Friday, November 15, 2013

LULU on the Stand!

Yes, please answer the questions!! LOL  And..the Logan murder is brought up and the abortion. Oh nos.... 
I swear Dante looks as invested in this as a toad.
Lulu lies on the stand.  Dante--will he lie or tell the truth? Hmmmm. 

Ok, So we got a GOAT MENTION today!! And who loved those cobwebs in the basement of Wyndemere.

Faison is yelling at Duke..Duke is yelling at Faison. And Anna a Robert are trying to get out.  The guard gives them salt. LOL  that's so Robert can make fingerprints from salt and gum. Which someone on Twitter said was done on "24"  The door opened! 

 Poor Dr. O she so loves evil Faison and Faison just loves ANNA.  

omg...CARLOS THINKS Robin is SABRINA? he has to be high!! LOL


  1. I hate this actress that plays lulu, she is so annoying and she could never do as good as the other actress. I don't understand why diana didn't mention lulu ending up in the loony bin. Now the question remains, will dante lie on the stand? I don't think he will which will make this custody hearing even better.

  2. I totally agree Lulu's lengthy psych stay should have been mentioned. I am not sure if it's the actress or the writers but someone has destroyed Lulu. She is hateful. Send her back to the asylum please.

  3. Cassadine Island: Robert and Anna are still stuck. They talk to much. Just have sex already! :) There is a bed right there. :) Robert Macgyver's their way out YAY! :) Don't just stand there in shock that the door is open! RUN!!!! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD RUN!

    Wyndemere: Nik has feelings for Britch awww! :) They kiss YAY!!! :) Meanwhile poor Duke! Dr O wants to kill Duke! ACK NO! Oh but Duke busts Faison on his plan to lure Anna to Wyndemere so he can see her again!! So, Dr O CAN'T kill Duke right now! Hahaha! Dr O wins the line of the day! Talking to Faison because Faison talked about not having a son!

    Dr O: I'll forward your complaint to your sperm.

    ROFL! Which writer wrote that perfect line? :)

    Patrick's home: Oh Sabrina! Listen to Carrrrrlos! He is older than you. He knows what he is talking about! Oh oh Caaaaaarlos is lying now! You knew full well that Derick Wells was Julian Jerome hahaha! Poor Caaaarlos at the end there. :(

    The hospital: Robin listening to Patrick and another doctor's conversation! No Patrick Robin would not be happy that you are marrying someone else! Well, if she was dead yes, but since she is alive, NO! :) Oh dear! Robin had to hide under the table!!!! Oh crap Sabrina walks in! Too many cooks in the kitchen!! Yuck Robin had to hear them kissing! I was worried Sabrina and Patrick were going to have sex there. Whew. :) Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos sees Robin!!!!!!!


    Lulu: How could you do this to me?!

    Really Lulu!? Really?!!! Shut up!!! Oh great so now she is lying about not telling Maxie that she and Dante are going to leave town with the baby! Will Dante lie too? If he doesn't lie for Lulu, then their marriage will take a hit!!!!

    Is Michael still in the abyss?!!?! StarKi can't save him! She couldn't even find him in the water!!!! Someone save Michael please!!!

  4. OK, Dante doesn't look to me like he's not invested, but like he's conflicted, which he is.

    I asked this once, but no one answered me: Who else thinks the actress who plays Nulu looks like Anna on Downton Abbey?

    Sonya, I KNEW that you and I would choose the same line of the day, spoken, of course, by Dr. O: "I will forward your complaint to your sperm." I was ROTFLMAO, had to play it again, she is HYSTERICAL, I swear, kudos to whoever writes her lines!

    HAVE TO COMMENT on The Britch's fugly sweater--she looks PG, is she just supposed to have post-baby weight?

    Also, how could Carrrrloss mistake Robin for Sabrina??

  5. AntJoan said...Sonya, I KNEW that you and I would choose the same line of the day, spoken, of course, by Dr. O: "I will forward your complaint to your sperm." I was ROTFLMAO, had to play it again, she is HYSTERICAL, I swear, kudos to whoever writes her lines!
    Yes it was hysterical!! She really has a way with words. I love Dr O and Faison scenes! :)

    Also, how could Carrrrloss mistake Robin for Sabrina??
    Don't Robin and Sabrina have the same height and long hair? ROFL!


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...