Tuesday, April 30, 2024




Jason goes into a new bar (???) I think? The Black Dog? To talk to Dex about Sonny. Jason says that Joss talked to him. Dex says he needs no protection. Oh, it's the BROWN Dog. Jason asks where the zip drive is with the shipment is. Dex said destroyed. Jason also wants to know when Sonny started to 'go wrong". They talk about HUME..and the shipment and Valentin. 

Drew and Nina are all done with zex and Willow knocks on the door. Then they put their clothes on and shuffle around. Nina almost missed a meeting with a congressman but he cancelled. Then Willow tries the door. Finally Drew lets her in. It's all suspicious. Then Willow surprises everyone by saying if DREW can forgive Nina then SHE CAN TOO! YEP!! Well then!! Then she asks about the charity and decides it will be a good fit. 

Sasha cooks her first meal for the Qs. Michael, Wiley, Olivia and Leo are going to try it. They side eye it. She takes some to Cody who LOVES it. She tells him about the job Olivia offered her. He's happy. Sasha all of a sudden kisses CODY! WHAT!? 

Leo, Wiley, Michael and Liv all love the chicken dish. IT's a hit. They offer her the job. Olivia realizes something is up with Sasha and Cody and says they can't be sneaking into each other's rooms when there are kids in the house. 

Eva LaRue goes in to talk to Maxie about Deception. Maxie defends her company and the people that work there. She's worried that Brook Lyn is doing too much between being Alison's music manager and Deception. She's worried because of how bad Link was. She's just watching out for her. 

Valentin and Anna talk at the Metro Bar. He's smooth talking her about how great she is. Charlotte went to boarding school again. She wanted to get out of Port Charles. He misses Anna. He asks her to dinner. Anna gets a text from Jason to meet him at The Brown Dog. 

Anna tells Dex he's going to the Police Academy. Anna and Jason talk. He says Valentin was talking to Hume the day Sonny was shot at. Anna says that's impossible.

OMG NINA RUNS into Maxie and is so happy about Willow talking to her and drops that she and Drew had sex! ahahaha Maxie's like WHAT NOW? hahahha


Anna finds out for sure that Valentin is working for Pikeman if not IS Pikeman. Takes him up on his offer for dinner. 


  1. ---thanks for clearing up Nadia/Eva cause I had NO clue what she wanted......sooo irritating character.
    ----BEYOND stupid that Drew and Nina were 'working together' and Willow decides I will start to forgive Nina.....she should have realized what they were doing.
    -----I like Sasha and Cody - wouldn't mind if they left the show, but they aren't horrible!
    -----BIG deal - CHARLOTTE is gone back (like Anna said) and Laura never said a word.....and Valentin is playing Anna so it's not the same Vanna anymore.....
    -----one more clue today was Jason and Dex agreeing that Sonny has changed and 'right - there was a time Sonny would know not to have Cyrus killed'......
    -----finally I am having hope that Pikeman fiasco ends this May sweeps......probably Valentin leaves and goes to jail or escapes to where Charlotte is? BUT at least Anna knows the truth

    1. I liked Dex and Jason together too. Good conversation and it moved things forward. I can see them building trust with each other.
      I know what Blaze can get her mother for Mother's Day. A helicopter charm!
      And it was too funny when Leo said he liked Sasha's dish better than Olivia's. lol

  2. What was different about Natalia today? Maybe a little too much botox before taping.
    Hopefully Sasha's employment at the Q's will lead to some funny shenanigans. She and Cody light each other up.
    I'm sure it won't happen again Nina and Drew.

  3. There were a lot of funny one liners today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYDIA LOOK! :D

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Ryan Lavery and Nina: You can hear them moaning! Hahahahaha! Geez Willow why are you knocking? Do you want to test drive Drew aka Ryan Lavery too? :) Looked like Cameron Mattheson was laughing. :) I'm calling them Dina! :) He wins the line of the day.

    Ryan Lavery: I found a few less things to hate you about than I was an hour ago.

    AN HOUR?!?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You two had zex for an hour?!?!! Damn man! :) Did you two have multiple O's or you just could last that long man? :)

    Ryan Lavery, Nina, and Willow: A untied shoe? Really? It would have been better if he had his pants unzipped. :) Willow forgives Nina? Well blow me down and call me Stevey! :)

    Willow and Ryan Lavery: Oh good! That's a perfect job for Willow! :)

    Maxie's office:

    Maxie and Natalia: Maxie! Tell her that Brooky got her throat slashed and that's why she can't sing!!

    Nina and Maxie: This scene cracked me up!!! Great scene.

    Nina: It's actually really great.

    ROFL! Oh well good to know Nina! :)

    Maxie: A therapist would have a field day with you.


    Q mansion:

    Wiley, Michael, Young uncle Leo, Olivia, and Sasha: Hmmm yes you are right Olivia she could have jazzed it up a bit. :) I would eat it. :) I thought it was lasagna at first.

    Wiley, Michael, Young uncle Leo, Olivia: Mmmm now it's my turn!!! :D

    Cowboy Cody's horse house:

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: Auditioning?! I thought Olivia already hired you! That is so dumb. You already made shepherd's pie, and that was delicious. Come on writers! Ooooo a kiss! :)

    Mama Q, Sasha, and Cowboy Cody: YAY! Sasha is hired!! WOOT WOOT! :D Now Sasha and Cowboy Cody are having eye sex! Love that Mama Q notices. :) Sneaking around at the house? Hahahahahaha. They don't have to do that. They can go do it in Cowboy Cody's bedroom. :) Can he last an hour too? ROFL!

    Michael, Wiley, Olivia, Sasha, and Cowboy Cody: What?! Wiley gives horses gum?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *DEAD*

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    V.C. and Anna: NO!!!! V.C. NO! Don't play her! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    The brown dog bar: Oh is this what they are calling the bar that gives out fake id's? Interesting.

    Jason and Dex: Hmmm new bromance? :)

    Jason, Dex, and Anna: Oh! Congratulations Dex!!! :) But now we have to see the other officers shun Dex again. I'm not looking forward to that immature stupidity!

    Jason and Anna: Dammit it V.C.! I hate this!!!!

  4. After not liking most of last week's shows, there were parts I enjoyed in today's show. First and foremost, scheming to make Sonny unstable and then killing Jason and blaming it on Sonny is actually a good plan, IMO. I want to see how it plays out.

    Also, the scene with Anna and Valentin and then Anna and Jason were good. Seeing Anna's disappointment when Jason told her about Dex's photo and then quickly getting her game face on and stringing Valentin along with dinner is the Anna Devane I love. A consummate professional, no matter the personal cost.

    I still absolutely want to see Cody and Sasha go, but I will admit that today was the first time I could tolerate them.

  5. Wow! Lydia Look and I share the same birth day. How cool is that?! (Long time reader, once in a blue moon poster here. Enjoy reading everyone's comments.)

  6. Happy Birthday KK. I hit the big 70 on Saturday

    1. Thank you, DeeDee and Rae. And happy 70th birthday to you on Saturday, DeeDee. I turned 75 yesterday.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...