Friday, May 31, 2024



OMG I've watched allll week live!! HOLY MOLY ! 

Sonny visits Jason in the coffee lair. He wants to tell him he is leaving Dex alone and he also wants nothing to do with Jason anymore. He still wants 1/2 of the business back. Jason says no. Sonny says yes, WHY are you here? Jason: Not for me, for you. Awwwwwwww. He's trying to keep the legit coffee stuff up so Sonny's not hauled off to jail. Which makes no sense but hey! Jason says Sonny's unhinged and let me help you. Sonny tells him to get out of his way or ..well he's dead. That escalated quickly.

Molly finds Carly and wants more info on the Wedding Brawl. Carly's like: I wasn't there. Molly says you're family, you'll know!! Please tell me, Kristina is carrying my baby! Carly says ok but Molly better NOT even use this as an ADA. Carly tells Molly how upset and scared Kristina was. She just REALIZED what a real mobster Sonny is (OMG seriously?). Then Carly tells her it's going to be hard being a mother and worrying and yada yada. 

Molly goes to GH and sees TJ. She hedges where she was today. Then Portia takes Molly to yell about the headline and the DAs office better nip the Heather getting out of jail in the bud. 

The Invader Headline is about Laura wanting Heather freed. She says she JUST WANTED information. Jordan says; I told you this would happen! Laura says she's a free citizen and can get info if she wants it. She sends Jordan to the records room. 

Curtis shows Portia the headline. He can't believe it. Must be more to the story. He leaves. 

Curtis wants to talk to Laura. He asks if she's opening the case up. She says she's only looking into it but yah, Heather deserves to have her case reviewed. Oh lord.  He says what if it was your kid that was stalked and all that? Laura tries to explain herself but frankly, the dialog is dumb. It's just dumb. He tells Laura he will fight with everything they have. Also mentioned Brando, Britt and the other victims. 

Liz is going to get multiple copies of the death Cert for Chase for all the stuff he needs to do as executor. Then they talk about Finn's drinking. He basically tries to make excuses. Liz listens but isn't convinced. 

Jagger wants to take Brennan back to Pentonville. Portia won't let him. She says she has to wait for the surgeon to sign him off. Brennan is like Neener Neener. They banter awhile about Pentonville and FBI and old days at WSB. Anna, Dante and the hit and stuff. 

SONNY sent a shooter to the warehouse but Jason's bat ears hears him first. Ends in a shoot out with 2 guys firing at Jason. 


  1. I can now see why people aren't asking Sonny about his meds. He's not acting manic. He seems to be in control. He's very controlled and percise about what he wants. New writers have no clue about how he's act if he was off his meds.

    They are still giving me reasons to dislike Portia. And everybody seems to be acting like they have the right to know everything about everybody. the kool-aid crowd has taken over.

  2. Lots of boring blahblahblah today. Mostly from Molly who should be talking to Kristina rather than everyone else in PC.

  3. Porti-"saving theworld" is overdone and just like 'I will keep Spencer away from daughter'----sooooo annoying.
    ----Molly is a terrible liar....but none of that storyline do I even care about.
    ------Laura = horrible change of character plus a mayor would have legal people look into a crime----she is only doing it cause it is Heather....LOVED Curtis saying, 'Trina didn't press charges against Esme cause she didn't remember anything - look how that turned out."
    ---I really Dr O in Laura's office screaming and yelling...I think the gossip guy must have planted that story cause I don't think Nina would have done it.
    ----Sonny isn't acting manic but he is declaring to everyone in his life 'I am done with you' so I just think Carly or Jason would go BACK to what about the meds?
    -----I 100% think it is Pikeman guys - not Sonny but he will be blamed....I thought Jason would kill them and hide the bodies (after calling Anna to check them out) or even to protect Sonny but previews look like Sonny is at the PCPD.
    -------guess if he was in jail (and you can't bring in your own medication) he might get his regular dose!!
    -----I COMPLETELY don't understand ----so Diane couldn't defend Carly and Drew cause they were on opposite sides so how can she defend Sonny and still be Jason's lawyer?

    1. "Mufasa says, I think the gossip guy must have planted that story"

      I wonder how he would have gotten that story!

    2. I think Jordan leaked it.

    3. "Kevin says, I think Jordan leaked it."

      Why would Jordan leak it?

    4. Good reason: Thinks she is helping Curtis. Bad reason: She wants to be mayor. (Probably a mix of both.)

    5. "Kevin says, Good reason: Thinks she is helping Curtis."

      Sounds like her.

      "Bad reason: She wants to be mayor."

      That doesn't sound like her. ROFL! Although people have been acting out of character lately.

    6. I think Portia leaked it - but what do I know

    7. I think Portia was PO'd enough to do it and I think Jordan would be less likely to do it than her.

    8. "JohnD says, I think Portia leaked it - but what do I know"

      "Di says, I think Portia was PO'd enough to do it and I think Jordan would be less likely to do it than her."

      But she looked really shocked when she saw the article! Hmmm unless she faked it. Hmmm.

  4. looking forward to State of Mind this week - Steve Burton!


  5. Jason's warehouse office:

    Jason aka Mr. Tattoo and Sonny: Mr. Tattoo and his blue eyes are sad! Gee Sonny you are not even going to mention his big ass tattoo? So many threats. Sonny full of hot air.

    Metrocourt lobby:

    Molly and Carly: Poor Molly or should I say Alexis Jr? ROFL! I'm still waiting for Molly to say TJ was right!!!! No Molly don't keep this from him! He will find out eventually, and he will be pissed at you for keeping it from him!

    Sonny and Carly: Oh oh! Sonny what did you do?!

    The hospital: I always love when they show the outside of the hospital!!!

    TJ and Portia: You gotta calm down Portia and go talk to Laura!

    Tolly: Geez TJ! You can't see Molly lying and being uncomfortable?!?!! Boundaries??!?!! Molly! TJ can go to the next ultrasound!!! He IS the father for crying out loud! This is so stupid! So they haven't been going to the ultrasounds?!?!!

    Portia and Molly: Portia! GO TALK TO LAURA!

    Chase and Liz: Writers! Stop it! Finchy is not an alcoholic! He was a drug addict!!!! I love the death certificate part!!! Awwww. :(

    John and Brennan: New bromance? :) They both need to be shirtless! :)

    Laura's office: Mayor makes move to free hook killer. Great headline. :) Who the heck wrote that article? Great smiley picture of Laura! Hahaha.

    Jordan and Laura: Ooooo I love Jordan's look today!!! :)

    Curtis and Laura: Wait I get it! Laura just want the cobault poisoning on record! And if the court frees her, then that's the courts decision! Are Curtis and Laura's friendship going to be over? :( Brando mention. :(

    Jason's warehouse office:

    OH! So who is this guy?! Sonny sent him?! OH NO! The bag of coffee beans have been shot!!!! They are bleeding!!!!! SAVE THEM!!!!!! :(

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to June 23rd, 2011* Alexis points out Sonny's sexist ways! ROFL!

    1. Are we going to have to worry about lead poisoning in our morning coffee now, sonya? lol

    2. "Di says, Are we going to have to worry about lead poisoning in our morning coffee now, sonya? lol"

      What? ROFL! Why would I do that?! :)

    3. The bullets in the coffee, sonya. Lead bullets, sonya. lol

    4. "Di says, The bullets in the coffee, sonya. Lead bullets, sonya. lol"

      Ohhhhh! Hahahahahaha. Not if they get buried. *Snicker*

  6. Stinko week. The Heather stuff is dumb and Sonny is not acting like someone with a bipolar diagnosis when their levels are off. What is with the writers AND the producers? Also, why is everyone talking so slowly? Elizabeth is the worst but Laura is getting there.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...