Friday, May 17, 2024

Day 3 Of the Matrimony!


Lots of wedding chatter.  Finn's upset he drank the champers.

Everyone compliments Violet and then Geo on their talents.

Maxie hugs Jason, she glad he's home. Anna talks to Jason and tells him to mingle more.

Sonny asks Anna how Dex is doing at the Academy and she's like: Just go away. 

Sonny tells Lois to tell Gio to stop taking to Dex. Lois is like: Stop making something out of nothing.
Geo is telling Dex that his dad died in Afghanistan in 2002 before he was born.

ChaLyn dance...lasted a long time. Everyone dances. Then Dex talks to Gloria about being a cop and Sonny's not happy he's talking to people. 

Spinelli agrees to help Sam "investigate the FBI since Jason is an infomant"

Violet catches the bouquet.

Sonny confronts Dex and tells him the Curello's are LIKE HIS FAMILY and stay away from them. Dex is like, I'm not your enemy and Sonny decks him. 

Then THE HORSE HOUSE: Sasha didn't go to the wedding because she was making food for the 'after party"..:eyeroll: and she brought Cody a picnic. The talk about wine. Then he talks about a big wedding and he can't afford it. 

Prison. Brennan is shown getting a shank blade in a towel. Then some big guy tries to take it and he drops him. Then Brennan stabs himself in the belly and puts the shank in the passed out guys hand. I guess he wants to get to GH. 

Sonny is beating the hell out of Dex who's not fighting back. Jason grabs Sonny. Sonny yells he's going to kill them both and put a gun to their heads and Kristina sees it. Drops plate. 

Brennan is taken to GH 

And..that's that.

My free trial is up Sunday so the blogs may be a day late as far as content goes. I'll watch on Hulu. 


  1. -I vascilate as to IS Dex Gio's dad? Gio never gave a name of his dad, Gloria loved him, it seemed they were trying to have the family meet Dex? BUT I don't think the ages line up?
    -----I saw NO FOOD being eaten.....and at least they explained why Sasha wasn't there and I will even say it IS normal for families to gather at the home after the reception.....what I thought odd was Chase and Brook Lynn just kinda walked out with other guests.
    ------still love Jason and Spinelli
    -----the WHOLE Patty thing/Dante not wanting to be there seemed out of place/went nowhere.
    -----Sonny attacked a cop ------- but I bet Dex doesn't press charges but at least Kristina saw it all AFTER Jason DID warn Sonny that Kristina didn't need to see him get revenge on Dex.
    ------I liked the ending cause it was short - three days of wedding and romance was nice - and then Sonny and Brennan.......WHY Brennan wants out - if to see Valentin - is odd too cause hospitals have cameras and people WILL see Valentin going to see Brennan.
    -----I am disgusted that last week Sam hated Jason and now she is going to save him....she thinks --------------wait until she finds out this is about CARLY!

    1. Dex may not be old enough to be Gio's dad but I think Drew Cain is. I enjoyed todays show up until Sonny lost his mind. Kristina's reaction was golden. I loved seeing Dex with the aunt and uncle. He was laughing so much in a few of the scenes.

    2. "Di says, Dex may not be old enough to be Gio's dad"

      Hmmm unless Dex had him very young.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The ages / dates can't possibly work for Dex to be Gio's dad. This will be another huge writing blunder if they go there. IMO.

    5. sonya said, " Hmmm unless Dex had him very young." lol The actor who plays Dex is 27. I think Dex may be even younger and Giovnni is 18. That means Dex would have been younger than Violet when he made little Gio.

  2. Dex is way too young to be Gio's father

  3. What if Drew or Shiloh is Gios dad they were both in Afghanistan at the time.

    1. That is very possible...Wish Drew wasn't Ryan Lavrey now , I don't like Cameron as Drew.

    2. "KS says, Wish Drew wasn't Ryan Lavrey now"

      OH! You see it too!!!! Great! :D

  4. A lot of funny one liners today!

    The reception:

    Spixie and Jason: It was so hysterical that when Jason was hugging Maxie he pushed Spinny away! Hahaha. Come on Jason! He wants to hug you. You have been "dead" for over 2 years!

    Spixie: GAH! I love them so freakin much. He is so sweet and charming!!! Love when he calls her Maximesta! :) Dammit Sam! You are interrupting them!!! You and your bread go away!

    Sam and Spinny: You interrupted Spixie for this?! Geez! It couldn't wait until tomorrow?! I can't believe you are dragging him into this! What if Spinny gets hurt?! Stay out of it Sam! It's none of your business!

    Sante: Dante is afraid of his Italian family! Hahahaha!

    The dancing: Love it!!!! :D Oh look Dex and Joss dancing. Well with all the eye zex they had it's not surprising. Little V and uncle Chase dancing awwwwwwwww! :)

    Gio and Dex: Hmmm I got a strange vibe in this scene. Mufasa on twitter said that Gio could be Dex's son! I haven't heard that rumor! It makes sense on why they had a scene together. Maybe Gio was told that his dad died, but he is really alive!! In comes Dex! :D

    Dex and Lois's mother: Awwww Dex is so sweet!!! :) See no reason for them to have a scene together unless, DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Dex, Lois's mother, and Lois: Now that scene is really funny! ROFL!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Jordan: Boy they have been in a lot of scenes together. AND he wants to take her home. If Nina catches them kissing, will she be jelly?

    Lois and Sonny: Yeah Sonny is losing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Catching the bouquet: Little V congratulations! She is next to get married!!! :D I'm surprised Finchy wasn't upset about her catching it hahaha.

    Anna: and Nedlia: Olivia wins the line of the day!

    Olivia: What's wrong? Who's under arrest? We were so close.


    Sonny and Dex: Geez I thought the blood was coming from his eye! I'm glad Jason stopped him! Oh oh now that Krissy saw it, will she be in labor? All that stress!

    Cowboy Cody's horse house:

    Sasha and Cody: WOW! Some people here wondered why Sasha wasn't at the wedding and I joked that she was cooking. As it turns out, I was right! She really was cooking! BAHAHAHHAHA! Oh Cody! Poison at a wedding? Run away bride or groom? You kill me! :) And you don't pay for a wedding! Sasha is right! The bride's father does silly! Forget about the big huge expensive wedding.. People should just elope! :) I love their dancing. :) Love them!!

    Jail shower: Oooo a naked man was in the shower and now he was out! Your turn Brennan! ;)

    Brennan and huge bully: Man! When Brennan stabbed himself, I was in a lot of shock! WOW!!!! Did not expect that!!

    Hotel suite:

    Brase: Awwwwwwww love. :) I hope you signed a prenup Chase.

    The hospital: My oh my oh my!!!!!!!!!!! What is Brennan's plan?

    Preview for tomorrow: Oh oh Krissy has to go to the hospital?! Is she in labor?!!!!?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to July 6th 2015. Dante and Valerie have zex!

    1. Oh dear, sonya. You're right about Kristina and the stress. I hope she doesn't lose the baby!

    2. I'm all for eloping. My parents eloped just out of high school and were married for 60 years. Then my ex and I went to the Justice of the Peace to get married and we were married over 20 years. We were stationed in Virginia, his folks were in Maine, and mine were in Alabama. We were two broke Airmen 1st Class and couldn't afford to get everyone together. I would have tripped over my dress if we had done a big wedding. 😁

  5. I believe Dex is 24 and Gio said his dad died in 2002 when his mom was pregnant

  6. So, will the shock and stress of seeing her dad threaten to kill someone cause Kristina to lose the baby?

  7. Dex is definitely not Gio's dad. That would make no sense.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...