!!!! A SCENE WITH THEM!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Brad wins the line of the day.

    Brad: Your family hangs onto grudges like lifelines.


    Michael, Brucas, and Joss: I had a feeling that those gifts were about babysitting. :) Awwwwww. :)

  18. Loving Ava and Nelle on GH. The bad ones are always fun to watch. Can't wait for Carly's surprise at the Baby Shower. I hope Peter just fades away - I can't stand him near Maxie.It gave me the "NO" feeling when he touched her baby belly.I hope they don't let another baby die on the show. The cast is so bloated these days it seems too hard to finish a story line.They could do a segment titled -(We keep all the kids in the Attic) story

  19. I fear they're going to kill Nathan's baby the same way they killed Victor & Tea's baby. And if they do, I will be pissed.

  20. Anyone else wonder if Nelle has signed up to be the adoptive mother to Brad and Lucas' baby and then planning on ripping it away at the last second? They don't know the mothers identity and everything is anonymous. Now that would BE epic.
    My guess is the blanket is something similar to Morgan's baby blanket and the gift she has for Ava to give her is probably something Morgan related as well. Drew and Oscar was nice, now maybe we can get the real Drew and find out what the heck happened and be done with this.

  21. sonya said.. Oh Joss shut up about Nelle!!! When you learn the truth about her, you are going to be so heartbroken and feel so dumb!!! I really can't wait until the truth about Nelle comes out!!

    *** I can't understand why the truth about the prom dress hasn't been passed on to Joss, or why Nina didn't charge Nelle. Or do they want us to think that Joss knows but she's so shallow she doesn't care if the dress was stolen as long as she got it.

    And you know the mention of both baby's due dates was definitely foreshadowing.

  22. Well, there are THREE babies involved, so who knows what will happen. Just leave Maxie's baby alone. She has been through enough already and will be in for a horrible shock when she finds out Peter is Heinrick AND Nathan's brother.

  23. I just wish they'd get on with all this. It has been so, so boring.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. "Di said.I can't understand why the truth about the prom dress hasn't been passed on to Joss, or why Nina didn't charge Nelle. Or do they want us to think that Joss knows but she's so shallow she doesn't care if the dress was stolen as long as she got it."

    I know!!!! Why aren't anybody telling her about that?!?!! Maybe they think Joss won't believe them. Then she might confront Nelle, and then Joss will believe Nelle..

    "And you know the mention of both baby's due dates was definitely foreshadowing."

    Yes!!!! Very true!!



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