Friday, December 21, 2012

Post-Mayan Check IN!

Wubbers, Twubbers, check in on this lovely winter solstice day!! Did the world stop where you are? I knew once our Aussie and NZ readers were safe, so were we!! Let me know you're ok, and what you're doing today to celebrate the shortest day o' the year!!

IT'S LUCY COE back in Port Chuck day...since she's a slayer, coincidence? I think NOT!! Day's not over yet in North America.. hopefully I'll see you at 2:30ish!


  1. all safe here in nyc, but the day is still young...

  2. Jane Elliot and Robin Mattson take the TV Guide soap Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress awards for Tracey and Heather. I LOVE IT! Two "older" soap vets both with awesome, fun comebacks that showcase their talents.


  3. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that they gave GH the best soap award too. Yeah, it ain't perfect but GH is FUN to watch again and the good stuff is at least outnumbering the bad again, you know?


  4. Still kickin' but I think the Mayans cast a curse on certain folks. Got into a kerfuffle with an old flame who unwittingly passed around a photo nominating one of the Newtown teachers for person of the year. Unfortunately, it came from a White Power group posing as a religious group, and I notified her of the source (she's not a bigot). Some of her dumb friends criticized me, saying the photo was good, and I pointed out that even unwittingly passing along the garbage of racists is bad, and got into an argument with this dumb racist guy I grew up with, and she took down the photo.

    It's really sick the lengths these Aryan groups will go to to try and lure in people- using corpses. Just sick.

    Damn the Mayans!

  5. thanks for that info Old School!


Uncut Filler

  Marshall's party: People are freaking out. Portia is yelling at Ric. "Thank you for unleashing a monster" says Portia. Curti...