Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Too stormy hot-muggy to go to the lake soooooo HERE I BE!! 

Since NO ONE likes Ginger Kato, I'm going to pretend he doesn't exist. LOL. Nope--he's just NOT THERE!! 
.Best thing to happen this summer, imo. I know there's a hella lotta people on the show but she's a fun addition. 

GATEKEEPERS!! Ned and Alexis --yay!! Two of my ol' faves.  Maybe they'll figure out Tracy's angle?  yep..she does!

TJ and Molly--erm. Whatever. Although TJ does tell her about "the drugs" . They were looking for snacks. Ask Monica where they are. 

Nina was pretty funny, and so was Rosie.  Rafe walks in as she calls him a coke head and he sees her walking and doing squats.  He kinda threatens her and she leaps up and almost eats his head. GEESH..she's nasty LOL I can't wait to see her with Ava. She gives Rafe money to run away. 

Maxie and Nate.  HOW convenient! If this was OLTL, they'd be locked in the wine cellar together instead of handcuffed :) The key is gone!! 

Alice is going to tell Michael--and then she falls down in pain.  Tracy just stands there. Michael and Morgan rush over...Leaving Nathan and Maxie handcuffed.  Tracy does call 911.  Morgan gets no pulse. 

APB out on Rafe!!  Alice is jolted into having a pulse! Molly takes off to find Silas. 

TOMORROW: Molly gets in the car with Rafe. What could POSSIBLY go wrong? 


  1. Good grief another car accident. Every time anyone gets in a car on this show there's a wreck. Some things never change, it's been like this for decades.

  2. Did anyone else notice that all 4 of the people at the hospital discussing Rafe killing the baby have all lost babies? GH is such a happy soap.

    Patrick, Sam, Silas and Kiki, in case you can't remember the 4.

  3. I don't think Kiki lost a baby, wasn't it Starr?

  4. Kiki lost a baby? That I don't remember.

    Of course the key is gone.

    Wackado Nina is at least fun to watch.

    I guess Rafe gets into another car accident. Poor Molly!

    They better not kill off Alice.

  5. ELQ office: Oh no poor Alice!!! What's wrong with her?!!?! :( Tracy wins the lines of the day!

    Tracy: Alice please be okay! You're the Dominator!!! A woman has collapsed. No she is not conscious! She is lying passed out on the floor!


    Brownstone: Oh this is so stupid!!! Just go to the freakin police station! Nobody has to know. Altho it was funny that they were crawling on the floor hahaha. And it was cute when she was on top of him. :) Kiss already! :)

    The hospital: Sam and the gang are trying to find Rafe!

    Rafe's thoughts: Oh crap! They found me out! I have to go somewhere where they can't find me!!! I also have to change my depends diapers.

    And Nina is all fake worried! And we found something about Rosalie! She likes to read a lot! ROFL!

    McSilas's home: Wow! Nina is all up in Rafe's face! Literally! They are so close they could kiss! :) The poor boy really needs to change his depends! He is starting to smell!

    TJ and Molly: Oh oh! TJ had to tell Molly about Rafe and the drugs. Now she NEEDS to help him! DEJA VU!!! She says she will be back but famous last words! She won't be back!

    Alexis and Ned: YAY! A scene with them!!!! LOVE IT! Wait Alexis figured out that Tracy is lying to Ned, but she can't figure out on her own that Julian is lying to her?!!!!?! COME ON!!!

  6. lol You're right, Ant Joan. I can't imagine why I get them confused. lol

    Good thing Liz, Maxie and Lulu weren't there. There would have been 3 more dead babies.( Miscarriages and abortions included)

    And they'd better not kill off Alice!!!

  7. So good to see, well, whoever. Love her. And Sonny is right--she will drive Ava nuts! The viewers are the winners here. They get to enjoy Ilene. I'd like to see her get a job at Kelly's.

    I'm finding myself a bit bored lately with GH and not sure why. I don't enjoy watching Nina at all or her all-too-obvious cohort Rosalie. And I feel sorry for Rafe even though I don't care for his story at all. I don't like that Silas and Sam are apart.

    I DO like that Alexis figured out Tracy's dumb scheme because I like what Michael is accomplishing with ELQ and don't want him stopped. Hey, he turned out to be a businessman after all. Eddie would be proud.

    Where is Anna? Where is Lucy?

  8. Question on the new Levi nickname. I've eaten and used ginger before, and it is not red nor orange in color, so why this recent trend of calling redheads gingers? It makes no sense.

  9. "Cosmoetica said...Question on the new Levi nickname. I've eaten and used ginger before, and it is not red nor orange in color, so why this recent trend of calling redheads gingers?"

    Redheads being called ginger is not a recent trend. That has always been the nickname for them.

  10. Should be Cinnamon, not Ginger lol

  11. Should be Cinnamon, not Ginger lol

  12. That has always been the nickname for them.


    I'm 49 and NEVER saw that term used till a few mag articles a year or so ago.

    Granted, Tina Louise's character on Gilligan's Island, I cd buy her as the source, but still, Red, redhaired, redhead, rusty. I never heard Lucille Ball nor carol Burnett called Ginger.



    Acc to this it's mostly a UK thing that came here via South park. Interesting. It seems recent in the USA vbut goes back centuries in the UK, cuz ginger plants have red flowers.

  14. "kdmask said...Should be Cinnamon, not Ginger lol"

    Hahaha. Yeah cus Levi Jeans aka kato kaelin doesn't have red hair hahaha!

    "Cosmoetica said...

    Acc to this it's mostly a UK thing that came here via South park. Interesting. It seems recent in the USA vbut goes back centuries in the UK, cuz ginger plants have red flowers."

    Oh wow you just learned something! And so did I! Cus I never knew it was mostly a UK thing Thanks!

  15. I thought it originated in Ireland...hmm. Though I knew in the UK that particular color of hair was called ginger. It is a pretty common color--usually tightly curly, a reddish mop. Ginger top.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...