Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Late On Arrival

 CATV 8 20121203 1313(19)

I'll be late on the blog today-- much to do..sooooooooo DO IT YOURSELF if you wish. I'm  DVR'ing it and will comment here later.
Let me know if I should bother.

Although lately, the show is kickin' it soooooooooooooo.....You know I will!!  

news is out: Maurice re-signed his contract. 


  1. The look on LW's face is priceless. LOL!

  2. Does anyone know where I can get the grey cardigan carly is wearing in this scene??? Thanks!


Later Alligator!

  Break Day for me!! Allergies abound and my head is going to explode. SO!! Have fun and be nice!!