Monday, April 16, 2018

AHHAA..ok, so Jason happens to run into Sam...who left PC with "the kids" (both under 5) IN BERN, SWITZERLAND. Because that's where one goes when -- one wants to get away with kids. She said she 'spent the day running up and down the mountains with them"!! ahahaha. OMG.  She was in the hall getting ice and left the kids in the room. :eyeroll:  JaSam go into the room and drink a beer and talk about Heinrick. *sigh*

Robert is still delightful. All they do is talk about Heinrick *Sigh* 

Finn and Ford (ok, I'm calling him Ford) are in Charlie's Bar.  Don't care. 

Ava's at the bar waiting for Carly with Avery...Carly's at the graveyard because "Morgan" told her to "look" for him where she left him. Of course, Nelle sprayed his cologne all over the place.  Carly smells Morgan all over.  Officer Ford Chase comes in and startles Carly. He tells her she can't be there because of the earthquake (the ground is unstable). She says she got a note to go there and shows him the Noodle Buddah menu--but the WRITING IS GONE!! Dun Dun Dun DUNNN.  Ford Chase thinks that Carly's been drinking. I guess Nello got invisible ink. 

Nell goes to Charlie's bar-- Sees Michael.  He mentions some parenting class. Then he leaves. Nelle and Ava sit down. Ava goes to order and Nelle looks on Ava's phone. She sees the DNA tests that Griffin ran. But there's no names so... Nelle asks Ava about the medical info. Ava's like: Oh Griffin wanted a back up. Nell knows she's lying.

Michael tells Sonny to call the police because it's urgent. Carly comes in with Officer Chase. He tells him what happened. So, the police put out an amber alert--and Ava gets it!! LOL  The whole town gets it on their phone! 

For some reason Kiki was trying to see what Griffin's doing.  Griffin has Carly's test results and Finn consults and agrees that nothing is wrong with the patient (Carly). Kiki finds out she'a  in the shadow program with Dr. Bensch.  She goes to tell Epiphany that she can't do it but then decides not to say anything. Kiki then goes to see Dr. Bensch who basically tells her to stop being such a baby about shadowing him. 

Finn calls Anna.  He's concerned and wants her to be safe. 


  1. April 13th episode.

    Bern Switzerland hotel room: Bern? I have heard of Switzerland, but I never heard of Bern.

    Anna and Emma: Awww! Emma's dress is so adorable! Love her hair up like that! :)

    Anna and Jason: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


    The hospital/Griffy's office:

    Griffy and Carly: Is Griffy a therapist all of a sudden? That is how the scene felt to me! Like Griffy is a therapist helping Carly! Where are the physical exams?!


    Sonny and Stella: Oh great scene!!!! They need more scenes together! She is a wonderful help to him!!!

    The park: RA RO! Where did Mike and Avery go?!!?!?!?! Where did he take her?!?!!?! Pilar??! Wasn't she fired because of Janey set her up? When did Carson apologize to her and get her back?

  2. why couldn't sam fall down the mountain. miss mumbles is not needed

  3. In the real world if Nelle had sprayed perfume all over that headstone and surrounding area she would reek of it herself. How come Carly or Michael didn't smell it on her?

    And I thought we were going to have a break from Sam. Why do we need her there rehashing everything yet again. I FF'd through all her scenes.

    And I'm now picturing her "running" down a mountain carrying a baby and dragging a 4 year old. PMSL These writers obviously have never had kids! I took mine to an all inclusive resort when I needed a break.

  4. Cemetery: Hmmmm Morgan's cologne and disappearing ink on the note. Okay I'm impressed. :) Although how long was it until the ink on the note disappeared? An hour?

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Ava and Janey:

    Janey: I ask because I care.

    No she doesn't care!!!! See her nose growing?

    Michael and Janey: Oh oh! Janey thinks that Michael is asking her out on a date!!!! Snap out of it girrrrrrrl! He is interested in Francesca!

    Finchy and Chasey: WOW! Chasey is smiling again!!!!!

    Chasey: This was a good talk.

    And he made a funny too!!!! Hahaha! Great scene.. Chasey wants to bond with his bro bro! :)

    Carson home: Oh oh! Is Sonny gonna fire Pilar? I hope not. I like her. Get Max and Milo on the case!! Where IS Milo? :(

    The hospital:

    Griffy and Kiwi: Oh no! I was enjoying no scenes with them, and now back to their scenes! No stop hugging! UGH!

    Scumbag number 2's office:

    Kiwi and Scumbag: Oh look! Scumbag number 2 is there! Jelly over the Kiwi and Griffy hug eh? Look at that smug face! UGH! Kiwi tell BobTodd what this guy did to you!!!

    Switzerland hotel:

    Jasam: Sam? Seriously?!!?!?!?!! UGH! COME ON!!!!! No way I am buying that she just happens to be there!

    Sam: You found me anyway.

    And the look on her face, I bet she is thinking wow this is fate! UGH!

    Robert and Anna: ROBERT!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh man stop talking about the rewrite baby!!! Just talk about Robert moving to Port Chuckles for good and getting back together. :) Hey did anybody notice Finola Hughes's eye? It was red. Wonder what happened! :( Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: Oh well there was Emma, Robin, Mac, Patrick, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, and Tanganeva. On an astral plane of course.


  5. "screamingeagle said...Bern is the capital of Switzerland"

    Ohhh I didn't know that!!! Thanks!! :) I am so tempted to spell it burn. :) I will behave. :)

    "Di says And I'm now picturing her "running" down a mountain carrying a baby and dragging a 4 year old. PMSL These writers obviously have never had kids!"

    I know! It's ridiculous!!! And then she leaves them in the room by themselves?!?! WHAT?!?!!

  6. Yes, Sonya! Time to get Tris back on the show ON CONTRACT for a year or so. I think he is willing as long as Scorpio is written with the glib roguish charm we all enjoy. He is NOT getting any younger - I want him back on the canvas in a meaningful way for ONE MORE RUN AS BADASS ROBERT THE MAN SCORPIO.

  7. Okay, invisible ink. ? I figured Nelle swapped out the menus while I was dozing off ;-) There would still be indentations from the writing ... The writers are so lazy. With that, and taking a young boy and a baby/toddler to frikin' Switzerland?! I wish Kiki would have told Epiphany why she didn't want to shadow Bensch. Ugh. Why am I getting the feeling that Ava is eventually going to end up exposing Nelle to Scarly/Carson?

    1. I hope she does (Ava). I'd give her a big fat hug!! Haha!!

  8. I think Anna should just say "Finn who?" Robert is still hot at 70. Go for it!!!!

    I think Finola must have burst a blood vessel in her eye. Horrible to look at, but usually harmless and not painful

  9. "OldSchoolGHfan says Yes, Sonya! Time to get Tris back on the show ON CONTRACT for a year or so. I think he is willing as long as Scorpio is written with the glib roguish charm we all enjoy. He is NOT getting any younger - I want him back on the canvas in a meaningful way for ONE MORE RUN AS BADASS ROBERT THE MAN SCORPIO."

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Come on writers! Bring the character back for good!!! :)

    "Paul773 said...Okay, invisible ink. ? I figured Nelle swapped out the menus while I was dozing off ;-)"


    "There would still be indentations from the writing"

    Yeah you got a good point there!!!! We need Macgyver to come on and expose the ink that disappeared!! :) The old Macgyver not the new one.

    "and taking a young boy and a baby/toddler to frikin' Switzerland?!"

    And on a mountain too!!!! Hahahahaha!

    "indie said...I think Finola must have burst a blood vessel in her eye. Horrible to look at, but usually harmless and not painful."

    I was wondering if it was a scratched cornea. A burst blood vessel isn't painful? Oh good! :)

    "Robert is still hot at 70. Go for it!!!!"

    I looked him up.. He is 71. But YES he is still HOT!!!! :)

  10. Just a ridiculous coincidence that of every place in the world Sam ends up not only in the same place, but the same floor in the hotel. Come on now. I have to admit I like her better with Jason - at least no Paint and Wall - he doesn't mumble. Love that Robert Scorpio! They should get rid of all the unnecessary actors and pay him whatever it takes. I noticed Finola's eye, too. She probably accidentally poked herself in the eye. Nelle's revenge actions are so ridiculous, too. I really like the new cop-not just a pretty face, he can act and he is interesting. Kiki should have told Epiphany-she would have kicked Bensch's ass.

  11. Sonya said: "Yeah you got a good point there!!!! We need Macgyver to come on and expose the ink that disappeared!! :) The old Macgyver not the new one."

    Yes! Jeff Webber :-)

    Michelle Latta said: "I hope she does (Ava). I'd give her a big fat hug!! Haha!!"

    I feel like the writers are constantly looking for ways to redeem her (and Franco, and Julian, etc.) For me, it finally worked as far as Franco goes. I really like Maura West, but I don't think I'll ever root for Ava. Julian just bores me.

    1. Not an Ava fan but I hate Nelle so much worse. Could care less about Julian too.

  12. "Paul773 said... Yes! Jeff Webber :-)"

    Hahahahaha! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! :)

  13. Today's episode brought to you by zzzzzzzzzz........

  14. mumbling monaco puts me to sleep

  15. General Hospital is getting a temporary new Monica as her portrayer, Leslie Charleson, is out with a minor injury...

    As previously reported, Charleson was out walking her dog, Riley Rose, when the actress fell, injuring her leg, which will prevent her from taping episodes that have already been written.

    Soap Opera Digest has broke the news that actress Patty McCormack will fill in as Monica while Charleson recovers.

    McCormack began her career as a child actress, starring in The Bad Seed as Rhoda Penmark, a 8-year-old girl who was also a sociopath.

    McCormack’s no stranger to the soap world. She recurred as a student nurse on the NBC serial The Doctors and the short-lived soap The Best of Everything, based on the movie and the novel.

    The soap also starred Kathy Glass (ex-Jenny, One Life to Live) and Susan Sullivan (Maggie, Falcon Crest). It ran from March to September in 1970.

    The actress has some nighttime serials on her lengthy resume, too. She recurred on Dallas as Evelyn Michaels, the wife of a wealthy doctor, who urged Dr. Mitch Cooper (Leigh McCloskey) to go into the profitable field of plastic surgery.

    More recently, McCormack has appeared on the series Hart of Dixie, Grey’s Anatomy (which shoots on the same lot that GH does so the actress should have no problem finding the studio!), and The Sopranos.

    McCormack played the part of Pat Nixon in the 2008 film Frost/Nixon.

    Currently, the actress is shooting a remake of The Bad Seed. In this new version, which is being directed by Rob Lowe (Brothers & Sisters), the character of Rhoda appears to have been renamed “Emma” and will be played by Mckenna Grace (ex-Faith, The Young and the Restless).

    There’s no telling how long McCormack will be in Port Charles. Soap Hub joins Charleson’s many fans in wishing the actress a speedy recovery!

    Oh no poor Leslie. :(

  16. Leslie, we love you, feel better soon!!

    I actually met her when I was on the set of GH, she is one of the most charming, classy and warm women I ever have had the pleasure of meeting, we all wish her well!

    Sonya, thanks for the info!



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