Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday Surgery: No Shirt...No Shoes...

If you are going to yell at me for being a grumpy bored bitch, STOP RIGHT NOW!! The show is a daily hilarity in so many ways, and the dialog is making me giggle and yet...and yet..... 
wait, what was I talking about??
  I need espresso for this Sunday Surgery. And some beaners.  Men? Take your tops off because that's the way it rolled this week!

You can't fault GH for not being fun--because it is.  Seriously, the dialog is so awesome it makes my life as a snarky blogger/tweeter very easy. But the STORIES--the STORIES!! Lord, help me. Those stories. 

Big Alice vs Rafe.  I'm saying it again-- these characters are on the sidelines. Yes, I love Alice but she was on like 3x this year for 3 days. She didn't even make it on for AJ's funeral!  Rafe? 
Wait..what? We're related?? Huh.

Rafe. You're a cute kid and if the drug addiction and rebellion storyline  had it played on screen,  I might GAF about what's going on now. BUT--it didn't Blanche, It Didn't (we'll get to the Golden Girls later).  Kiki is all upset "We were so close". Um, you are? You were? I totally forgot you were even LIVING at Silas' apt!! Hell, I forgot you were cousins (edit) !! I understand the structure of this story The operation sets up a conflict between Siam...and pairs her on Patrick's side and Nina on Silas'.  The Alice piece? Well, we've had about a million transplants over the years.   Is it because we needed someone to almost 'out' Tracy? I guess??  That whole thing is just..ugh
This brings us to..
Michael trying to find out the "secret" of Alice. She's trying to tell him something. She's near death and he...answers the phone. And...he leaves with Tracy. *sigh* LORDY :hittingheadondesk: ENOUGH. Ok? Enough.

Speaking of secrets... (sigh)
he ALMOST gets it out to Molly in the car before crashing....HE ALMOST gets it out to Patrick before seizing. Guess what? I don't care who gave him the orders. Just don't care. OVER it. I wish he would have told Molly...we hear it, and now she has memory loss. At least there's a trickle of hope she'd remember and our long suffering would be ovah. 

Next up... Levi. Given the fact he was so calm about the INS coming, I BET BOOTS he hired the guy to do this. He wants to marry Maxie. Get his hands on the Aztec treasure.  Could we speed this up to the part where she finds out and he goes away? PLEASE???? 

What was the Patrick talking to Patrick stuff?  Oh nevermind. 

Lulu was the rover this week...going to see both Maxie and Lucas. I liked that. The Lucas/Brad/Felix triangle feels like total summer filler, doesn't it? They had the Golden Girls banter-marathon...they were in the shower, one kisses another-- shirts are off.  Yada, yada. And Lucas is acting like he's NOT a man-whore? Um, dude--you came to town, slept with Brad in record time. And, also have no job. Aren't you a doctor? 
PS.  So many men were shirtless this week it was like watching a Chippendale rehearsal. Not that I'm complaining....

Todd can't even keep his eyes open
I tell you what, there's no one more boring than Franco and Carly. And I LOVE these two actors. Seriously though, they do NOTHING. I hope now that he's an "art therapist' they will show him with some psychotic patients. And PS. GET JOSSLYN back on. 

Delia is hauled back to NYC.  Gee, thanks for taking away my FUN. Finally Sonny was interesting again and BAM! Bye bye!! I also wonder if Ava will be in Sonny's house for the remainder of her pregnancy. I guess it makes for easy taping.  Speaking of Ava-- Um...when are you going to put Nina in her radar? Because to me, THAT's where the juicy stuff lies. Not this Sam dance.  Two crazies together? Yum.

Poor Finola is stuck in holy hello with this DRUG story. I think (hope) next week she talks to Patrick about his marriage. Cause....having her sit on a park bench? Waste. 

Things I liked:  
Rafe waking up. There's something weird about it though, especially in the previews. Maybe Nina's more nuts than we think. 
Dialog banter with the boys. Pretty fun. I learned that the Golden Girls is gay foreplay! 
Everything Delia/Roxy (cause the name mispronunciation was totally Roxy)
Handcuffing was pretty cute because KS made it work.  She makes  me like Nathan. 

Of course, DR.  O showing up in her dinner dress and plant-a-bun was a highlight for me. "YOU VILL Operate on Ze Patient"!!! Too bad it was only for a few minutes. 

Hotness...these two sizzled. Of course we may not see them again for ages but it was good while it lasted. Night jogging seems to be a thing for them. More please. Oh, in case you missed it..GIANT GIANT anvil that TJ is really Shawn's son.

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Alexis losing it about Molly. It was so real feeling and heartfelt. I LOVE NLG!! She did such a wonderful job!!

PROP OF THE WEEK: YEP. the Golden Girls DVD.  

 FACE OF THE WEEK: Classic Tracy.

RUNNER UP: You knew I was going to do it. :Giggle: 

This is my last time typing on my ol' standby Dell computer. He's lime green, and has VISTA on him. LOL. Yep. He's that old. I finally got a new HP laptop.  I will someday get an iPad but it's not the work horse I need to just type like a maniac with 3 windows open. I will miss this guy though. He's blue screened about 900 times. Even the PC fixers were like: UM..get rid of it! LOL that was a year ago. Just keeps picking up again.  

Hope you have a good week. It's like MID-July already! What the!!! WHOA!! 


  1. "Karen says Kiki is all upset "We were so close". Um, you are? You were? I totally forgot you were even LIVING at Silas' apt!! Hell, I forgot you were bro and sis!!"

    Starki and Rafe were not brother and sister. They were cousins. ROFL! I didn't know they were so close either hahaha.

    "Karen says Next up... Levi. Given the fact he was so calm about the INS coming, I BET BOOTS he hired the guy to do this. He wants to marry Maxie. Get his hands on the Aztec treasure. Could we speed this up to the part where she finds out and he goes away? PLEASE????"

    Awww you didn't even mention Levi's package ROFL!

  2. Oh, I thought we were calling him Ginger Kato :(

    Someone told me Patrick will be with Sam, and Silas w/Nina. Someone say it isn't so!! What about Jason? And Robin? Another :(

  3. SEE...I don't even know WHAT THE HELL Kiki and Rafe are!! LOL eek!
    I didn't see kato's package!!!

  4. I've shared my thoughts several times previous on how/why I think Nina paid Rafe to drive Patrick off the road, and how I wish they had explored the Barrington side of Rafe.
    I've also shared my thoughts on how I don't think Rafe will be Alice's donor and how/why I think it will be Fluke's henchman.
    I just want these story's to end and Nina and Silas to go away.
    The one positive about all this, seeing Morgan's concern for Alice. I'd like to see that relationship explore a little more. Perhaps Alice could become Morgan's sounding board / voice of reason, sort of like Epiphany is for Patrick.
    I agree Lucas is a man-whore and it got me to thinking. I remember as a biology student studying the Nature vs Nurture debate. Lucas and Carly are brother and sister but do not share nature - have no blood connection (Lucas is adopted). Lucas and Carly are brother and sister but do not share nurture - they were not raised by the same people or in the same place. Considering they don't share nature or nurture it is amazing how alike they are re: sexual attitudes/behavior.
    I agree, have Lucas start work at GH. Or, have Nicholas hire him to run the clinic named after Emily if that even exists anymore. This clinic supposedly exists in a run down section of town. We are now told the Brownstone is also located in a run down section of town. Perhaps they are on the same street and revitilizing the clininc can be part of the revitalizing the neighborhood project. Have Lucas run the clinic and live next door in the Brownstone. Perhaps Kiki can be hired as a receptionist or something.
    I'd also like to see TJ's mom move into the Brownstone. She could do such to ensure police presence int he neighborhood, but really I want to see if there are sparks between her and Morgan!

  5. Nina hadn't even met Rafe yet, and he showed no non-reaction in meeting her. Levi clearly called on himself or hired an actor.

    Tracy stole the week w her scheming and juggling to keep Alice quiet and Mikey miffed.

    But, more dull crap. Yawn.

  6. I loved this week! But I was always one who enjoyed the fun summer fluff that soaps seem to pack in these 3 months. Nathan is so much more tolerable now and his acting has really improved. I actually don't mind Kato as long as he turns jewel thief really quick.

    I like the love triangle with the boys. They're all super cute. Finally some love in the afternoon!

    I really hope Rafe just totally vamps out, jumps up on the bed, and yells "Did you forget who my father was?!" hahaha

    Super boring is Carly & Franco. Roger Howarth is one of my favorite actors and he was always at his best when he was in his full Todd crazy mode. I can't figure out whey they won't incorporate him into the cast more. Does he have some kind of contract like Geary that requires lots of block taping?

    As usual totally bored with the Sonny stuff. They really need to give him some time off and completely rework that character.

    And the drug story is pointless. Everyone loves Julian so much there's no way they can make him a villain. And with Luke gone I say to you again, WHO CARES?!

  7. Ron tweeted last week that Lucas is not a doctor...don't know what the hell he is.

    Just wish the would ALL wash their hair.

    Barbara Darlin

  8. friscogh said..." have Lucas start work at GH. Or, have Nicholas hire him to run the clinic named after Emily and live next door in the Brownstone. Perhaps Kiki can be hired as a receptionist or something. "

    I think that's a great idea. It opens up so many possibilities.

  9. P.S. When Bobbie first disappeared and went to visit Lucas someone said they got a call from her. In that conversation they said Lucas was a doctor.

  10. Many people remember/believe Lucas was/is a doctor.

    One fan tweeted Ron about it and he said no...maybe he lost track of previous story. :-)

  11. "kdmask said...SEE...I don't even know WHAT THE HELL Kiki and Rafe are!! LOL eek!"


    "I didn't see kato's package!!!"

    You didn't?!!?!?! Oh no! :)

  12. "Unknown said...Ron tweeted last week that Lucas is not a doctor...don't know what the hell he is."

    What?!?!? Yes he is a doctor! Unless Lucas quit! Hmmmmm.

  13. How could anyone MISS Ginger Kato's package--Maxie's eyes almost popped out of her head!!

    Also, I had NO IDEA that Lucas was a doctor, I guess Ron didn't, either.

  14. Someone needs to find the episode where they say he is and we can make Ron a copy. lol

  15. "AntJoan said...Maxie's eyes almost popped out of her head!!"

    Now THAT I didn't see.. What scene was that?

  16. Agreed Di! Because Lucas being a doctor in Seattle was not imagined. And Levi is so irritating I personally could care less about his "package". Probably a cup anyway. Friscogh, that is a great idea about the clinic!

  17. I have to say that MIchelle Stafford's ability to play flat out psychopathic crazy has made Nina one of my favorite characters on GH. Her manipulation of the clueless Silas McBain this week was devious and enjoyable.

    Laughed out loud when she called Silas' daughter Kookoo. (Haven't we all?)

    Ilene Kirsten name dropping Jillian Coleridge was awesome too. (I <3 Ryan's Hope.)

    I liked Felix this past week because he was less a caricature of a flamboyant drama queen. It was a good start to letting him be more than just Sabrina's bff and cheerleader.

  18. One fan tweeted Ron about it and he said no...maybe he lost track of previous story. :-)


    Bo. RC wd never screw up the facts of a character nor story. LOL!

  19. Well, could someone please show a screen cap of Kato's package?! I only followed the board last week!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...