Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Grass Growing

And...we're back to 2 on 2 ...

Franco and Kevin--the only good part was that they are fun. AND I'M SO OVER THE HARVEY story and it could have pretty good. 

Nina and Curtis. He can't find anything on Peter August.

Peter August and Griffin...oh boy, acting was NOT up to par for me..nope. 

Jason and Finn. Jason wants to know what happened the night Faison died. 

Liz and Jason. Liz tries to help Jason get Faison's personal effects. She tells him that Franco moved out. She tells Jason that Jake really loves Franco. Jason doesn't care. 

Nathan's medal service would have had more people if it had been ON CAMERA!!! :eyeroll:  I guess the reason to have that whole thing was to get her into PCPD to meet the Ford Brother. ( I hope some of you got that!! hee hee)  His first name is Harrison so we could just call him Harrison Ford. 

Anna and Maddox. Anna's trying to find her boy before Jason does.  

I don't even know what to say at this point. This Peter August story is just ---  ???  The acting was so SHAKESPEAREAN....... (and not in a good way) 

Franco's going to get hypnotized. Joy.


  1. I have not watched today yet, but, yesterday, Harrison and Hamilton said they have the same father. So why do they have different last names?

  2. The hospital:

    HamFinn and Jason: Blah blah blah. Zzzzzzzzzzzz..

    Jason and Liz: Oh Liz!!! ENOUGH! He doesn't give a crap! There is no reason to keep harping on it!

    BobTodd's art room:

    Friz: Too busy? Nah he is just skeered!!!

    Doc and BobTodd: Yes Doc!!! :) Drag him in your office!!! :)

    Doc's office:

    Doc and BobTodd: Great scene!!! Uh Doc, BobTodd did not have a panic attack! I think it is a good idea for BobTodd to be hypnotized! I had a thought about that, so I am glad Doc mentioned it. BobTodd wins the lines of the day.

    BobTodd: I might have left the oven on. Do I got to put a ring on it?


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna and Maddox: Blah blah blah talking about the rewrite baby. Blah blah.

    Anna and HamFinn:

    Anna: She wanted to be straight. Up front. Women are like that. Be direct. We say what we mean. Don't beat around the bush.

    What in the hell are you talking about Anna?!?!?!! Are you accusing him of beating around the bush and not being direct? You are the one who is beating around the bush and not being direct! So shut the hell up!!!!

    Hiney's office:

    Hiney and Griffy: Hiney has got Faison's lips. :)

    "Karen: Peter August and Griffin...oh boy, acting was NOT up to par for me..nope."

    Really? Cus I thought it was a great scene! :)

    "Karen says This Peter August story is just --- ??? The acting was so SHAKESPEAREAN......."

    It was?!?! Hmmm. DOH! :)

    Hiney and Maxie: UGH! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.. Maxie's dress, is so cute on her. :)


    Nina and Curtis: YES!!!! Love that she hired Curtis!!!! :)

    Police station: Huh? I am so confused.. Everything off screen. I have to go find Frisco and he can give me a big hug. I need it.

  3. How many personalities come out of Franco when he is hypnotized? Anybody got a guess?

  4. "JSL said... How many personalities come out of Franco when he is hypnotized? Anybody got a guess?"

    ROFL! Hmmm 5? :) And one of them is a little girl named Jenna. :)

  5. I thought the scene between Griffin and Peter was well acted on Griffin's part, but Peter was over the top, overacted and not believable. His "I'm the victim" act just came across as hooey.
    Did we really need another scene of Liz trying to get Jason to forgive Franco? Nope. Just give it up. Franco getting hypnotized to remember what happened when he was a kid was inevitable, but I don't see them going the DID route. He clearly stated that he remembers all of the other awful things he used to do, alters typically block out each other so that one doesn't know what the others have done. Just wonder who's going to end up killing Harvey. Franco, Drew or Jason? Hope it's not Jason, he needs to stay away from the whole thing.
    Am also over Anna/Finn. The writers totally missed the boat on this one. Could've been great, but now I just don't care.

    1. I agree no DID. Its possible to block out an event that's so traumatic and not have an alternate personality. I hope Franco doesn't kill Harvey, even though he should. Maybe it'll be Betsy or Scott or....who knows. Don't see him staying around long.

  6. Ummm where is Betsy??? Also Franco was 3 or 4 when Harvey threw Drew down the stairs. Who remembers anything they did at that age.

    1. I remember a few things from when u was that age. Something traumatic like that I think a child that small would remember

    2. I barely remember my childhood. Except for a memory when I was 6 and had brain surgery for a shunt and I fell asleep and when I woke up it was dark and everyone was gone. The part I blocked was me begging my mom the next day not to leave.

  7. I thought Griffin was good but Peter/Heinrik was pretty awful. In fact, he is on way too much for such a mediocre actor and I would rather see Genie once a week, even if she probably makes five times as much money as he does. I love Anna but the lost son storyline is pretty bad. I don't understand why Franco and Drew never thought of getting hypnosis, at least I don't remember Drew getting it when he was Jason. I like Chase - lots of expression and already more interesting than Peter.

  8. The love quadrangles are a giant mess. The Anna/Finn, Fin/Alexis, Alexis/Julian, Julian/Kim, Kim/Drew, Drew/Sam, Sam/Jason pairings are, IMO, all being handled badly. The dialogue, and the actions of the characters, barely make any sense. There is also the Liz/Franco mess, but that is not a quadrangle.

    Adding to the excellent questions here, such as where is Betsy?, is my question of Valentin's relation with Hiney. It would seem that, contrary to what he told Anna, obviously Valentin took her child and somehow gave him to Faison to raise. That means that Faison and Valentin are linked going way back, which means LOTS OF LIES he told/is telling to Nina.

  9. "Michelle Latta said...I barely remember my childhood. Except for a memory when I was 6 and had brain surgery for a shunt and I fell asleep and when I woke up it was dark and everyone was gone. The part I blocked was me begging my mom the next day not to leave."

    Awwww Michelle! :( *BEARHUGS* :(


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...