Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Share a Cup


Stella and Tracey are all ready for Sunday Surgery--are you!!? 

Although the week was inconsistent, I actually enjoyed tuning in and watching--even if there wasn't a lot going on "excitement" wise. I haven't said that in a long time. The movement and dialog really intertwined and because characters are starting to morph, I never really knew what was going to come out of their mouths! (that's a good thing)!!

Grab what ya got and let's go go!

MAMA DRAMA:  Lucy's all excited  about Blaze's FACE and Eva LaRue comes in and starts looking at the contract. Doesn't want Alison to be part of "meet-greets" Or Home and Heart shills on TV. Which, I don't blame her. This also reminds us that even though we didn't see her for a long time, I guess Mom has been running things for her girl. Oh, yeah--she also doesn't want any thing printed about Blaze's "private life" (read gayyyyyy) anywhere. Blaze was surprisingly deferential to everything. Kristina came in and was not happy she wasn't told about the whole face thing and Blaze acted like they've never met before. Pfffffft.

JASON'S VISIT:  Liz was all ready for her shower when guess who shows up at the door. Yep. It's Jason, all ready to talk to his son and check on Elizabeth's life these 2 years. Well, Jake didn't want anything to do with his Dad...and it was glorious. Jake lobbed so many truths at Jason, it was hard to keep up. You really should watch these scenes on You Tube if you can.  "WHY are you here"?? He asks. That kicks off resentment and turmoil of having Jason gone and being a gangster for most of his life. Good stuff. 

JASON'S CLOTHES:  I have to point out that Jason--ye of black tshirts--is now wearing a Henley shirt complete with buttons and some sort of Denim jacket that has tailoring in the back. Not a leather jacket to be seen. Huh. You think he still rides a motorcycle? 

RICO VIOLATIONS: Welp, we found out who Jason is protecting. Hold on to your hat because it's.........CARLY!! Yes, stunning twist isn't it? LOL. Jason is super pissed that Jagger knew who he was prior to the whole "work for us or else" deal. Of course, Jason didn't remember him because of the head injury. Anna's just standing there like: What is going on?! She has to juggle John Jagger and Jack Brennan and Jason. Lordy --good luck. 

BENNAN BEHIND BARS: Anna goes to talk to Jack because Jason told her he knows about Pikeman. Of course, Brennan reveals nothing but we do learn a bit more about the ten million missing dollars and Anna and his connection back in the day.  He's also got that zexy Aussie accent and is being all flirty. Approved. 

JOSSLYN JACKS: OOH BOY:  I mean, it's hard to even start on her. First she wants Dex outta the mob. Then she's ok with him in the mob. Then out... THEN he gets an offer to be a cop and she freaks out. Why the hell Dex is still on canvas is beyond me. He's not all that by any measure. Joss also lays into Kristina because Krissy defends her father. "He's a thug and a murderer" she says. I mean, she's NOT wrong but she's just such a hypocrite. Krissy does point out all the things Sonny has done for Joss over the years but being the brat that she is, Joss doesn't really care. Personally, this is a soapy dynamic that could have happened years ago. Step-Daughter-Daughter tension is good. 


WALKING CURTIS:  Yep... Curtis took his first few steps for the camera and later Portia. I'm just waiting for him to be doing the twist at ChaLyn's wedding. 

ON POINT PORTIA: WHOOSH! Someone had to give it to Laura and Alexis! I mean, come on! She's killed 2 police officers in her lifetime let alone all the other murders and attempted murders. I was clapping. Kevin should also know better because Ryan pretended to be "cured" as well! I'm just glad someone was sane in this whole situation. 

TRINA'S APPEARANCE:  I really hope they give her more to do than decide on going to Paris or PCU. I was surprised she wasn't around for the Curtis walking moment. 

DANTE AWAKENS AND THE DANNY DRAMA: Well he woke up and look at Sam fitting in that bed with him! Awww. Their relationship is a good one and Dante tries hard to support Sam while giving her advice. Sam has forbidden Danny from seeing Jason --which to tell a teen that almost guarantees he's going to run right to him. Sam's character is certainly changing because she was Jason's ride or die for years. Now she doesn't even want his son near him. Interesting. 

MAXIE FACTOR:  Love her look and loved her whole "you are WAY too desperate" Sonny talk. It basically echoed Valentin's talk to Nina. Will she listen? I don't know because Kristina was all "HE MISSES YOU"!! Which I suspect is going to set up Nina finding Ava and Sonny all neeked together at some point. 

HAPPINESS FACTOR:  Aw, we got more Tracey and Stella!! Here they are looking through Crimson magazine at all the young models. They were so good and now have a date to play backgammon! 

NUMOLLY: Growing on me? You? Also: Kristina mentioned she had an ultrasound and Molly and TJ didn't MAKE IT? Huh? That's weird. 

I can't say he's "NEW" because he's been on before but right now, Det. Bennett seems to be around a lot more. I really liked his scenes with Dex and the fact he wasn't just going to let him skate into the PCPD program. He's easy on the eyes too! Still no first name. I even looked him up. Kendrick is his real name and why not keep that!? 


Sonny and Natalia talk about gay daughters

Natalia talks to Brook about her daughter's career

Cody and Sasha muck out the stalls

Carly's so thankful for everything but especially St. Jaysus

Jake tells Jason he's selfish and doesn't really care about his family. 

Drew and Nina do a weird banter session in her office

Krissy tells Nina Sonny misses him but then Maxie tells Nina not to be so desperate

Blaze is the face of Deception but just for print ads 

Jason talks about working for Pikeman, and Jagger and yada yada

Anna goes to visit Brennan to try to get more info on Pikeman situation

Anna asks Dex to work for the PCPD 

Joss freaks out that Dex might be a cop 

Krissy and Joss have a tiff over Sonny's moral quality 

Portia tells everyone what she thinks of Heather....and it's not good

Dante goes home, eats donuts with the kids 

Gregory tells Finn to back the F up when it comes to butting into his medical info

ChaLyn moved their wedding up, now it's back to a month out. (Don't ask)

Jagger tells Drew to stay away from Jason 

EVERYONE started to notice Krissy's bump 

NEW MANAGER at Bobbie's: Hunter Cruz 

After writing this all up, I realized just how much was going on this week. More "little" scenes like this that took in the kids, Millow, Joss and Carly. The hospital had a LOT of movement and characters easily went from one thing to another. Liz saw Greg who saw Tracey. Then Liz and Finn who saw Brook and Chase after he visited Dante and so on. It wasn't choppy either!! Following the whole Pikeman/Jason trail is a bit maddening but what can you do when your show has such a huge cast? I'd personally rather have that story play out daily like a little mini-series because I forget from day to day what's goin' on!! 

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT:  NO GH on Monday due to the eclipse!! I am in a TOTAL ECLIPSE AREA! WOO HOO 100% for almost 4 minutes!! 


  1. I think the show is improving. There are a lot of bits that I like now. My question is, will Jackie show up for Chase and Brook Lynn's wedding? It would be weird if she didn't. And that wedding has "May sweeps" written all over it.

    It seems like they are desperately trying to pair off Drew with someone. Will it be Nina? Jordan? I don't care. Cut him from the cast. LOL

  2. Thanks for another great SS!
    Even with the ups and downs GH is much improved. I find myself looking forward to watching.
    About CM...he is hosting some new game show but I read that will be staying on GH. Oh well.
    Enjoy the eclipse. What nature does is amazing. Media hype is not necessary. Some people are scared to go out without glasses. Crazy.

  3. What was that hanging chad where Val met Brennan in the prison van, after which the guard took Brennan out of the van and motioned like he should walk away? Then Brennan is back in the airport lounge jail? Buh??

    1. Thank you!!! I wondered that too -

    2. I don't know, I thought Val arranged for him to just get out to "chat'???

  4. been a while since we saw Cyrus - wonder why? BUT BUT I AM SICK of helpless old man quote...
    -----in previews Jason takes over Sonny's office at the coffee warehouse - I think this is supposed to be drawing out the people after him?
    ------it was a good week and yet too I don't know why....Joss is horrible.....lotsa characters that I don't care about....but still good week for the most part...
    -----ready for Carly to realize Sonny is off meds and drinking again.
    ----SO I am already thinking about May sweeps in three weeks - WILL we FINALLY close the Pikeman storyline??????? Sonny and Ava hook-up? Nina and Drew hook-up??
    -----I really wanna understand the Pikeman thing - I guess Victor started it.....and I still think JohnJag has another agenda...

  5. I agree with Karen, Joss was a brat and this not only could have happened years ago, it should have. Esp with Lexis as Kristina. This Kristina is Sora's too far ahead although she's likable IMO. Shouldn't Joss have some anger towards Carly over this too? She is the one that brought Sonny into Joss's life (in and out rather). Of course Dex will become a cop in record time. No major background checks..

    Loved Stella & Tracy and hope to see them more. Maybe Tracy will bring her to the wedding as her plus one as a pal. They struck gold having these 2 on together.

    I guess Willow just completely forgot about her mom, Nina doesn't mention the kids, just missing Sonny.

    I said it before I don't want Heather to be nice. If she isn't faking it this is a big miss. We need villains, esp when they're fun to watch. I miss Esme.

    1. We definitely need villains. They shouldn't try to redeem everyone.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...