Thursday, April 4, 2024

It's My Vacation Day!

I'm only gone ONE day this week even though it's Spring Break!! So No GH today. I really enjoyed the show yesterday --such good character movement! It all made sense --GH to Tracey and Stella having coffee. The weak part? Hayseed Cody and Sasha LOL 

Detective Bennett 

Anyway, here's some questions for you to answer!! 

1. What set is your favorite and why? 

2. What set would you just burn down if you could? 

3. Which character do you think is a secret online gambler? (you can't pick Cody LOL)

4. What animal do you think the Qs should add to the Horse House? 

5. What DATE do you think ChaLyn will finally marry? (we'll see who wins!!) 




  2. Favorite set: Kelly's/Bobbie/s reason: Nostalgia. I also like Carly's kitchen
    Set to burn down: Anything Millow the guest house only has a living room apparently.
    Secret online gambler guess: New Drew (either that or his character is on drugs)
    Animal for the Q house: Everyone loves a good barn cat but they are unpredictable on camera so I will say a faithful herding dog.
    Date for the Chalyn wedding: guessing 5-3-24 since its a Friday but it will go well in to the week after. Looking forward to this one.

    1. "Linda says, (either that or his character is on drugs)"


  3. Favorite set: The fancy horse barn because I'd love to live in it.
    Set to burn: Sonny's apartment.
    Online gambler: Hatman
    Animal for the barn: A goat or a mini donkey.
    Wedding: Whenever it is won't be soon enough.
    Shrieking Portia is back.
    I know what bugs me about Blaze. Her hair. Maxie has it too. The over to one side style which is not current or attractive. Better on Maxie but just old fashioned.
    Loved Heather scenes today although if she does eventually go free, which at least would give us more of her, it would be totally farfetched. And Portia would explode.

    1. I can live with Portia exploding. If she keeps shrieking at current decibel levels she might go up like a champagne cork.

    2. "Judith says, I can live with Portia exploding. If she keeps shrieking at current decibel levels she might go up like a champagne cork."

      Haha. Yeah she was so loud that nurse behind her was staring at her!

  4. The hospital/Heather's room:

    Kraze: Blaze wants to know if it's okay with Krissy if they can keep their relationship with the public a secret! UGH! Krissy is okay with it!!! UGH! No no no! I hate them as a couple now!

    Terry and Tracy: OH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACY!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Heather and Doc: Doc wants to know what she would do if she was free! Oh Doc don't ask that question unless Heather REALLY is going to be free!!!

    Heather and Portia: Portia don't like Heather! Yikes!

    Heather and Laura: Awwwww great scene!!!! Heather is feeling a lot of guilt over everything she has done. :( Heather asks a great question! A question I wondered. Will Ace call Laura mom or grandma?

    Terry's office:

    Terry, Laura, and Alexis: OH! A contract for city employees to join the hospital's health plan! I LOVE THAT!!!! I'm glad Terry signed it! Although Terry doesn't like the PR paper that Alexis had written up. I wonder what's in it!

    Nurses station:

    Doc, Portia, Alexis, and Laura: Man Portia! No reason to be so rude to Alexis! You have no right!!!! Portia will be at that court date and I'm sure she will be rude there too!

    Cowboy Cody's horse home: Oooo Cowboy Cody took his shirt off! He finally listened to me! :) Oh! There is Mr. Ed aka Comet! Where have you been buddy?!

    Cowboy Cody and Tracy: Cowboy Cody's shirtless was affecting Tracy! BAHAHAHAHA! What is with their scenes? What's happening here? Are they going to have a 1 night stand? :) Hey I say go for it! :) Tracy needs to get her groove on!

    Cowboy Cody, Sasha, and Mr. Ed: Cowboy Cody is so happy that Dante is okay!!! Thanks for telling him Sasha! Dante doesn't have to go to the casino to get well.. Good. :)

    Sasha, Cowboy Cody, and Mama Q: Mama Q called Sasha to tell her about the food she was going to make, but the chicken is spoiled.. Oh no!!!! But hey it's okay! Sasha saved the day and cooked the dinner! Mama Q is so happy! :)

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: Cowboy Cody is very impressed by Sasha and they have eye sex. :)


    Felicia, new manager and Joss: Felicia told the new manager that she used to work there. She did? I don't remember that.

    Trina, Curtis, and everyone at Bobbie's: CURTIS IS WALKING! :D Everyone clapped and so did I.. But wait! Does everyone at Bobbie's know Curtis and that he couldn't walk? ROFL! I never seen any of these people before. ROFL!

    Trina and Curtis: Great scene! Curtis is helping her by giving her advice! I'm so glad Curtis is walking now! :)

    Joss and Dex: Joss is scolding him for wanting to work at the police station. Oh shut up Joss!!! OH! Joss is rethinking about being a doctor! THANK YOU WRITERS!!!!! :D

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and her cake: She finds her birthday cake and wins the line of the day!

    Tracy: Oh good Lord!


    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to June 21st 2011* Liz tells Lucky that he is Aidan's father!

  5. Anyway, here's some questions for you to answer!!

    1. What set is your favorite and why?

    I love a lot of the sets!!! Not fair! :) Gun to my head, I guess the horse stables! :) The horses are so beautiful!!!

    2. What set would you just burn down if you could?

    The stupid break room at the hospital!!! Bring back the cafeteria!!!

    3. Which character do you think is a secret online gambler? (you can't pick Cody LOL)

    The Tribbles! :)

    4. What animal do you think the Qs should add to the Horse House?

    Horsfield’s Tarsier!

    5. What DATE do you think ChaLyn will finally marry? (we'll see who wins!!)

    May 25th! :)

    1. Oops!!! Damn I can't delete my comment.. Well the animal I think the Qs should add to the Horse House is the Lemur!!!

  6. Wow, Laura cut her hair and looks fabulous! That long hair was dragging her down. And Portia and Trina have had their makeup toned down. Kevin should never have had that conversation about a patient out in the open. Nice to have Terry back!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...