Thursday, May 16, 2024



Day TWO of the wedding! I really liked yesterday. Interactions, all the dresses and suits. Just a lot ore interesting that what's been goin on lately!! I think my fave dress is between Sam and Jordan but I also loved how Maxie looked!! Joss was great too-- geesh!! LOOK at me! Even Brook's dress was nice. Wasn't sure they were going to pull that off LOL 

OMG TODAY'S SHOW! So, Greg is still stumbling and having an episode. Tracey goes up to calm him. Tells him to breathe and take his time, no one minds. He drops the papers and Violet picks them up. :SOBBING: Then Tracey keeps calming him and he CAN FINISH!! OMG I did cry a littl' bit. Emmy moment right there. 

The whole ceremony went on and it was very beautiful with nice moments. WATCH IT 

Tracey and Greg have some nice moments as well. Then Brook and Chase leave and everyone throws birdseed. 

THE WHOLE THING was a one-shot--and lasted about 20 minutes! NO INTERRUPTIONS or cutting to another story!!!!!!!!! :Clapping: 

Reception and Drew and Jason see each other and they are like, oh well..then walk away. 

Photo shoot montage. LOVE The flowers. Many peonies. 

Portia and Jordan discuss why they were invited LOL. "Maybe Ned wanted to schmooze with the Deputy Mayor" And Portia thinks she and Curtis were invited because Brook books people in his club. Cute scene.

Gio talks to Uncle Sonny. Sonny paid for his violin lessons and put him through 2 years of college

Maxie tells Spinelli she loves him and they kiss!!!

Lois' mom gets an eyelash stuck and Anna gets it out--fun. Then out in the reception site, Mrs. Cirello asks Jason if he ever became a doctor! LOL.. he says no. She says "I can't stand the sight of blood either"!! 

Liz and Jason talk and Jason wants to take Jake out on the lake either to fish or go speed-boating. 

THE ENTIRE SHOW WAS THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!! WOW! NO interruptions. 

Finn gets handed a glass of champagne. HE DRINKS a bit during the toast! 

Violet sings a wedding song she wrote herself. Ned plays the guitar. 


  1. Very nice show today. I too wondered why some were invited so I did like Portia and Jordan's conversation.
    "Uncle" Leo seemed to disappear and Sasha and Cody should have been there.
    Great idea to dedicate the whole show to the wedding.
    Can someone remind me why Drew and Jason are idiots towards each other. Though they reconciled a long time ago.

    1. Thought they reconciled....

    2. They DID reconcile - another revision of writing

  2. Why was Sasha not invited? Remember when she and Chase were really close? You have Jordan and Portia but not Sasha?


    The wedding: Great scene with Gregory. :( Little V is so sweet wanting to help her grandpa!! I thought Tracy was going to take his place. I thought she was going to say she went online so she can marry people. I love Tracy's outfit! I love Lois and Ned beaming! I love that they are sitting next to each other awwww! :) And of course more Joss and Dex eye zex! Looks like Krissy is in labor the way she is holding her stomach. :)

    Chase: Some people just know the first time they lay eyes on each other. It's like their struck by lightning. That was not us.

    Hahahahaha! Chase would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Tracy and Gregory: Awwwwwwww! They are so sweet together. I really wanted him to ask her if he could kiss her!! :)

    The reception: Olivia wins the line of the day!


    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah you don't want to ignore an Italian. :)


    Spinny: Was there a bride at the wedding? Because all I could see was you.

    Awwwwwwwww! Spinny! You have become smooth in your old age! :D

    Maxie: I can't think of a better place than at my best friend's wedding to tell you that I love you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Jason and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Hmmm no hugs? No kiss on the cheek? No saying I wuv you?

    Jason and Liz: Oooo boating and fishing! FUN! How about asking Danny Cheeto too?! :)

    Little V with Ned on guitar: As soon as I saw Ned with a guitar I got excited. I thought he was going to sing.. Oh come on Little V singing a love song? Yeah right. And she wrote it? Yeah right!!! She was really good though. :) I could see the Tribbles, Tommy Tapeworm, Badger Bob, Greenies, and the green beans dancing!!! *Snicker*

    Lois's dad and Sonny: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Sonny, Geo, and Natalia: Hello Geo!!!! I hope you don't leave!!!! Great scene!

    Lois's dad and Finchy: Ewwww what was that rash I wonder! Why was Finchy nervous about drinking alcohol? He isn't an alcoholic! He is a drug addict! Oh wait did I forget something?

    The bathroom: Uh the walls are fine! Did Carly have them redone? I'm so disappointed. I wanted to see the loud walls!!! Hahahaha!

    Portia and Jordan: That's so funny how they both wonder why they are invited! ROFL!

    Portia, Jordan, and Olivia: Oh good! I'm glad Olivia helped them! Hahahaha!

    Kraze: Ohhhh. So Krissy can admit that Alexis was right about Parker eh? Wow! Krissy has grown up! :)

    Lois, her mother, Anna, and Kraze: Hahahahaha so funny! Uh no Lois are you nuts? You can't help your mother with those huge nails!!!! Wow Anna has the magic touch haha!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to watch Monica* Monica's slaps!!

  4. good show DAY TWO!
    ---it has been forever since GH had a wedding (let alone May sweeps) that WAS just about the wedding/no interruptions/just sweet, etc. I thought it was great
    -----I REALLY need Gregory to be misdiagnosed and get with Tracy. That exchange was PERFECTION about 'what ifs'
    -----Maxie saying to Natalia: You don't get invited to many weddings do you? THAT was fantastic!! AND she and Spinelli proclaiming their love and Spinelli thinking people were clapping for him!
    ----AT LEAST Portia and Jordan were wondering WHY they were there.....BUT NO MENTION OF SASHA!
    ----SO realistic that Grandpa would know a doctor in the house and show him his rash!!!
    -----again shout out to Maurice's acting ---- his blinking and walking is SO clear he isn't on full meds

    My only observations/say what now moments?
    -----guess we will never know about the dress/Lila, etc.
    -----wasted time with an EYE LASH, Gloria? Are you kidding?
    -----the whole Olivia thing and the drink went on too long so I thought something was gonna happen.
    ------Finn didn't mean to drink so I don't think he will - I thought Liz might have seen him.
    ------coulda done without Violet's song but I get what they were doing.
    ------never was Sasha mentioned NOR Chase's mom (I'm sorry I can't get past that.)
    GOOD SHOW - guess tomorrow is Sonny losing it, etc.

    1. "Mufasa says, wasted time with an EYE LASH, Gloria?"

      It wasn't an eye lash. It was a contact lens! :) Or at last I thought so! 00

    2. oh gosh that is funny - - it still was odd--- I thought Blaze and Kristina were gonna kiss or something happen or said.........but nope.

  5. NIna should have been there too.

  6. Overall, it was a great show. The highlight was all the interaction between Tracy and Gregory. Also, everyone looked fantastic.

    I do not understand the scene between Jason and Drew. It really doesn't make sense.

    Instead of Joss, Curtis, Jordan and Portia being at the wedding -- all of whom have no deep connection to the couple -- we should've had Nina, Lucy, Jackie and Sasha.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...