Monday, May 6, 2024

Chit Chat Day


MONDAY! It's basically a continuation of Friday.

Krissy is still bitching about TJ and the baby stuff.  She says she doesn't know how to not love a part of her. Alexis says that's a problem, not the loving but the attachment. They keep yappin on and on. Then Alexis hugs Krissy and says everything is going to be OK. Krissy leaves. Diane comes in. Now Alexis and Diane can talk about the surrogacy. Alexis tells her that it's legally Kristina's child. 

Sonny is still bitching about Carly. HE says "To hell with you Carly Corinthos". Ava says: You mean Carly Spencer. They keep talking. Sonny wants to get his blood levels checked and throw the results in Carly's face. Ava talks him out of getting checked. He leaves. 

Dante is still bitching about wanting to quit the force. Sam says she's been waiting for him to want to give up his badge. WTF? She says she laid awake at night hoping he'd leave the force.  She goes on to say she'd be relieved if he turned in his badge.

Anna and Bennett are doing paperwork. She says she's moving into her new apartment soon. She says it's all furnished and she's getting the stuff out of storage that she kept. Then Dante comes in to turn in his badge. They talk about why. His being torn. Then Anna says that it has been his BADGE that has protected him against Sonny's business and such. She basically tells him he's staying. 

Blaze and Mama are in the park talking about her "branding 'and what she's going to wear in public. Then they argue about some guitar solo on her record. Her mother mentions Blazes' brother. OH man, we getting HER BROTHER ON HERE NEXT? OMG they say he's a musician. His name is "ELOI" .. EEE-Lo-EE

Sonny sits with Eva LaRue in the park. They talk about daughters, then he tells her about 'his ex' and being bipolar. "She helped me but now she's using it against me".  Keeps talking about Carly. Then he asks her out for a drink. They go to his PH and AVA is there. LOL she asks what she does. Sonny says "helps me out"-- she's like don't you have a nanny? Then Sonny tells Ava to go get the 24 year old scotch. She does and tries to horn in on the conversation between him and Eva. HE says "Don't you have calls to make or something"? Eva says she loves his PH, he says he wants to redecorate, can she help? She says what about Ava? He says it's not like that and Ava hears him. 

Blaze goes to Krissy's apartment to show her her clothes. They bitch about their mothers. Then Molly stops by to clear things up from this morning. She says she's sorry about TJ's micromanaging. Then they argue about Sonny for a bit. 

Not much went on today but a lot of talking points. 

 and his name is like ELOY or ELOI or whatever and ... his mom says music is "in his blood". 


  1. I hate what they are trying to do to Dante. He is, and has been one of the most consistent and likable characters on the show. Anna is great with him. So if he quits, which I don't think he will, neither Sam or him will have a job.
    Watch out Natalia. Don't get in Ava's way.
    Alexis' coffee table is about a mile away from the couch. Very practical.

    1. "Zazu says, Watch out Natalia. Don't get in Ava's way."

      Yes! Queen Ava bites! :)

      "Alexis' coffee table is about a mile away from the couch. Very practical."


  2. Kinda cool about the new characters. Finally my last name is being used somewhere

  3. I turned it off and read a book - I have NEVER done that but this Sonny/Ava thing is disgusting....SO I read Karen's tweets!
    -------Ava will sure nuff take Natalia down - the ONLY positive thought is that Ava FINALLY will find tell about pills/pretend she took a pill to be evaluated--and Sonny will be grateful forever......irritates me that Natalia STILL has no idea Sonny is a Mob Boss....
    -----by the way - just a thought - go to the freakin PHARMACY and find out about the pharmacist and the freakin pills!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID STUPID Ava..
    ------Don't care about anything baby oriented...
    -----WHY oh WHY did Anna and Dante even HAVE that conversation? SURELY it will mean something later........#wasteoftime.
    ------rating are plummeting....MAY SWEEPS

    1. I'm with you on all points, mufasa.

    2. I hate the Sonny/Ava storyline, too!

  4. Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Ava: Sure Sonny sure! Get that test done. :) Now you two kiss again.. Go ahead! Rats. :(

    The REAL park:

    Blaze and Mami: Uh huh. You don't have a personal downtime. Translation, you can't see Krissy a lot because I am going to make you so busy you won't have time for Krissy, and you are not gay. I forgot that Blaze has a brother.

    "Karen says, and his name is like ELOY or ELOI or whatever"

    We should just call him Elroy! :) You know from the Jetsons. ROFL!

    Natalia and Sonny: What is this?! Chem testing?!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Krissy: Oh I just have a bad feeling about this. Krissy is not going to want to give that baby up when it's born is she?!

    Alexis and Diane: Diane gives great advice. Oh oh. Is this whole scene foreshadowing?!

    Sante home:

    Sante: No Dante don't quit!!!

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Dante: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( Hmmm did Anna change Dante's mind?

    Krissy's home:

    Blaze: Yeah you two are not going to have a lot of time together if your mother has anything to say about it.

    Blaze and Molly: Yeah I'm on team TJ! Sorry! I mean Krissy just had a stressful argument with Joss. And the other surrogate said she had a "miscarriage" so yeah I don't blame TJ for being on edge.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Queen Ava and Natalia: WOW WOW WOW! Flirting right in front of Queen Ava! Ava is jelly. :) Queen Ava wins the line of the day.

    Queen Ava: I'm not one of those.


    Sonny: Do you have to make some calls for the gallery?


    Sonny and Natalia:

    Sonny: Oh Ava? It's not like that.

    Sonny! Did you forget that you just kissed her?!? Man Natalia is not going to be able to resist Sonny's dimples!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...