Tuesday, April 9, 2024



Well, we had clouds yesterday but watching it get pitch dark was amazing!! Today it's 78 degrees and fabulous of course. It was nice Sunday too. Mother nature hates Rochester!! LOL 

Jason takes Diane to his new office at the Coffee Warehouse --it used to be Sonny's. He still owns 50% of the company and after paperwork is done, he'll still own it. He asks about his estate-- and Diane says it's still in probate. Jason asks why Carly is running Bobbie's and such and Diane says: NINA. Then goes on to tell Jason in a very ONE SIDED way the story and makes Carly look like sad little match girl that Nina bulldozed over. Cripes. 

Millow are out to The Metro for their anniversary and Nina sees them. She sends over Champagne and they aren't happy. Willow says she though they could go to The Metro and eat and NOT HAVE TO SEE NINA. UGH. Nina snatches up the champagne. I hate Millow. Michael gives her a bracelet. Then Willow whines about being SO BUSY and never seeing the kids (? ?HUH???) and she's missing them growing up. Michael says HEY! You could do charity work like Lila did instead. 

Drew calls Carly to have her tell Jason that the FBI visited him. He tells her to be careful around Jason. Olivia storms in and tells Carly MEAN NINA fired Pierre without asking her first and that Nina is THE WORST. Then NINA painted all the bathrooms a color Olivia didn't approve of. That MONSTER! She leaves. Some lady comes in to deliver documents to Diane who is supposed to be meeting with Jason there but Carly says she'll take them to the Coffee Warehouse. 

Carly takes the papers but sees Jagger getting beat in an alley and honks the car horn. Thugs run. She hops out and he's beaten.  She takes him to her car. Then she takes him to The Metro to help him recover. He won't go to GH. 

Kristina goes to see Sonny and Ava answers the door. Says she can't--he's resting. THEN SONNY WALKS OUT! ahahahaha. Pffffffft. Ava gets Kristina water and then hands Sonny a giant drink. Kristina's eyes pop out. Kristina talks about Blaze and then Nina being back at Crimson. Sonny's like WHY would Drew hire HER back?! Ava looks suspicious. Krissy leaves. Sonny asks Ava if she knew about Crimson. Ava says no. They almost kiss. Diane comes in and tells him that Jason is taking his 50% of the company and then Sonny storms out. 

Sonny tells Jason to get out of the warehouse. 

Nina goes up and CRIES TO DREW (DREW..yep) about Michael being mean to her. She begs him to help her. She wants to be on the board of Aurora and then 'Michael will have to deal with her" and it would drive Carly crazy. They fight. Yell, then DREW'S SHIRT LIKE FLIES OPEN!! ahahhaa then HE TAKES IT OFF AND THROWS IT AT NINA! AHAHAHAHA. The worst dialog in the world happens and they have sex on the desk. 


  1. -----not a great day cause NOTHING MADE SENSE!
    -----Willow NOW doesn't wanna work?
    -----Kristina never asked Ava to leave NOR say anything to Sonny about DRINKING
    ----Ava's not so great hair-do is matching my feelings of her CHANGED character who is working Sonny
    ----Nina delusion that 'Michael will have to talk with me if we are on the same board' - DESTROYED her character
    -----WHAT in the world was the whole OLIVIA scene with Carly? I thought she was gonna walk in on Drew and Nina
    ------Drew and Nina are disgusting cause it's too fast but it DOES mean no more Sonny and Nina - yeah!
    -----the paralegal would NEVER just give documents to Carly - FIRE HER Diane
    -----chem testing JohnJag and Carly - sigh -
    -------Too many couples they are trying to get together too quickly...
    ------grabbing a man's ARM and ALL of the FRONT buttons fall apart is beyond ridiculous----
    -----WHO wrote today's episode????

    1. "Mufasa says, the paralegal would NEVER just give documents to Carly - FIRE HER Diane"

      RIGHT?!!?! I couldn't believe that paralegal did that!!!

      "grabbing a man's ARM and ALL of the FRONT buttons fall apart is beyond ridiculous"

      His shirt was so weak!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    2. Sonya says "His shirt was so weak!!!!" So was Drew. Which rhymes with "Ew." Which is what I said. Several times.

    3. "Judith says, Sonya says "His shirt was so weak!!!!" So was Drew. Which rhymes with "Ew." Which is what I said. Several times."


    4. I had a complete meltdown on twitter listening to that dialog before they had sex. It was HORRIBLE. Her literally BEGGING him to be put on the board so she would get to TALK TO MICHAEL?

  2. sidebar - makes me sad that Carly removed the jukebox in Bobbie's.....

  3. Agree with mufasa on all points. I would call this "show is bad day".
    All of the restaurants in PC and they go to be boring at Metro Court. Willow will end her 5 minute nursing career.
    Kristina stares at her father having a big drink and says nothing. Really? While Ava slithers around the room in her youthful "do" and ugly ill fitting blouse.
    Para legal gives a stranger important papers to deliver.
    Last and maybe least Nina and Drew. Too much, too fast.
    Wow...who did write this episode.

  4. Not a good day. I don't like Nina being so desperate. She was mentally unstable when she first came to town (and played by Michelle Stafford). Honestly, Nina needs to realize she is regressing and decide to leave town for some psychiatric help. Also, never a fan of Drew but even less so now.

    I think it's pretty obvious now that Valentin is blackmailing Ava to help him take down Sonny. I might enjoy that as long as Ava survives in the long run.

    There is a rumor floating around Soap Twitter that Michael Easton (Finn) asked to be let out of his contract and will exit the show this summer. I hope it is true.

    1. "Kevin says, There is a rumor floating around Soap Twitter that Michael Easton (Finn) asked to be let out of his contract and will exit the show this summer. I hope it is true."

      I hope it's not true. :(

    2. I liked him when he played McBain and I liked Finn, at first. But I think they have made his character both unlikable and boring. He is a bad fit for Liz. Maybe a pairing with Alexis could make me like him again.

    3. I couldn't decide if his getting on Instagram (like Roger did before he was fired) was a sign---and it was weird that people thought when he told Liz he was missing Doctors without Borders we were supposed to realize he may be written off the show......not sure he would take Violet there - but I guess if Gregory dies he might. But I am in the minority - I like Finn and Liz being a stable couple!

    4. I just started liking Finn and Liz. I bet he is a bit bored. His past characters have been cops or quirky types that are fun. He has nothing to do really. A good relationship on a soap is doomed.

  5. Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Ryan Lavery on the phone with Carly: First he wants Jason's phone number, and then oh wait he changed his mind and decided to tell Carly everything! UGH! Damn! There was no reason for this scene!

    Ryan Lavery and Nina: Oh Nina! You should be asking V.C. for help not Ryan Lavery! Come on!!! He hates you! Nina has crazy eyes. ROFL! Oh my his shirt is so sensitive. :) SHIRTLESS!!!!!! YEAHHHHH! :D

    Nina: Did Carly ever tell you, you have a nice body?

    Ryan Lavery: You've only seen half of it.

    OH MY! :D I was thinking they are going to have zex aren't they? YUP! And I don't think the dialog was bad at all. She saw him shirtless and it turned her on, so she flirted and seduced him.. Soapy goodness!!! THEY WERE HAWT!!!!!! YOWZA!!!!

    Sonny's coffee warehouse office:

    Jason and Diane: Sure Diane give Jason all the rigamarole.. :) Why not? Uhh so Jason is going to work at the coffee warehouse office? Doing what? Having meetings and selling coffee? Maybe he will have zex in his office.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Krissy, Ava, and Green beans: Oh goodie. Krissy crying to her daddy about big bad Joss. I love Krissy's bug eyes when she saw her daddy drinking alcohol! Sonny gave a glass of alcohol to the green beans too! :D The green beans are going out with Tommy Tapeworm and they are going to watch a movie. Oh Krissy stop making excuses about your relationship with Blaze!

    Sava: Ava and Sonny close to kissing!!! :D Oh damn they were interrupted. :(

    Diane and Sava: Oh oh Sonny isn't happy! Is he going to throw barware? When Sonny sees Jason will he say you are dead to me!?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Mildew: Almost a year being married? Feels like a lot longer than that.. Zzzzzzzzz. Oh I thought Michael was going to tell Willow that she could work at Pica Lila! :)

    Mildew and Nina: Oh Willow! You are so dumb. You really didn't think Nina would do this? You just gave her mixed signals.


    Olivia and Carly: I WANT TO SEE THE BATHROOM!!!! :D Olivia wins the line of the day.

    Olivia: Everyone looks like a walking corpse.

    BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! I need to see this bathroom! :)

    Carly and the lady with the documents: Uh that is very unprofessional lady! You should give the documents to Jason not Carly! Oy!


    John and Carly: Geez! That scene came out of nowhere! Are you okay John? Wow there is no blood on the ground!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    John and Carly: Now will they have zex too?

    1. Oops forgot one thing. Ava's new hairdo.. I like her hair, just don't like her bangs.

    2. She is one of few people to look better in short hair at least in my opinion. She's gorgeous no matter what.

    3. "Linda says, She is one of few people to look better in short hair at least in my opinion. She's gorgeous no matter what."

      Well, not too short, but yes gorgeous no matter what. :)

    4. Ava would look beautiful bald, but I liked her new do. :)
      Between Monday's eclipse and yesterday's Nina/Drew scenes my eyes will NEVER be the same!
      I'm with everyone else...who wrote this stuff??

    5. "Julie H says, Ava would look beautiful bald,"

      Ava bald! ROFL!

      "Between Monday's eclipse and yesterday's Nina/Drew scenes my eyes will NEVER be the same!"

      ROFL! Were you able to see the eclipse forming? :)

    6. Sonya, the eclipse was a bust where I live in Michigan. The outside lights came on and the birds quit chirping, so that was something, lol!

  6. Did Ava get that wig from Denise DeMoochio? Truly not a good look.

    1. I'm guessing Ava is growing her hair out and it is in that fugly stage between good looking short hair and good looking long hair.

  7. Oh Nina, just shut up and go away. And Carly too with that shriek. And Olivia mouthing off about Nina to Snarly of all people, shut up! Good gravy put some life in to Chad Duell he is just phoning it in IMO. Millow is just dull, and to go to the Metro when they could have any chef make her favorite dessert? Whatever.

    What are they doing with our Ava? Please don't ruin her. She was standing there like an idiot... leave the room and give them (Kristina and Sonny) privacy. I giggled when Kristina was talking about Joss, all true BTW.

    1. Yes, Ava has been weird. I too hope they don't ruin her.

  8. Cool clip about Amber Tamblyn and her Dad. I didn't know she had a famous Dad; Russ Tamblyn.


    1. "West Side Story" and so much more.

    2. yes! Thanks for linking it

    3. Yeah I saw them on the view yesterday! Awwww. :)

  9. Drew and Nina had to be a dream.....or a nightmare.....ACKKKK...MY EYES!!!!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...