Monday, April 15, 2024

Seating Chart


Well, here we go---hold my hand, ok? LOL 

Ava is waiting for Nina in her office. Looks at Sonny's pills in her purse and decides to CALL A LAB to have hem ANALYZED because ... ?? They didn't make her drowsy? THIS is the worst/dumb thing ever. Nina comes in and wants to talk to Ava about how the whole "Project Getting Sonny back with Nina" is going. Ava says it takes time. Nina wants to know if she thinks selling her 1/2 of the hotel to Jason would help the situation. She thinks selling the hotel to his "Best Friend" would help. AVA LIES like a rug and says: YES, they are just like brothers so do it! OH WOW

Anna's in her office looking at her Pikeman suspect list--Valentin is on there. Jagger walks in all beat up. She's concerned. He says it happened by the Warehouse. He thinks Jason might be working with Sonny. She says NOPE, he hates Jason. She says Jason is using himself for bait to bring out Pikeman so Jagger should go easy on him. 

Lucy is on Home and Hearth and only talking about the Nurses' Ball and Morgan Fairchild is like "Um we are not here for that" -- Brook and Maxie are freaking out. Scotty gets called there but Lucy STILL only wants to talk about the Nurses Ball. It's embarrassing. Truly. 

Lois and Greg talk about the wedding at the Qs. She blabbers on and on about food, heat lamps, yada yada. Then Brook Calls her because she can't get a hold of Sasha. 

Tracey goes to ride her horse and OMG but the saddle was stored wrong! Cody is in trouble!!!!!!!! BUT Sasha fixed it with some oil and stuff and she's a hero! Lois runs in and gets Sasha and drives her to the TV studio. Sasha gets there and saves the day. 

Carly talks to Jason. He thinks Sonny still loves her. She leaves and Jason follows her to the warehouse. He says of course Sonny loves her. She says NO .. NINA! Then she said that Sonny didn't even notice Jason was really gone. Then she talks about walking in on Sonny and Nina having zex. She says she could have stayed out of the SEC thing if she flipped on Sonny but didn't. Jason wonders how. She says Michael had information about him and the guns. Jason asks where the evidence went. Carly says she destroyed it. Tells him about Sonny almost killing Dex. She says Sonny just cut everyone off even though she's helped him so much. He doesn't appreciate it. Jason says HE appreciates her. They hug. They decide not to turn their backs on Sonny. Carly says it may have been easier if she never fell for Sonny and just kept loving him. HE says he likes how they are now. So does she. 

Then Tracey comes in and she and Greg can talk. He doesn't have a plus one because Alexis backed out because of her lawyer stuff. He can sit by her at the family table. Aww


  1. ---- I physically hurt and audibly moaned with this Lucy SILLINESS!!! WORST WORST
    -----I DID like Ava lying to Nina - too funny - sure he will be happy you sell to Jason LOL and it was weird that outta the blue she is gonna check pills for her HUSBAND LOL and more importantly -HOW in the world is Valentin fixing pills ONLINE? Come on writers.
    -----Why is Sasha back and when will she and Cody declare their love and does anyone care?
    ------one thing I DO think realistic is that Nina WOULD be tired of the MetroCourt - Ava was right - it was about revenge...............and I thought Nina was gonna tell Ava about Drew and she surely lives on Fantasty Island with Tattoo - acting like nothing happened with Drew
    -----the only reason I can think of that Greg would tell Tracy about Alexis and INCLUDE the words 'you can't say anything'-----------will Tracy fix it so Alexis DOES get her license back?
    ----COMPLETLEY forgotten Carly found Sonny and Nina in bed.....Carly shoulda told the whole story about VALENTIN going to Sonny at first and that only ONE shipment went through, etc...............Carly knows more than she thinks.....and WHY would JohnJag think SONNY'S guys attacked him???? HELLO! Pikeman people.
    -----Rinse repeat rinse - I wish I had a Jason in my life.....

    1. OMG...Lucy was AWFUL. That was painful to watch.

  2. I really don't like Ava's hair......

    1. I'm 50/50 I really like Maura in short hair

    2. Really Karen? I like Maura in longer hair, like she has now.

  3. I'm getting used to Ava's hair. It is a great cut, just different for her. Not too sure I like where they are taking our Ava. She is such a strong character usually up front with her schemes and manipulations. Not slithery.
    Whatever Tracy does is perfection.
    Lucy was way past annoying but YAY...Scotty is back. Hoping for Dr. O someday soon.
    Anything associated with "Pikeman" , the word most said these days, is confusing. Time to move on to the next bad guys.

  4. A lot of funny one liners today!

    Q home:

    Lois and Gregory: Well, we Italians like to talk a lot and talk loud. :) Gregory will just have to get used to it hahahaha! I like Lois's outfit today.

    Tracy and Gregory: Welllllll, Tracy can be your plus 1 Gregory! :) OH! Yes great idea Tracy. Gregory you can sit with Tracy at the table awwwww! :)

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and Tracy: Oh just have a fling already!!! It can be a May/December romance thing. Or a 1 night stand! Or a 2 nights stand. :)

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: Oooooo some flirty flirty going on and some eye zex! :) Now Cowboy Cody take off your shirt! :)

    Cowboy Cody, Sasha, and Lois: Sasha hurry up and save the day!!!! And if anybody again talks about your pure look and all that crap, I'll have to cut a bitch. ROFL! No but seriously I really hated when Lucy made that comment.

    Jason's warehouse coffee office:

    Jarly: A sweet hug! Come on kiss you two! :) And Jason take off you shirt! :) Oh wait then I will have to see his huge tattoo. I don't want to see Jason turn into Mr. Tattoo.. Nevermind. I'll just enjoy his blue blue eyes. :)

    Anna's office:

    John and Anna: John take your shirt off!!!

    Nina's office:

    Ava alone: Hmmm. Maybe she will get to the truth! GO QUEEN AVA GO! :D

    Ava and Nina: Oh yes! Sure! Score points with Sonny by selling the Metrocourt to Jason! Then the score will go wayyyyyy down when he finds out you did the 45 minute zex with Drew aka Ryan Lavery.

    Home and heart: I keep wanting to call it Home and Hearth and looks like you want to call it that too Karen hahahaha! I was so confused about this whole thing. Why is Lucy avoiding putting the lotion on her face? Why is she avoiding talking about the lotion? You do want to sell it right Lucy? She just keeps jabbering on and on. I don't get it! HI SCOTTY! :D

    Scotty: Hellooo viewers!

    ROFL! Haven wins the line of the day.

    Haven: And your dear dear friend Scott showed up at the end, and kissed you. In your underwear.


    1. OH! Forgot to mention, nice history talk about Ned and Alexis! Yeah I can understand why Alexis hasn't forgiven her for ditching Ned at the alter. Took me awhile to forgive her. I was so mad at Alexis back then!!!!!

    2. Oops I meant I understand why Tracy hasn't forgiven Alexis! :)

    3. Sonya, if you don't want Jason to take off his shirt, he can always take off his pants. ☺️

    4. "Gary says, Sonya, if you don't want Jason to take off his shirt, he can always take off his pants. ☺️"


  5. also - so funny - MONTHS Nina didn't have an assistant and was never at work and now she has a Drill Sargeant with the hat in charge of her life? I just feel this is gonna lead somewhere.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...