Friday, May 10, 2024

Mac is Coming Back!


LOOK WHO'S BACK AT GH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna questions Dex about the police academy. He's happy. Anna wants to know if Dex thinks that Dante would make decisions on Sonny's behalf. SHE ASKS DEX THIS? Then Dex says they trust each other and Anna's all concerned. 

Dex and Joss raced in the park. They talked about Joss changing her major. 

Jagger visits Jason in the coffee warehouse and asks him why Carly would visit Brennan at Pentonville.  Jason says NO WAY-- he did NOT. They forget Carly listened in when they had the door open--idiots. Jagger tells Jason to find out how Carly knows and leaves. Then Anna comes in and finds out about Carly visiting Brennan. Jason says the only way she'd do that is because she thinks she's helping him. Anna's upset because Carly may have tipped off Brennon. Oh, btw, Jason figured out Carly listened in the warehouse and found out the info. 

Eva LaRue and Sonny continue to have nosh at The Metro. Sonny disses Ava. Then he talks about the wedding. He asks her to go, she says yes. 

Sam and Dante are in the park. She says "OMG guess what! Jason has been working undercover at the FBI" He's all OMG really? Then he's like: OH YEAH, Sonny told me. WTF. THEN he says "So did Jason but I was in the hospital and I guess I forgot". They talk about the whole shooting thing. zzzz Sam says she believes Jason that he was made to stay away from home and she wants to help him and Sonny. 

Ava scratches off a Rx number from Sonny's pills. It's the refill number. She goes to the doctor to see if he can get more for the trip and she wants to know more about the drug. It's the pharmacist that is doing the tampering for Valentin. She keeps asking things and leaves with a smile on her face. 

Sonny gets home and Ava is still there. She apologizes for running off at the Metro and she shouldn't have gotten mad. She likes their relationship now and trusts him and that's why she has to move out. 


Sam and Dante decide to find out what the FBI has on Jason

Anna thinks Brennan is going to strike someone in the FBI . 

Joss will switch her major to Environmental Science but will life guard at The Metro this summer


  1. hey writers:
    ---What was up with Anna asking Dex about Dante when she JUST told Dante she was okay?
    ---now Sam is all over Jason and helping-------------and are we to BELIEVE that Dante FORGOT about Jason and FBI?
    ----so the pharmacist isn't gonna call Valentin and tell him about Mrs. Corinthos?
    ----memba back when head of Pikeman was a woman and then other mob bosses were killed but TODAY we find out it was NEVER about the other mob bosses? WHAT is it about? Brennan also already KNOW FBI/WSB/Pikeman etc are intertwined....
    -----WHEN will Natalia find out Sonny is a MOB BOSS? She is annoying/needs to go.

    NOW I did like Ava's mind games so Sonny asks her to stay. I thought that envelope were test results or something....I was afraid she was gonna move out and let Sonny get worse so she can get custody. BUT I HATE what Ava has become...
    ----------------gotta say though Maurice B is killing his scenes.....I hate the storyline but he is amazing.

  2. No pharmacist would give out info even to a spouse. His name is on the vial. No ID asked for. Beyond ridiculous. Ava is ruined. Let's hope only temporarily.
    In these times if you meet someone and like them what do you do? Look them up on the internet Natalia. Oh right, PC hasn't evolved yet. Right behind Nixon Falls.
    Sam has got to go. No job but is ready to take down the FBI, CIA, Pikeman and every other nuisance agency because she feels bad about blaming Jason for Dante's shooting.
    What are the writers thinking.

  3. YAY!!!! I'm so glad John J York is back! WOOT WOOT!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Natalia and Sonny: This is so annoying. Stop laughing and flirting with Sonny! And why is she pretending that she doesn't have a dress? She was planning on going to the wedding with her daughter! Oy!

    The REAL park:

    Joss and Dex: Take off your shirt Dex! Ooooo Environmental Science!!! I love that for her!!! Thank you writers. :) Hmmm as she was leaving, they had eye sex!

    Sante: Sam wins the line of the day.

    Sam: I hope you remember me!

    BAHAHAHAHA! I don't think he will EVER forget you Sam! :) Wait Sam cares about Jason? Really? Uh yeah you don't need to help Jason, Sam! Just stop that right now!

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Dex: Mmmmm Dex looks sexy in that cop uniform. :) Okay Dex take off your shirt.

    Corinthos Coffee warehouse:

    Jason and John: Hello John. Take off your shirt please. :)

    Jason and Anna: Yes Anna! Jason knows Carly VERY well!! :) So of course he is going to figure out that she eavesdropped on Jason and John! :)

    The hospital:

    Ava and the pharmacist: Geez I thought he was a doctor at first. A pharmacist who has a huge office?! HUH?! Who did he sleep with to get an office? And Ava should know all about bipolar disorder! Did she forget Morgan?! Come on writers! These scenes make no sense.

    Sonny's home: Wow! Is Sonny out of breath? What was that scene about?

    Sonny and Ava: I have no idea what Ava is planning with all this. She should really talk to Sonny and tell him the truth!

    Ava: I'm embarrassed.

    What?! You are the queen! You don't get embarrassed! The look on Ava's face at the end there! ROFL! Jelly at it's finest. Come on Ava! You are the queen! Act like it! I want a brawl with Natalia and Queen Ava! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 10th 2004* Tracy frightens Edward! ROFL! Yeah I don't blame him. He probably hasn't forgotten that she kept him from his heart meds when he had his "heart attack"

    1. Sonya - couldn't help but notice you made no request for the pharmacist to take his shirt off :)

    2. "JohnD says, Sonya - couldn't help but notice you made no request for the pharmacist to take his shirt off :)"

      Hahahahahaha! Well, he IS handsome, so yeah he can take his shirt off too. :D

  4. So happy that JJY is back! The writers are probably already figuring out how to change Mac.
    sonia's line of the day is perfect. But wish that he didn't.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I hope they don't screw up his character too. And I want hi to find out about Cody ASAP. He needs the joy of finding that he has a son in his life too.


  5. Look, I can see Ava wanting to get back into the mob life and maybe even wanting the zex with Sonny, but no way she would be jealous of Natalia. It's beneath her. As Sonya said, "You are the queen. Act like it."

    I'm glad John J. York will be back as Mac. Let him find out Cody is his son, bond over a few beers, then wish Cody a bon voyage as the latter moves out west to work on a ranch in Montana, where Sasha will work as a cook. (Can you tell I hate Cody?)

    When Blaze was first introduced, remember how we all thought it was weird she popped up at Sonny's casino in Puerto Rico? I think Blaze and Natalia have some sort of connection to Sonny.

    Also, why do we have to see Dex working out so much?

    1. Yes I have always thought Blaze is after Kristina cause of Sonny-popping up on the island was too bizarre - course it WAS the old writers.
      I found it ODD ODD that Natalia said she was SEPARATED from hubby---so where is ex???? and her son is by another man? THIS is the first time we have heard this, right?

    2. Yep, the first time. I think they are doing a slow reveal about who Natalia really is or who she was related to.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...