Monday, December 21, 2009

Bye Bye Rebecily! GH

Buh-Bye Rebecily...I so wish she would have YELLED OUT the truth before she left. Made herself useful. I mean, really...what WAS her purpose? They just F'd up the whole twinlet thing. Just sayin'.  Liz and Nik were just standing there like---'guilt'. I'm glad that they had her say goodbye to the Q's. Tomorrow we see Zander!

Maurice and Ingo:...Maurice: Hey, Dude, how's PEANUT? brahahahaha.

Didn't like James Franco's "sad" acting at the Christmas patch. I did like the glare and spooky part. The whold back-story about the daughter? Fake? All close up with Ronnie.  Ok, this is enough for me already. It's moving at a snail's pace and I can see just where it's headed. Sam's in danger-think she'll be all tied up sexystylie?
 Nancy Lee Grahn is on Twitter all p-o'd over something Franco said about GH going "backward"-- "Everyone says it's a step backwards, my family, my agent, the other actors on General Hospital" James Franco SNL... "uncool" nancyleegrahn

That Christmas Tree park is getting it's use! Didn't Johnny sell trees there last year? hee hee. Where's he this year?

Brittany Murphy. :( --so sad. I heard on Twitter right after TMZ  posted it. I was just watching her in "Just Married" this week. She was so fun. I thought that maybe she'd get a big break soon, she really was a talent. In "Girl Interrupted"?? amazing. She was horribly thin of late though. I hope the heart stuff wasn't anorexia related.

Thanks to everyone that clicked on google ads during the holiday season.  "Jingle Jackal" was a hit! You helped contribute $50 to Toys For Tots.

Mitch is staying at #OLTL! woo hoo! I had heard that but Lori confirmed it on Twitter for me today. I am so happy. I loves him. Scott Clifton tweeted on Sat that he was stuck in the NYC airport for DAYS! Or at least he couldn't get a flight out. I told him I'd come and pick him up if he needed me to. hee hee.


  1. I think Lulu is the one in danger by Franco because Dante and Lucky (and Jason and Spinelli)start figuring things out. Sam will probably end up in trouble too, let's face it.

    OLTL Fans - yes Mitch is staying on, SOD has an article posted confirming it. They also note that Gina Tognoni returns as Kelly mid-February along with some other faces from the past. You can check out the news on SOD's site

  2. Yep Franco did say that on SNL that nite.I have no use for him so I may not watch GH anymore and just catch the scoops on here.

  3. oops forgot to put my name on there

  4. I am so happy that Mitch is staying on OLTL - I am thoroughly enjoying his performance. The whole soap rocks. I loved Sonny with the baby today. All I could think of when Rebecca left Nik and Liz & Lucky, was they were thinking....she kept her mouth shut!!! I would have loved to see Little Miss Perfect get her due. Dang!

  5. I thought Sonny was AMAZING with Carly's daughter, so many smiles and dimples, making all those cute faces, faces we never see on Sonny. It seemed so genuine, I think he really was relating to the baby, he has several daughters, he must be really good with them.

    Franco was HORRIBLE, creepy and stupid with Carly. He taped for only 2 days, really? How long can they drag this out? . . .

    I think that the actress that plays Lisa has relaxed and gotten better as she went along. I guess it was too late, though, or maybe too little too late, I hope the next one is better, GH usually is spot-on with its casting.

  6. I saw the James Franco monologue on SNL. I found it funny. I can see why GH actors may not love the joke, but it was a joke nonetheless. And I loved they showed a clip.

  7. James Franco could not have acted his way out of a bag in that scene with Carly...what is the purpose of this trash? The show had just picked up some steam and then we got stuck with this "major movie actor"- it is just horrible and cannot end soon enough.

    I hate to say it, but I am over Mitch already on OLTL- get him out of the hospital and out of jail and let him do something already...

  8. On the last post someone said Sam goes missing. Can we all pitch in a $1 so she stays lost? She is sooooo useless as of late.

  9. Frank, I agree, the monologue was funny, and obviously 'tongue in cheek'. I think folks need to remember SNL runs on NBC (DOOL) and he gave a major promo to an ABC soap, including a clip. I don't think the network would have had to agree to the promo, the joking put down may be what got it in. SB has had nothing but good things to say about him, how he was easy to work with, thanked the crew individually the last day (three days from what I've read). Taste in programs vary, let's not be too hard on the dude, he's nothing if not versatile.

  10. How freakin cute was Joss asleep on Carly's chest in the baby carrier while they were in the tree lot? Then Sonny with the baby was almost swoon worthy! I love seeing Maurice with babies anyway, we know how much he loves his kids!

    Did anyone else catch Patrick calling Robin "shortcakes" and "goldielocks"? lmao

    I'll chip in $1 to the "Sam Stays Gone" fund even though she doesn't bother me that much so long as I can get matching funds for the "Franco First Bus to Statesville" fund!

  11. Hey Piper, Sam is useless as of late? When was she useFUL? I just saw todys eppy and of course the pormo was her coming out of her hot tub in a bikini. Imagine that. Sad thing is we won't ever know if this girl can actually act.

  12. oops meant promo. lol

  13. OOOOO Sam needs a little hemmoroid cream for those bags under her eyes for Christmas! Little Joss is a scene stealer alright...loved seeing Sonny smile for a change. The entire show could use a few smiles here and there. Some humor could make all the dramazz and strife easier to take. I've had it with forward time.

  14. OMG Leesy I thought I was the only one who noticed the HUGE bags under her eyes- its been bugging me for days! That girl needs some sleep!!!!
    Cant wait to see Zander tom :) :)

  15. I will personally put in $5 for Sam to stay gone.

  16. I think Lulu is in trouble because she caught Franco in Ronnie's room and he thinks she may have overheard what he was saying about Jason. Didn't he say something when she went to get a nurse? "Not good" or something like that?

  17. I'll pitch in $100 to KEEP Sam. Love KeMo!!!

    The only actor/actress who has been on par with Franco in all these scenes has been LW.

    I'm ready for Franco to be over with. I would to see something for Sam to do besides hang out in Jason's apartment.

    Interesting how a month old baby can talk?!

    The episode was like WTF?

  18. i will pitch in 10.00 for sam to be gone forever. most useless character in GH history. she is jason's puppy.

  19. I think Courtney was a little more useless than Sam.

  20. james franco provided not only one of the funnier snl eppys in a long time BUT gave gh so much play in his monologue. it was great! gh hasn't had that much publicity in a long time and should be on their knees thanking him. whether or not the writing and they way they splice his scenes into the eppys is a whole different story!

  21. Had to laugh after reading these posts and then seeing the promo of kemo in a bikini with franco in e shadows. eah, ok whatever. Why they dress her like a 21 yr old when she's mid 30's is beyond me. She has a childs figure (minus the boobalage).

    I like Sam just not with Jason.

  22. gh hasn't had that much publicity in a long time and should be on their knees thanking him.

    Obviously the press isn't enough since GH's numbers keep slipping...

  23. I've never loved Sam, but she's growing on me. I'm a huge Liason fan, but Sam and Jason are a good couple, they make sense together.

    Kemo is a reliable actor, I find her very good and believable in her scenes. She's a beautiful girl, so what if she has some darkness under her eyes, she still is beautiful, not everyone has to look like a wax doll.


Uncut Filler

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