Friday, November 22, 2013

Blah Blah Blah..

Wedding...blah blah blah...

Robert and Luke-- both gray and old.  Oh and there's Jerry-- lol, just limping and bleeding along.  I'm sure customs just told them "COME ON IN"!!
Yeah, Luke says "I saw Robin"!! 
So, they stand there. Good GOD. COME ON. Make Jerry call off O and  Faison and give up Duke--he's DYING.
And for F SAKE CALL PATRICK!! what the hell!! UGhhhhhhhhhhhh This is so stupid!! 

Liz is hungover, Paddy's not since he used to be a party animal.  Mac is gonna be SO MAD WHEN HE finds out no one bothered to tell him.  Geesh!  LUKE, Anna and Robert go to Wyndemere. 

Robin is being mean to Faison. I mean why taunt him?  He knocks out Nikolas.

Anna has a gun on Obrect..Obrect has a gun on Anna..Robert finds Robin.. 
Next up: Faison is shot, Ava tells Patrick Robin's alive and.......
Juan brings Sabby her dress. 

Sorry I'm such a bitch but..I am SO OVER THIS, I honestly don't care how it goes.

Nikolas shirtless was the only fun thing.  


  1. Call me old fashioned but I don't mind a drawn out "return from the dead" when I love the characters involved. However, I do hate the "stand around talking" stuff when they should just be shooting the bad guys. I LOVED the moment Helena was shot because I just did not see it coming.

    I hope Patrick figures things out and heads over to Wyndmere without telling anyone and just straight up stands Sabrina up at the alter. I'd rather see a happy Scrubs reunion and a miserable and embarrassed Sabrina than a long drawn-out "which woman do I love more/I won't keep you from the woman you love" storyline.

    I don't know how long Juan (Michael Saucedo, Becky's real-life-hubby) will be on, but can we please have him and Liz have a passionate tryst before he leaves? Liz deserves some lovin! Even if Juan says, "I'm only in town for a day," Liz could be all flirty and say, "Great, that gives us tonight." :) We don't need to watch, but it'd just be nice to see Liz with a little spunkiness after her sad AJ storyline and the failed AJ/Liz/Nik triangle.

  2. Oh that would be GREAT for Juan and Liz to get it on! :)

  3. Shirtless Nikolas was by far the highlight of the day. I

  4. I guess it's also really cold in Wyndemere . . .

  5. Am I the only one who is wondering when a Robin got highlights? Well while I'm held prisoner I might as well change my hair. Just want the story to be over and really want to see Sabrina go rouge and be a scorned woman!

    1. Her hair shouldn't be an issue. Lol it's not part of the storyline.

  6. This storyline has moved along in a steady fashion. Remember the Anna kidnapped by Grant Putnam arc? Geez, that seemed like it went on for months and months!
    Are there some plotholes and lameness in it? Sure, but hell I'll take it in a heartbeat and appreciate it for what it is. With Tris leaving this may be the last hurrah for Luke and Scorpio...So glad they get a least a little adventure and I can remember that as opposed to Scorpio wanting to throw himself off and bridge and Luke lying to him. The latter would have been a crappy way to remember them, yes?
    The same can be said for Tris and Fin or Tris and Kim. Plus, no guarantees that Fiason will be back either, so soak it up now while he is onscreen!

  7. I haven't watched sense the 50th and
    I disappointed that this is one of worst back from dead storylines I have watched in an long time , Would love to have seen it written better than this.

  8. I haven't watched sense the 50th and
    I disappointed that this is one of worst back from dead storylines I have watched in an long time , Would love to have seen it written better than this.

  9. Luke's room: Robert and Luke scene YAY! :) LOVE IT! My Ruke back together! :) Oh Anna and Jerry not far behind! :) Luke handcuffs Jerry to the bed! ROFL! Yummy! :) *jumps Jerry* :)

    Wyndemere: Oh a shirtless Nik! :) His nipples are hard too! Are the sets cold? :) Put the heat on!!! Then Nik can get all sweaty. :) Britch is worried about her mama!!! ROFL! Robin are you nuts?!!?! Taunting Faison is fine, but when he points a gun at you, it's time to STOP! Nik with a gun!!!! :) Can we have Nik with a gun shirtless please? :)

    Faison wins the line of the day!

    Faison: What is going on here?! Is it mother's day or what?!

    ROFL! Poor Faison can't take Robin and Britch talking about their mothers hahaha! Luke, Robert, and Anna show up and everyone is gone hahaha! Robert sees Robin YAY! :) Dr O and Duke scene awesome. NIK! You just had to get yourself knocked out by Faison! Shame on you!

    Patrick's home: Liz has a baaaaaaad hangover haha! Oh shoot we missed the bachelor party. :( Patrick doesn't have a hangover cus he can handle his liqueur! Hahaha! Mac and Patrick scene awwwwwwwwww! :) Patrick is going to be a bigamist and he doesn't even know it haha!

    Felix and Sabrina's home: Oh geez! This whole scene is about Sabrina's mother's wedding dress?! What is the freaking point?! Their wedding is not going to happen!

    "Karen says Sorry I'm such a bitch."

    ROFL! Karen you win post of the day! :)

  10. CareyN says but can we please have him and Liz have a passionate tryst before he leaves? Liz deserves some lovin! Even if Juan says, "I'm only in town for a day," Liz could be all flirty and say, "Great, that gives us tonight." :)
    Oh yes please!!! I want to see that!!!! :)

    be nice to see Liz with a little spunkiness after her sad AJ storyline
    Yeah Quiz is over! :'(

  11. Today's show was so boring. I kept hearing how it was supposed to be such a great episode, but it just wasn't. Maybe if Luke, Anna, and Robert invaded Windemere at the beginning of the episode instead of standing around for the majority of the show...

    Are we getting a new episode on Thanksgiving? How about the day after?

  12. I loved the scene when Robert and Robin saw one another. Dragged out or not, that part made it worth it to me.

  13. Thanksgiving is a rerun and Friday is preempted for football, as usual.

  14. Hungover Liz and Faison dragging Nik around like a garbage bag was the highlite of the show.

  15. Please get Pat & Robin back
    together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fast
    That Nick is so handsome!!!!
    He & Lizzzzz should be together.

  16. Please get Pat & Robin back
    together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fast
    That Nick is so handsome!!!!
    He & Lizzzzz should be together.

  17. I loved the show today. The show had some good lines too and good use of the doors. I loved Robert and Anna and Luke together too. I just loved the whole show.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...