Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jason Calls Michael a spoiled selfish...!!

Alberta, the shameless hussy!

GH: Edward visits Liz with an old pic of Emily--I love John Ingle!! Liz is slaggin' off on Rebecca? Uh..helloooo. You need to look in the mirror, girlie. Not that Rebecily is my fave person, but that's just all kinds of wrong. At least she has her brother around...1/2 brother I mean.

Lisa..Dead Lady Walkin! Not the character, but she's recast, so this one isn't sticking around.

Dr. Steven Lars in the hospital-- who I actually called JEFF on Twitter! LOL...he looks so much like him. Good casting. I don't remember a lot when he was on before--do you? I liked the other guy they had cast as him, but he actually got as much airtime as Dr. Matt does now! Monica called to be Chief of Staff. Ok. MONICA in the house! I also totally got Tommy Hardy mixed up with Steven Lars too. Oy, the brain!! I can't keep up with the GH rewriting of history! That's my excuse.
BOOM! Goes Rebecily..did you see the photo down there? Guess she's not dying off, just flying off. Good to see Chad Brannon. He's doing a lot of voice over work for The G4 Network.

Holy CRAP! JASON went OFF on Michael!! Called him a LITTLE Bitch! Said he was selfish, spoiled--wowza. Great scenes. Steve Burton was amazing. (and I don't always say that!) So was Laura Wright. That was a stunning scene.
So, Jax just bails on the tape--in about 2.2 scenes..? Weird.
I'm still aghast at the *Itch comment by Jason! LOL...


  1. About time someone tells mikey the way it is.

  2. Tommy Webber? Do you mean Tommy Hardy?

  3. WOWZA Jason was PISSED. Holy crap. The little bitch comment was harsh but so true and.... telling him to be respectful and go to school or he'll make him... Wow!

  4. Oh I cannot wait to see today's show! A payoff at last!!! zippity dooo dahhh!

  5. Amazing show
    Jason rocked , Maybe he was a little harsh But Michael deserve that ...............
    SBU was just amazing amazing
    I think Michael wants more ....

  6. I was FLOORED by Jason's calling Michael a little bitch!! It was a very powerful scene, tough love, just what Michael needs. It looked like Jason was crying when he spoke to Carly afterwards.

    I think that the new Dr. Webber is HOT, HOT, HOT!! He seems like a good actor, too, not like that Charlie's Angel stiff, Lisa, she can't leave soon enough for my taste.

    I was watching an old, classic movie this weekend, Heathers, and, surprise, there was Eddie Quartermaine playing the school principal. He looked great, he looked younger, of course, but the voice was spot on.

  7. Boy I thought all it took was SB shirtless for me to fall in love with Jason again but I was wrong. I am sure you all just heard me cheering and whoopin it up while I watched it on my DVR. Kudos SB... you were AWESOME! And kudos to Laura Wright. Boy was I wrong when I thought Tamara Braun was my favorite Carly.

    Holy Deja Vu! I remember Richard Dean Anderson as Jeff Webber (hummina hummina) and with Scott Reeves as Steven Lars it is like stepping back in time. He's like a little pocket sized version of Jeff Webber :D He even has Jeff's old hair cut lmao Ok I will behave. So far I like how they are writing him (that means Guza isn't writing it)

  8. The first intro to this Steven was with Robin then Patrick and Lisa thrown in the scene. Are they setting up a love quadangle?

  9. Gotta say that Burton was on top of his game today! When he told Michael to SIT......DOWN! my heart went to my throat! Dang , he'd sure scare me alright! lolol...This all was looong overdue and I was so thrilled that Carley didn't make him back down. Time to straighten that kid out before nobody cares about the character anymore. Robin has lasted the test of time because she was always a good kid and we could identify with her. This little jerk needs his rear end tanned... I won't tell on them if someone will just do it!

  10. The best episode EVA! Jason callin' Michael a B had my jaw dropping.

  11. Never commented, but LONG time follower. I had to comment today on SBU AMAZING scenes today. Great acting and writing, FINALLY! It's actually and epi I plan on watching again.

  12. Jason's 'come to Jesus' smackdown was his best ever!!! More please! That kid is not going to lie down easily.

  13. I think I might need Jason to come speak to my teenager!

  14. I think Jason come come speak to ME, lol

  15. Loved seeing Mikey get knocked down a few notches by Jason - SB was great! SR is a better Steven than the last one - he was a little too cutesy and effeminate, especially when he tried to date Carly. Yesterday Lisa reminded me of someone and couldn't think who, but it was Molly. Great if you're a 10 year old. I'm glad the actress is being replaced.

  16. I love the scenes between Jason and Lucky.

  17. I agree about the finally thing. Just think though. If that were anyone else, like Jax, Carly wouldn't have allowed all that yelling at Michael. But, since it was Jason, she let it go. Hopefully she took some parenting tips from Jason...I rewatched all the Jason yelling at Michael scenes. I especially liked how he called him spoiled, because the old Jason never acted spoiled when he was a Quartermaine.
    Steven Webber is HOT for sure! Bring on more of him!!

  18. That scene with Jason,Carly and Micheal was awesome! I had to rewatch it,cause it was just so diffrent! The only person missing in that room was Sonny,he is just as responsible if not more for Micheal's punk ass attitude! I always knew Ginger boy would go all gangsterish. Stupid kid.
    SB was fricken awesome! That was the best scene of the whole show.

  19. Jason's stressing, man!

    Don't know why Guza feels he has to throw all his great ideas our way if they are not going to play out for a while. I think he gets over anxious. It's not foreshadowing when he does that, it's just premature.

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  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...