Thursday, April 25, 2024


Cripes! First Carly says "The finest hotel in Western NY" and then Nina is doing a Crimson shoot at Highmark Stadium (BILLS) ..WHAAAAAAAT. HOLLAH!! 

OK, So, Carly's at the Metro all back and ready to work. Kristina is wondering what's happening. She thinks Sonny bought it back for her. Carly says NOooooooooo. And he  yelled at me about it. They talk about how moody he is lately. Then Kristina mentions what Joss said about Sonny/Dex/Cyurs. Carly says not to ask questions she won't want the answers to. 

TJ is freaked out that Krissy stopped by "LATE" to talk to Molly and that she was upset. (Oh my god, come on). He goes on and on about Kristina and THEN says since the day she became pregnant he's worried about Sonny being in their lives! Molly says Sonny's basically related to the entire town. She leaves for court. 

Drew sees Nina and says he put in a good word with Willow for her. They talk about the Highmark photo shoot. Then he laughs and asks if her plan to sell the hotel to Jason made Sonny like her again. THEN he notices she has no rings on. He tries to flirt with her and mentions the "45 minutes they spent together" and she says get out. 

Kristina comes in after Drew leaves. They talk about Nina selling the hotel and Nina is like: Ava's fault because I thought it would make Sonny happy. Then she tells her Ava took her place at the penthouse and pushed her to call the SEC. "Ava's playing the long game". Then they talk about Sonny drinking while on his meds "And AVA pours them" says Nina. 

Ava goes into Sonny's office and says look who I found outside: IN comes ST. JAYSUS. Jason comes in and says that Sonny has no connections left with his family. Ava leaves. Sonny says he already knows he bought the Metro for Carly. Jason says that's not why he's there. Talks about Joss telling Krissy he ordered Dex to finish off Cyrus. Sonny smacks the desk.  Jason keeps saying if he kills Dex it will hurt Krissy because she'll know he did it. Sonny tells him to shut up, he takes care of his kids unlike Jason. 

Laura and Trina are in Laura's apartment and Laura is harried.  The nanny has the day off and Trina offers to help with Ace. Twitter goes CRAZY PANTS lol Trina goes to the park with Ace. Laura ends up in..Ava's Gallery? WEIRD. Anyway, they talk about Trina and then Ava tells Laura she's at Sonny's for protection. Laura's face isn't happy. She's like "You call Sonny's HOME now"?  Ava says Avery does and she's happy. 

TJ sees Trina at the park and says it's nice to see her happy. He bitches about Kristina to her. Lordy. 

WE found out that Nikolas was being transferred out of state today. 


  1. Lordy is right! About yesterday's show. I watched it late. The writers are going whole hog making Sam an ass. Going on about how Jason broke their hearts too often and blahblahblah. Jason never abused or hurt them. Life is full of heartbreak. Dante does deserves better.
    I found it weird that Laura just let Trina take Ace with little or no experience with children. Them spending a little time together first would be more real.
    Kristina is everywhere. Probably culminating in disaster.
    Why and what was Carly wearing? She does belong at the MC.

    1. I would bet some money that Lulu will wake up from her coma by year's end, setting up a big triangle.

  2. I loved the line that Sonny said to Jason about he takes care of his kids. Sonny is no hero but Jason has taken way better care of Carly's kids than his own. Like ever. As much as everyone loves Jason, you have to realize he is not a good dad. He has a good heart in there has lost a few good women with his line of work.

  3. Nina's office:

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Awww that is so sweet that he told her about what he said to Willow! :) Now it's time for another round of 45 minute zex! :) No? I guess Nina isn't in the mood.

    Nina and Krissy: Are they BFF's now? I'm so confused! Does Krissy like Nina or not?! I guess Krissy don't like Ava!

    Tolly home: TJ is so worried! Yeah I don't blame him. That baby was moving at the Bachelorette party! Then the stress with Joss! Now she is going to confront Ava!!! Oy!! Molly wins the line of the day.

    Molly: It's probably 6 degrees of separation between Sonny and everybody in this town.

    BAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a great way to put it! :D

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Krissy: Now Krissy is talking to Carly about her dad. *Facepalm* Too much stress Krissy!!! Let it go!


    Blaze: I haven't seen you since I left Brooklynn's shower to attend Chase's bachelor party:

    HUH?! That was just last night!!! What the hell are you talking about?!

    Brooky and Blaze: This is mamigate! :)

    Kevlar home:

    Laura, Trina, and Ace: Trina taking Ace to the park awwwwwwwwww! :) Is Trina going to babysit little Ace from now on? Awwwwwwwww. :)

    The park:

    Trina, Ace, and TJ: Yes Ace IS zen! :) I don't blame you TJ! Krissy is going around talking to people getting stressed out!

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny, Ava, and Jason: Does Jason like Ava? Are they on good terms?

    Sonny and Jason: Sonny slams his hand again, but doesn't throw barware awwww. :(

    Sonny alone in his office:

    Badger Bob: I'm on your side Sonny.

    Sonny: Thank you.

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Laura: Yes Laura! Ava DOES call Sonny's home, home now! Hahahaha!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to October 8th 2002* Alexis meets Luis Alcazar!

    1. Oops forgot a couple of things.

      Nina's office: BILLS BILLS BILLS!!! GO BILLS! :D

      Ava's art gallery: Nik being transferred out of state?!?!! :O

      Damn too bad I don't have a delete button anymore and I don't get notified of someone commenting on this blog anymore! :(

    2. Agree about the "damn too bad" stuff. Loved the notifications.

    3. "zazu says, Agree about the "damn too bad" stuff. Loved the notifications."

      Yeah me too!!!

    4. "Now it's time for another round of 45 minute zex! :) No? I guess Nina isn't in the mood." LOL Drew is such a braggart.

  4. totally missed IF IT WAS SAID ------------WHY is Nik being transferred YET the head of WSB is STILL in PC and not in EUROPE???
    ----Trina's character is now being destroyed cause they are making her aimless....sigh...
    -----Carly's dress was so pretty and Ava's blouse was beautiful
    ----everytime TJ and Molly spoke, I left the room.
    -----I LIKED Ava at Sonny's for protection and that she was nice ---------NOT liking where they are going with my girl....NOT telling about pills is her downfall.....
    ------Nina + Carly = work together to bring down Ava?
    ----SWEEPS start Monday/Tuesday

    1. So agree about our Ava. Tell Sonny about the damn pills! I'm really peeved about that. And next we're going to have busy-body Krissie telling her papa that Ava TOLD Nina to call the SEC. Dear lord!

    2. YES Krissy or Nina will tell Sonny and Ava is destroyed again

  5. Just read on TV Line that Nicholas Chavez is not returning to GH

  6. Thanks, Mark. I was just thinking I needed a storage facility in Manchester.

  7. I like the conversation between Molly and Kristina. It's a logical outgrowth of their characters. Similarly, I like the drama between Kristina and Joss. The extended Corinthos family is more interesting when they are at each other's throats.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

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