Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Later Alligator!


Break Day for me!! Allergies abound and my head is going to explode. SO!! Have fun and be nice!! 


  1. ---horrible day!
    ---Lucy = stupid.......Nadia = annoying....(FUNNY that she has NO clue Sonny is a mob boss_ Portia = suggesting Liz be a helicopter parent
    ----can't EVEN talk about TJ
    ----Curtis is not walking with a limp anymore...he needs a better storyline (where is this going) and 'the club doesn't need my help anymore' and Portia is NEVER happy with him/selfish
    ----Nina acting like Drew should tell her every decision he makes - ugh
    -----Kristina STOPPED WORKING at the center? WHEN did it open and I thought she RAN the thing
    -----all regions are different - there are 3 weeks left of school here so I guess the Aiden storyline is gonna be being bullied cause he is gay....just seems an odd time of year for it to suddenly happen....
    ----horrible mess of characters that are the way everyone seems to have gotten hair cuts.

  2. Agree with mufasa but I will say something about TJ. Another ruined character? He is intolerable. Always a well liked character until now. Loving Molly. She is doing a great job.
    Natalia...she has been on the show for how long and she looks entirely different already. She is no match for Alexis.
    Lucy is another one. Hopefully only temporary total obnoxious syndrome. She was always a bit that way but so funny, especially with Scott. Now she is hard to take.
    Portia is just a bummer.
    Drew is improving. Must be that zex.

    1. I would rather see scenes with Scott and Liesel. Lucy has a place at GH but we are a bit overwhelmed with her as of late.

    2. "Zazu says, Drew is improving. Must be that zex."

      Yeah the 45 to an hour zex! ROFL!

  3. Agree with you both about TJ. I said last week on Twitter he's treating Kristina like she's property. You are so right Lucy was funny. Not anymore. Natalia is ridiculous and obnoxious.

  4. Deception Maxie's office:

    Lucy, Scotty, and Maxie: Man! Lucy is so delusional and goofy! Thinking that the numbers are high because of her and that everyone loves her segment on Home and Hearth. Stop it writers! Lucy does win the line of the day though.

    Lucy: Don't do that! Don't humma humma Lucy me!

    BAHAHAHAAHAHA! But seriously stop it writers!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Curtis and Ryan Lavery: He offers Curtis a job! :) Curtis has to think about it! Oh hi Nina!

    Nina, Curtis, and Ryan Lavery: Nina can't stop thinking of the zex! ROFL!

    Nina: Before you get in bed with Drew, make sure you know what you're getting into.

    The look on Curtis's face! Hahahahaha!

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Why are you there Nina? Do you want more of having an hour zex with him? Oh just wanted to talk about your daughter okay. :) Wanting to know why Willow was in his office. They are getting closer again! Interrupted by a phone call! :)

    The hospital:

    Nurse and Aidan: Ooooo cupcakes! YUM! Oh for Amy's birthday! Oh happy birthday Amy!

    Aidan and Liz: Liz is making a big deal about the paint on Aidan's backpack. Not sure what is going on there.

    Liz and Portia: Ohhhhhhh! Liz is afraid Aidan is being bullied! Great scene!! :)

    Liz on the phone: Liz is calling the school to make an appointment. Yeah good idea! See if Aidan is being bullied!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Curtis and Portia: Curtis wants to know what she thinks about the job he was offered. Portia doesn't think it's a good idea. Too much too soon and she will miss him at home. When do you go home Portia? You are always at work! ROFL! Curtis calls Drew aka Ryan Lavery and accepts the job!!!! :)

    Tolly home:

    Tolly and Krissy: Breakfast!!! :) Baybay has been quiet. Oh oh. That's not good. Bad feeling about this. TJ is still being a worried father! Yeah TJ, Krissy can't stop seeing her father. That's not realistic. Krissy got upset and left! Didn't eat her breakfast!

    Tolly: Great scene! They were arguing. But Molly! You are the one who said no scary movies remember? Soooo you are protective too!

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Natalia: Just a bartender?! WHAT?! Natalia you are way out of line and why did you bring up finding Krissy and Blaze in bed together when you first met Krissy? So inappropriate! Alexis really wanted Natalia to leave quickly! ROFL! Alexis calls Diane and left a message. Alexis is so upset. ROFL!

    Alexis and Krissy: Krissy is so upset! The baybay kicked though!

    Krissy: My baby. Maybe the baby takes after me.

    Say what now? 00


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...