Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sadness Comes


UGH poor Fin and GREG... and was the wedding on a Thursday or a Sunday? Oh well.. that's not even the point.  Greg Harrison looked so.. passed away. WOW... the make up and everything.   ME Broke my heart.  The aftermath was done perfectly. Having to call someone and the shaky voice and hands.  The coroner coming and when they took the photos and all that was so REAL.  Finn should have called LIZ!! WHY didn't he? 

Brook and Chase at the airport.  Oh it's going to be so sad.  Finn calls them as they are going to board. Oh... man :sobbing: 

Alexis and Diane were fun with the shower thing. OF Course Diane had a portable steamer! Alexis was good at being nervous. 

Kristina doesn't mention talking to Sam when she says "I have to talk to my family"?  She calls Michael. Which he DID get shot in the head because of Daddy but.. I still think she should have called Sam. "Dad is a product of the choices he made long before we were born" very Camus.  

Did Dex and Joss sleep in that park?  I guess they are back together.  Joss made him pancakes at Bobbie's then they have coffee at the park? LOL.. Then Michael comes by and asks if he wants to press charges. 

Sonny and Dante.  I couldn't figure out why he went to Dante until he said to talk to Kristina which makes sense.  He's the drunk uncle that sobers up in the morning "YEAH I hit him, what of it"??  When he explained the Krissy thing and her flinching.. was so good.  Then Dom Z is so great in his delivery as well!! We have such good actors on this show. 


Violet's home....oh no. 

GUYS I can watch GH SO fast on Hulu. I only wish that I could do this closer to when the show ended for you!!! 
Thx for the recaps Sonya.

Thanks for still reading, Wubbers!! 


  1. The scenes with Dante and Sonny were amazing. You could feel the build up. Dom Z should definitely take the Emmy for those scenes.
    When Chase opened the compass I started blubbering again. Glad he caught him before they boarded though.

  2. ------lotsa Emmy reel worthy scenes: Violet, Dante, Finn, Sonny..
    -----Dex's eye makeup was perfection~
    ----It pains me to say this, but telling Dex not to press charges cause Kristina would have to testify and she is pregnant made TOTAL SENSE.....but Joss still declaring she is not gonna go back to Dex?? (She still hasn't changed clothes but Dex did.)
    -----I coulda done without repeat/rinse/repeat conversation of Blaze and Kristina though
    -----I watched Santa Barbara so I am ALL about Julia/Mason reunion but it is so chopped up.....I could TOTALLY have been one of those three people/jury/panel on screen!
    ----I just feel that Sonny/Ava + have sex = she STILL keeps quiet....and that makes me SO MAD! SO ready for the pill story to be now....
    -----at least Chase called LIZ-----I KNEW she was gonna start questioning him about drinking and I thought 'time and place' ---thus begins the next storyline of Finn and Liz and eventual breakup (I think it will last months)
    -----May sweeps ends next week, so I guess wedding, Gregory's death is the main thing and Alexis storyline is secondary, followed by Finn's drinking....It SHOULD be PILLS and PIKEMAN.
    ------I'll be a blubbering idiot when Tracy finds out......if they show it....
    ------at least previews Carly is back at the penthouse - hopefully grabbing pills again...

    1. "Mufasa says, It pains me to say this, but telling Dex not to press charges cause Kristina would have to testify and she is pregnant made TOTAL SENSE....."

      It does it does!!!

      "It SHOULD be PILLS and PIKEMAN."

      It should be yes!!!!

  3. "Karen says, Thx for the recaps Sonya."

    You're welcome Karen!!!! :)

    Finchy's home:

    Finchy and Little V: Little V is home early. Finchy forgot. This lady took her home. Ohhhh so no bus. Finchy had to tell little V about grandpa died. She ran to her grandpa's bedroom. She cried!! She didn't get a chance to say goodbye! Awwww. :( Little V and Finchy cried, which made me cry! :( There was a flashback of when little V was little being with her Grandpa! Awwww! :(

    Finchy, Little V, and Liz: Chase called Liz! Liz hugged little V and Finchy! When Liz hugged Finchy she saw the glass of alcohol, then she looked at Finchy and probably smelled his breath. She then saw the alcohol.

    Fiz: She talked to Finchy alone and said she will take Violet home with her, and Finchy was so against it!! This is so dumb! He is a drug addict Liz not an alcoholic!!! Hmmmm well, if it breaks them up, then okay the writers can do dumb things. :)

    Sante home:

    Sonny and Dante: Man! Dante was all YELLY!!!!! Great scene. He won't help Sonny at all! He is out of the I wuv Sonny club too! :)

    Sonny and Ava: Sonny had to tell Ava what happened after the wedding! Come on Ava tell him the truth about what you did!!!!

    The REAL park:

    Dex, Joss, and Michael: Joss wow! She has changed in a good way! She don't want Dex to testify against Sonny for Krissy's sake! Because of the baybay! YES!!!! I agree!!! Wait until the baybay is born!

    Central perk:

    Joss and Michael: One minute they are at the park, and then next minute they are at Central perk coffee house! ROFL! They talk about Sonny and then talk about Dex and if Joss and Dex are back together, she said they aren't. Michael says they should be. Something that Michael and I agree on! They hug awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Kraze: Krissy realizes that Michael agreed to fix everything because of her and the baybay! She should have said TJ was right!!!!

    Kraze and Dex: Krissy says you are entitled to justice. She will testify against her father. Oh no!!!! No no no!!! Too stressful Krissy!!! Think of the baybay!!!

    The airport:

    Brase: Awwww Chase. :( I want to hug him!! They aren't going to Italy for their honeymoon. They should still go!!! Gregory would want you to go!

    Q mansion:

    Lois and Ned: Oh! So Monica is okay with Gio living at the Q mansion!!!! So we get to keep him?! YAY! :D Gio is 21. :)

    Lois, Ned, and Brase: Brase told them about Gregory. :( Tracy is at Cowboy Cody's horse home. She went there to get a horse to ride. Chase wants to tell her. :(

    NY hotel room: They are getting ready for court!!!!!!! Good luck Alexis!!!!! Alexis grabs something that Gregory gave her for luck awwwww! :( Someone should call Alexis about Gregory! Diane wins the line of the day.

    Diane: Testify!

    Hahahahaha and then they give each other a high five! ROFL!


    Diane and Alexis: Alexis is nervous.. A lawyer walks in and it's CAMERON LEWIS! Zander Smith's father!!! :D Alexis says he looks familiar. ROFL! Oh he is Neil Burns's brother!! Boy he is against Alexis! Come on Cameron! You have amnesia! *Snicker*

    1. I'm being generous with the writers about Finn and his new found drinking problem. I think their view is that if someone is an addict with drugs then it follows that they will also have addiction problems with alcohol. That is the best I can come up with to explain it.

      I'm guessing that Alexis hasn't been told is 1st Finn has been busy, and 2nd that no one wants to tell her before her big day in court.

    2. Oh, Sonya I forgot. I don't blame Chase and Brook for cancelling that trip. When my Dad died I fell apart, even though we knew it was coming.

    3. "Gary says, I'm being generous with the writers about Finn and his new found drinking problem. I think their view is that if someone is an addict with drugs then it follows that they will also have addiction problems with alcohol. That is the best I can come up with to explain it."

      Yeah if they think that, it's so dumb. I mean cus the writers are acting like he is an alcoholic.

      "I'm guessing that Alexis hasn't been told is 1st Finn has been busy, and 2nd that no one wants to tell her before her big day in court."

      Yeah. :(

      "Oh, Sonya I forgot. I don't blame Chase and Brook for cancelling that trip."

      Oh I don't blame them at all! I can just see Gregory telling them not to delay their trip.

      "When my Dad died I fell apart, even though we knew it was coming."

      I'm so sorry. :( *BEARHUGS*

    4. Thanks, Sonya. Daddy had Parkinson's and that is a disease I do not wish on anyone. He'll be gone 3 years next month but days it feels like yesterday. I tell my Mom since I don't live there I can pretend sometimes he is still there.

    5. "Gary says, Thanks, Sonya."

      You're welcome!!

      "Daddy had Parkinson's and that is a disease I do not wish on anyone."

      Oh that's so awful and sad. :(

      "He'll be gone 3 years next month but days it feels like yesterday. "


      "I tell my Mom since I don't live there I can pretend sometimes he is still there."

      Awwwwwww! How sweet. How is your mom doing?

  4. I think we just saw the beginning of what will break up Liz and Finn. (Yay!) I wonder if Finn will leave for rehab and Liz will take custody of Violet?

    1. I was hoping that Liz would take "little" V, then the 10 year old actress won't have to be carried around in every scene. I was picturing her being carried down the aisle in a few years.

  5. Elizabeth's behavior was inappropriate. If you love someone you don't get angry if they do something they shouldn't. Besides, as everyone knows except the writers, Finn is a drug addict and that does not make him an alcoholic. It is possible but not probable. Their relationship has always been off. Are they friends or lovers or neither. Let's call the whole thing off.
    Dom Z. is so good.
    Little V was great today.
    When they kill off a good character they never come back. When/if they kill off a villain they come back again and again. Just an observation.
    Ava looked great. Someone please revive her.

  6. I heard that Violet was amazing-- I can't wait to see it all tomorrow. Does Tracey know yet?

    1. no = Chase went to the stables to tell her - I think we won't see it

  7. I think its perfectly normal to worry about Finn drinking. Alcohol is a controlled substance. If you have anyone close to you that has been to one or the other, you are always on edge if they choose either one. I have known folks that get high that are addicted to alcohol. The other way around (addicted to drugs but deciding to drink alcohol especially in excess after a death of someone you love to me is a real concern as many times the 2 go hand in hand). Liz staying with him or inviting him back to her home may have been a good choice. I have not watched it yet.

    1. "Skeebob says Exactly. Alcohol is a recreational drug. Even though alcohol wasn't Finn's drug of choice, the worry is that he'll get drunk, lower his inhibitions, and make further bad choices. A person addicted to one drug can easily transfer that over to another drug."

      Okay I'll give you that, but they are not worried at all about Finchy going back on drugs. They don't even mention it. All they are focused on is the alcohol.

    2. They are focused on the alcohol because he did drink, not take drugs

  8. I really want to see the scenes where Alexis and Tracy are both told about Gregory. DO NOT have it occur on Off Screen GH!
    All the actors/characters were excellent yesterday. I especially like how BLQ is comforting Chase then falls apart with her mum. I was blubbering. I said it yesterday and I'll say it today, Dom is on fire and I want to see him every day!

    1. Dom is amazing and I'm just gonna say it - I think partly cause he's not having scenes with Mumbles....

    2. HAHAHAH! Couldn't agree more!



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...