Wednesday, May 30, 2018

So, the deal is...

Tomorrow is the End of the Month. That means I'm out until late. late. Today, I'm out until at least 2:30. I'll be too tired to blog (I was up until 4am because I'm a nut-ball). ERGO, it's up to you! 
Too bad because I was enjoying the show yesterday. 

Sonny really doesn't care about Carly's plight! I swear. He managed a "DIANE, FIX THIS"!! -- and "you'd better do somethin'" but-- come on. He was like: Eh...whatever. Heh.. 

Here's hoping that the Webber family gets found! Kiki gets revenge-- and Dr. O totally kills Peter!! 

Have a good one. It's HOT here. OY! 


  1. Poor Kiki. Now that Liz knows and Griffin suspects, how about this? Kiki agrees to meet Creepy in the hotel room, then enlists Liz and Griffin to join her as a team and they wait until the Doc has made himself comfy (coat, tie, maybe shirt off) to go to the room together, knock and sweep in when he opens the door, insisting they are all celebrating Kiki's progress to the next level in her study program, and just kind of overwhelm him, so he knows they know what he was up to. Kiki leaves first and Griffin gives the doc a warning that hints of exposure if he even suspects Benst of harassing Kiki or any other female at GH. Of course this is too tidy--wraps it up and that will never do. Anyway, Benst needs to be fired and exposed!

    I'm so happy to see Anna and Finn grow close. I'm a bit worried about Tristan's stay--did they bring him back just to have him killed off? After letting Genie go the way they did, I worry TPTB at ABC know nothing about soaps or soap fans--not even after seeing the ratings drop. Soap viewers actually CARE about certain characters and are a loyal bunch, unlike fans of other kinds of TV shows. Soaps are a law unto themselves and because soap fans tend to stay with the network of their favorite soap, the network should value them highly, pour even more effort into keeping them going. Personally, I'd have no interest in ABC as a network if my soap didn't air there.

    Gee, do you think they are going to recast Jeff Webber? Can't recall the actresses who once played Sarah, but Jeff is quite another thing...

  2. kdmask said: Here's hoping that the Webber family gets found! Kiki gets revenge-- and Dr. O totally kills Peter!!

    ***I second that.

    I think she should sic Franco on bench. Wonder if he still has his dog cage.

  3. i didn't Sonny was non-caring - his 'fix this' to me was kinda scary.......
    this D.A. chick - not impressed at all with her

    out of the blue that Franco would want to meet Liz's family - especially Jeff - WHERE did that come from? Never mentioned it and NOW he wants to meet this person who hasn't been in Port Charles in years? WHY recast----a NEW character when we can't bring Laura back?

    and honestly - we gotta at some point have Audrey pass away - the character - not Rachel Ames....

  4. Jason's home:

    Jason and CarlyKim: This was a stupid scene!!! Makes no sense!!! What the hell!!! Come on CarlyKim! Jason and Drew are NOT close!!!! Drew won't listen to Jason! They hate each other!!!!

    Jason and Sam:

    Jason: Sam.

    Sam: Jason.

    Yes. Those are your names.

    The hospital:

    Liz and Kiwi: So glad Liz convinced Kiwi to squeal on Dr. Scumbag pig!!!! Now Liz go tell BobTodd!

    Dr. O and Nina: DR. O!!! YAY!!!!! Awww great scene!!! Go ahead! Go inside and see James!!! Damn why won't anybody go in and see him!?!?!!?!? Oh no Nina wants a divorce. :( Hmm Dr O is talking to herself/Baby James about how she is going to protect baby James. Oh oh does this mean Dr. O will die? :(

    Nina and Curtis: So cute together!!! They got some chemistry. :)

    Hiney's jail cell:

    Hiney and Drew: Drew you better listen to Hiney!!!!

    Hiney and Sam: Sam you better listen to Hiney!!!

    Hiney and V.C.: Awwww bromance. :)

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and V.C.: GREAT SCENE!!!! Man I want more scenes of them together!!!!! :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Julian and Lucas: CHERYL STANSBERY TALK YAY! Wait what? Bobbie can't help Lucas cus her memory is fuzzy? Yeah right! I don't think so!!! :) After what happened back then, and her memory is fuzzy? I don't buy it! Tiffany talk! YAY! Awwww she is not feeling well? :(

  5. "Karen says Have a good one. It's HOT here. OY!"

    HAHAHAHHAHAHA! It's 91 today!!!! :) Yowza!!!

  6. "Di said...I think she should sic Franco on bench. Wonder if he still has his dog cage."

    ROFL! i hope he still has his dog cage. :)

    "Barbara said...and honestly - we gotta at some point have Audrey pass away - the character - not Rachel Ames...."

    Nah.. No point to. If Rachel Ames is still alive, then no need to have Audrey pass away.

  7. ; =Michelle Latta said... 98 here. My car said 103! 😯"

    :0 103?!!?!?!?! :0

  8. I thought today’s show was good! I like seeing Sam and Curtis as PI partners. Love Liesl back and really starting to like Nina. Val and Alexis scenes were good. Tamara B is still doing that annoying stutter acting-couldn’t stand it when she was Csrly either. And no Snarly! Liz and Kiki interaction great.

    1. Loved the PI name, Ashton and McCall. Still don't like Sam. LOL!! Loved Kiki and Liz. I like Kim, Tamamra is definitely less annoying as Kim than she was as Carly. Sam better not break Heinrik out!

  9. Wow, they are super name dropping today, like more than the last year combined. Cheryl, Mikkos, Stavros, Natasha, Kristina, Tiffany, Jeff Webber yesterday, holy crap! What is going on?!?! awesomeness
    Finally, Kikis going to rat on Dr. Creepo. Who's going to tell Franco? Really hope they at least have some kind of reaction from him, a punch to the face for good measure would be in character. Think Liz would look the other way on that.
    Sibling bonding Cassadine style. Family secrets and mutual threats. Love it.
    Sam's and Curtis equal boring, bore snorefest.
    Kim and Jason, no point to that conversation, but let's have Kim and Steve do a scene together. Boo writers.
    Hope Dr.O kills Peter really soon.

    1. Loved the name drops of Tiffany and Cheryl. Hated the Jason and Kim scene. Drew is a big boy he can do what he wants, he's the one who doesn't remember his past life.

  10. I forget. Jeff Webber was also AKA Macgyver correct? I have to look him up. Don't see how they'd get him on the show. Would be nice.

  11. Ah yes. Richard Dean Anderson. Would be cool to get a little "shout out" to him. Not happening I am sure. My family is busy says Elizabeth.

  12. Kind of like "Bogey and McCall" LOL

  13. Sorry, wasn't that Bacall. Lauren Bacall.

    I don't remember what she and Humphrey Bogart were called. LOL

  14. I missed a scene. What was Valentin asking Alexis to do about the Cassidine family?

    Nice pic of Mikkos.

  15. OK, so I FINALLY couldn't make out what Sam was saying. All this time folks were complaining about Paint and Wall's mumbling, and I could hear them as clear as day! Yesterday, despite pausing and replaying, I STILL couldn't make out what she said!

    YAY that Dr. O is back, LOVE HER!! She was great in her scenes, as always, I could watch her read the phone book.

    I am upset that Alexis is somewhat bonding with Valentin. As I have said here since he came on board, HE KILLED NIK!! I can NEVER forgive him for that, and neither should anyone else, especially his aunt. You know, when I met Nancy at the event and she was dishing spoilers, she said something about Valentin, I don't remember what. It was a small venue, so I said loudly, "How can you ever speak to him, he killed your nephew!" She looked genuinely confused, like she didn't know what I meant. I said, "You know, he killed Nik." She still didn't seem to know what I meant. Sometimes I think that the fans are much more invested in the in's and outs of GH plots than the actors are, which makes sense.

    1. Or that he's just a character on a soap. LOL!! The actor didn't kill Tyler aka Nik. So that may have been the confusion.

  16. Lindie, Val wants Alexis to secure his assets for Charlotte, I think. I did watch the scene, but I guess I was so upset that Alexis was speaking to Val (see above), that I didn't quite understand what he was asking for. I think it also had something to do with Nina overseeing the assets, I guess in a bid to win her back? Maybe someone here is more clear on this than I am.

  17. Wonder how Sharon Wyatt (Tiffany) is doing? We got a bunch of name drops, but NO LAURA still.

  18. Michelle, but she was talking about Valentin the character in the context of the story, not the actor, and I was speaking about her character. But, OMG, if that was misinterpreted as you say, she must've thought that I was crazy!

  19. "AntJoan said...OK, so I FINALLY couldn't make out what Sam was saying. All this time folks were complaining about Paint and Wall's mumbling, and I could hear them as clear as day! Yesterday, despite pausing and replaying, I STILL couldn't make out what she said!"

    ROFL! Who was she in a scene with? :)

    "I am upset that Alexis is somewhat bonding with Valentin. As I have said here since he came on board, HE KILLED NIK!! I can NEVER forgive him for that,"

    Hahaha. Yeah I would be upset too, if soap characters don't come back from the dead, but they do. Soooo, I am just waiting for him to come back. :)

  20. I never believed that Val killed Nik - no body and no memorial service. And I just love JPS - he should be on contract!

  21. Sonya, I don't remember who she was in the scenes with, I think it was more than one scene. I remember one scene, I think it was near the beginning of the show, and she was sitting at a table with someone . . . I think maybe Curtis?

  22. "AntJoan said...Sonya, I don't remember who she was in the scenes with, I think it was more than one scene. I remember one scene, I think it was near the beginning of the show, and she was sitting at a table with someone . . . I think maybe Curtis?"

    Ohhh.. Well, glad you finally noticed her mumbling! ROFL! Did you also notice how low and whispery she speaks? :)

  23. Yes, I did . . . Not so much whispery, but for sure low . . .



  I was SO EXCITED that I forgot to publish the fact that the "Golden Bachelorette" RUNNER-UP Guy Gansert is guesting on GH this w...