Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Let's Go Crazy


I feel like this is church and I'm needing to say: We gather here together in this place called WUBS. You don't want to hear the SAME old thing each week I'm sure but there's not a lot more to say!! Just another 5 days of confusing dialog, coffee bean bags and jogging in the park. 

BUT! I'm here, you're here so let's give it a go. 

YES, I have tattoos, yes, I live in this coffee warehouse, yes I found my black T-shirts and NO I don't know where Danny is!! I only talk to Anna, Carly and Jagger. Come on Sam, when did I have the time to leave this lair and interact with anyone? WHEN? Oh, yeah, guess what, I'm working with the FBI and basically had NO CHOICE but to stay away and pretend I was dead for 2 years. No, not for the kids--I can't tell you why because you'd probably break my skull. 

Now Laura, Cobalt Poisoning isn't really a good reason to explain why Heather tried to throw Danny off a roof or hooked people in the gut numerous times. I know you think she's pretty and nice now but let's be rational here. Whatever you do, don't go to Alexis or Jordan for advice, ok? Because you're starting to sound like YOU have some hip issues going on yourself. 

Bahahaha. Giggle. Hahaha ha. Oh my gosh, you're so funny. So charming. I'd love to go to the wedding with you but I have to get my hair done first. SO cool. You're so cool. 

Oh shit. I've gotten him drinks, washed his socks and made him eggs every morning for month! Now He brings home some woman and SHE gets to go to the Ball? I!!?? Where did I go wrong!!? 

No I will not accept your resignation, Dante!! You're too good of a cop and besides I have total FAITH IN YOU!! Now rip that up!! 

Hey, Dex.. yes, It's me, Anna. What you DO think of Dante? I mean you're a brand new police recruit but I value your opinion over his!! Do YOU think he can be loyal? Would he do things in favor of Sonny?? Hmmmm... 

Um... hi.. um... hello... can I stand here? Is it ok? I mean.. I see you're sitting on a stool and wow, you're so pretty. Did I tell you I miss you? Wiley? How are you? What's going on? You want ME to do a cover story on HER because she's the head of a charity now? OH MY GOSH! REALLY!!? WOW.. Well...yes, thank you. YES! A thousand times yes!! And oh, Willow? Thanks for smiling at me. 

You're WORRIED ABOUT ME? Well... guess what... I still remember you slept with MY fiancé on the NIGHT OF MY WEDDING, FINN!! SO that tops everything. Like, for-ever. So, go have fun on Coney Island and don't even think about the fact we haven't mentioned why Chases' mother (the woman you SLEPT with) isn't coming to this wedding. Would you sleep with her again? HUH? would ya?! 

HI! You know me, John. I run Bobbie's, The Metro, have a young child and yet I had time to overhear the entire PLOT about Pikeman! Yepper. So, have a seat because not only am I going to fill you with knowledge, I'm going to blow open the whole case against you. See how I do that? Aren't I wonderful? So many men are willing to go to jail for me I can just sit here and banter with you as a free woman. 

SO, wait.. you mean to tell me YOU KNEW Carly was probably hanging back when you were talking to Jagger and you didn't even SHUT THE DOOR??? Or like, text her later and say: IF you heard anything, don't say anything? Ok, well, Great. Jason. Thanks. 

Yeah... Pre-med? Not for me. I mean, it's interesting and all and we have this giant hospital that really needs people but I think I'll do something else. What? Oh.. um.. I really like the outside and jogging. And.. I like water and breathing so I decided ...ok, you ready?? Environmental STUDIES!! You know, windmills and all that neat stuff. No.. not anything medical. Why would I do that? Seriously. Dex. It's not like there's jobs in this town for that stuff. PS. Your butt looks good. 

Ok, you can BE ALL GAY and everything but not in public! Do you hear me young lady? Do you know ANY popstars that are gay and doing well? DO YOU? And don't tell me JoJo Siwa because we both know she's taken a bad turn! OH! and I'm mentioning your brother, Eloi because he's probably coming on this show soon. Let's hope he's straight!

Ok, so me being a police officer really makes you sad and I should quit.. got it.... I'll tell Anna

So Dante, I just talked to Jason and OMG we have to help him!!! Sonny too!!! I mean, you're a COP, can't you help them? I don't care if there's danger! When did I ever SAY I WAS not into Danger?! 

Yes, Nina,  I know I'm supposed to be the center of this whole Pikeman drama but I chose to use my airtime talking to you because .. um.. I don't know. 

No, I did not save Willow in Greenland. 


Ava goes to the pharmacy to talk with the pharmacist about Sonny's meds

Ava decides to move out, then decides to stay at Sonny's

Dante decides to quit The PCPD then decides to stay after talking to Anna

Anna wants Dante to stay until she talks to Dex and then has second thoughts

Sonny asks Eva LaRue to the wedding

Sam can't find Danny but he's really not missing but learns of Jason's tattoos! 

Sam feels bad and she and Dante decide to help Sonny and Jason 

Laura tries to find someone to agree with her that Heather is a good person

Willow agrees to be Charity Lady 

Nina is happy Willow smiled at her 

Valentin and Nina have a conversation about literally nothing

Anna moves into Sasha's old apartment. Felicia visits

Valentin sends suspicious flowers to Anna but she thinks they are pretty. 

Josslyn really thinks medicine is hard and wants to save the planet instead

Sonny watches Dex jog in the park

NEWS AND NOTES: Mac is back!! John J York is happily back at the studio after his bone marrow transplant and looks great. Now maybe the Cody-Son can move forward!! 

NEW KID ON THE BLOCK: Giovanni Mazza is coming on as Brook Lyn's cousin. He plays the violin at the wedding (and in real life). His character name will be Gio Cerelli.  We need some 20 something guys so I hope this is a good thing! Please don't let Sonny rope him into the coffee business !

SPOILER PHOTOS: These are of ChaLyn's wedding: 

Pretty in Pastels for Sure! 

Anna didn't even check for bugs

AND that's that. If you watched this week you know that basically nothing . I mean, sure, Laura wants Heather out of jail and Carly visited Brennan but nothing moved along. Everyone's acting so out of character that I can't even keep up. Jordan was the ONLY one that was true to form. I don't know whatever the hell Ava is doing but I hate it. Valentin is wasted--Jagger is just roaming around mad all the time. Anna? Oh holy hell, she's asking DEX's advice about Dante!! LOL. All of the lead up to the wedding should have been this week but it wasn't. The wedding starts on Wednesday and by that time I don't think we will even care. MESS. It's a MESS. Jason's return is just the most boring thing I've seen in a long time. The only thing saving this show is the acting by certain cast members. They give 100% no matter what. 

Cheers!! At least we have the wedding coming up! OH! and Anna yells at Carly!! :Clapping: 

Cast Photo for 60th Anniversary 


  1. Happy Mother's Day Karen. Loved, loved the Joss paragraph. You are too funny

    1. you too! I forgot to put that in there!! :)

  2. "SO, wait.. you mean to tell me YOU KNEW Carly was probably hanging back when you were talking to Jagger and you didn't even SHUT THE DOOR??? Or like, text her later and say: IF you heard anything, don't say anything? Ok, well, Great. Jason. Thanks."

    ROFL... love it. At least everyone looks good at the wedding. The hair, makeup and wardrobe departments are killing it lately.

  3. ---just wondering - where is Frisco?
    ----Anna saying that Brennan may target the FBI - was that in general or talking about JohnJag?
    ----The extent that I hate this version of Ava cannot be put into words.....DESTROYING her -
    -----and to recap, Anna and Laura for crying out loud - WHO are they now?
    ----May sweeps WEDDING - and NOT PIKEMAN? SCREAM!!! at least Chase and Brook Lynn WILL get married cause it's too much and too over-the-top wedding for something to go wrong before they are pronounced husband and wife..............i.e. then Gregory falls over I guess?
    ------WHERE will Monica be cause we know she ain't gonna be at the wedding.
    -----I bet you couldn't even fill a jury with people who ACTUALLY care about Blaze, TJ, Molly and Kristina.......I bet you couldn't fill a jury with people who actually LIKE Natalia.....SURELY she isn't staying long............except the hint about SEPARATED from husband and SON is NOT his child.....
    ----Karen you are the ONLY thing that is keeping me above water....hate this GH right now.

    1. " -----I bet you couldn't even fill a jury with people who ACTUALLY care about Blaze, TJ, Molly and Kristina.......I bet you couldn't fill a jury with people who actually LIKE Natalia." True. And yet they're front and center in the anniversary pic - even the son who hasn't even been on the show yet. Given that I'm assuming they're all going to be rammed down our throats for the unforseen future while our old friends just disappear.

    2. Oh man, that's a HEAVY LOAD LOL-- I tell you, I really have to force myself to watch daily. I kept thinking SOMETHING was bound to happen last week but--NOPE. So much of nothing. Not even really wedding prep or anything!!

  4. Happy Mother's Day

    Karen this blog was hilarious. The show well "it sucks". Makes no sense except that I wonder if they are "trying" to trash it so it can get canceled. That is the only thing that I can think of.

    AND, JJY is one of the best and glad he is back. Now if General Hospital could just come back too.

    1. I'm so happy he's back, feels like something to look forward to !!

  5. Funniest SS ever! Thank you.
    I guess the new head writers don't watch the show either. Can't think of any other explanation for the giant mess. If only they would read this blog. It might wake them up.
    Does Ava (MW) practice all of her new facial distortions in front of a mirror? She sure used a lot when visiting with that pharmacist. In his huge office.
    Jason not seeing Spinelli yet is a big bad oversight.
    We are all thrilled about JJY's health and return to the show. Let's hope Mac stays Mac.
    Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers!

  6. Fabulous commentary. You are so funny and make so much sense!

  7. Agree with all of the above. Just a lot of long scenes, confusing dialogue and weird scenes.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...