Monday, April 1, 2024

2 Faces


It's GHTime after a wild ass'd Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Hope you saw my announcement below. What a great casting choice -- 


Jason sees Jake and Jake is like "Why are you here"? Wonders why he never called them or emailed. Jason said he would have if he could have. Jake lays into him about coming back and just "dropping in" ..."Playing Dad". Also doesn't know how long he'll be around. Tells him to leave. Liz walks him out. She says Jake isn't wrong but she's glad Jason is alive. 

Jake and Liz talk on the couch. She says not to be so angry with Jason. He says she's too nice. He wishes that his Dad didn't come back just to commit crime and not care about his family. 

Dante and Sonny talk about Jason and having the charges dropped. Sonny tells Dante Jason was working with the feds. Sonny says Jason is "dead to him" . Dante says maybe there's a reason. Sonny says he's not talking to Jason. That things after Nixon Falls and Jarly--and Sonny being involved with 'another woman' changed things forever. 

Jason visits Dante. Dante thanks him. He talks about the other guy and Jason tells him he's dead. Dante wonders if he's an FBI informant too. Jason says he never informed on Sonny and Sonny is safe. 

Alexis and Diane talking about getting her license back. Diane thinks she found a way. Neil's brother was on the board deciding about Alexis keeping her law license. Could be bias. Then Alexis gets cold feet and says The Invader is way easier work and she's afraid she'll drink again if she gets back into law. Then Adrian comes back in and bugs Alexis. She screams at him to get out and turns to Diane and is like: LET'S DO THIS. 

Anna talks to Det Bennett about Dex going to the Academy and sitting the written exam. Says he's ex-military and also worked for Sonny. He thinks she's crazy. She says it's an excellent opportunity for someone to work for them that was on the inside. 

Then Sonny visits Anna. She tries to brush him off by saying she's busy. He wants to know when they are charging Jason for just being on the roof that night. 

Deception: Blaze is going to sign the contract to be the New Face and Brook is happy, says it will help her music career. THEN Mama Eva LaRue comes in and looks over the contract and is like: HOLD UP. Starts going through it tooth/comb. Maxie and Lucy are like UT OH. Basically, Blaze doesn't want to do meet/greets or Home and Heart. She thinks there could be "2 faces". One for that part, one for print media. 


Anna LAYS INTO SONNY! OMG watch it. She says she's not arresting Jason but she MIGHT arrest Sonny for beating Cyrus! 

Eva tells the Deception team she doesn't want anything printed on Blaze's personal life (probably the gay thing) and Maxie senses something is up with that. 


  1. ---love Bennett but I never knew Detectives were in charge of rookies...
    ----TIRED of hearing pitiful old man - it was CYRUS!
    -----again my issue is that at LEAST Jake asked Jason where he's been - but not Sam or Liz and they all acting like Jason didn't save Lucy/Britt and caught in rubble......Jake saying 'why is my dad like this' was an odd sentence.
    ------loved Dante being honest with Jason and vice versa - it's GOTTA be Carly/Michael or Morgan alive with the leverage
    ------off-screen SURELY Jason saw HIS MOTHER?
    -----so confused about Alexis thing - and Neil's brother recusing himself BUT BUT his brother stalked Alexis and Harmony killed him and Alexis says "never thought about the brothers' WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT?
    -----SURELY Gossip Guy who is now the associate publisher and thinks he owns the place is gonna go bye-bye soon - and he is there only so Alexis will know she wants to leave?
    -----Sonny so confused about Anna's attitude - LOL -----------but I thought Anna hired Dex to PROTECT him (which I never got) but she wants to use Dex to get to Sonny?????
    ------Eva and Lucy are annoying ------------- so Blaze doesn't realize she can't be a couple publically with Kristina now? And I thought Blaze fired her mom but I guess not.....

    1. Blaze is in her late 30's. (actress is 38) Time to cut the apron strings.

      When Jake asked what was wrong wih him I couldn't understand why they didn't talk about the accident when he was in his teens that caused permanent brain damage.

    2. But her mom is in an official capacity-- so I didn't mind that

  2. Go Anna! It's about time. Sonny has been so irritating lately. Meds or not. Everything is about him. Time to get busy with his coffee biz.
    Blaze may be talented and an attractive woman, but a model? Do not see it. Everyone looks nice but she's dressed like a hooker. I'm not getting her at all.
    That gossip columnist...perfectly annoying enough to strangle. I am all in favor of soap magic making Alexis a lawyer again quickly.
    Is anyone still getting email notifications, or is it just me. I've mentioned it to no avail. Not too important. Just wondering.

    1. ??? Email notifications? From here? ?

    2. Always. Since I started here. Every time someone posted a comment I got it in an email. Am I the only one? Are you joking? Being April 1st and all. Isn't that what "Notify Me" means?

    3. Same here zazu. I always check the Notify me box and I will always get emails when someone has made a comment.

    4. I haven't been getting the emails either!!!! You have to press the notify me button everytime you make a comment on people's post! That is new!!!! I don't like that. Oh and the delete message is gone! I can't delete my post about the emails so everyone ignore my other one. ROFL!

  3. How about the manager of the Savoy she would make a beautiful new face of deception! Blaze is pretty and I am all for the diversity angle any chance we get, but I am not sure the actress has what it takes... time will tell. I would also say with the changing world Terry could be a good candidate.

  4. Some funny one liners today!

    The hospital:

    Dante and Sonny: Awwwwww! Father and son bonding. :) Last week I think it was or the week before he was telling Ava about when he shot Dante. "I didn't know he was my son" Oh he is still saying that after all these years! *Facepalm*

    Sonny: He's dead to me.

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Dante and Jason: Boy Jason is doing the rounds of visiting people today! ROFL! Will he go visit the Tribbles? Jason already met the green beans. :)

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Mr. Dimwit:

    Alexis: What are you 5 years old? This is not kindergarten.

    ROFL! She almost wins the line of the day on this line, but she wins the line of the day on another line.

    Alexis and Diane: Awww Alexis don't be skeered! It will be okay!!!! :) You need to be a lawyer! It's in your blood! You won't have Nina breathing down your neck when you become a lawyer again! :)

    Alexis, Mr. Dimwit, and Diane: Alexis wins the line of the day!

    Alexis: GET OUT!


    Deception office:

    Blaze, Brooky, Maxie, Lucy, and Blaze's mami: Hey! Blaze fired her mami as manger. Did she hire her back?! Well, she is very good as a manager. :) The looks on everyone's faces hahaha. Maxie looks really good today!

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Sonny: Anna is not in the I love Sonny club anymore!! HA!

    Anna and Bennett: He looks like Maddox!! I thought it was him at first.

    Liz's home:

    Jason and Jake: Great scene!!!! Yes Jake you tell him!!! You have every right to be angry!

    Jason and Liz: Yeah Liz you don't need to apologize for Jake. He has every right to be angry and hurt.

    Liz and Jake:

    Liz: This isn't good for you to be so angry with him.

    Uh Liz! Jake can't keep all of his feelings bottled up!! Oh Jake your dad WILL come back to see you again. :)

  5. Just in case anyone missed it, SPINELLI (Bradford Anderson) sang at the King's game this weekend! It's on Daily Drama

  6. Flashback clip for today:
    November 10th, 2006: Jason is on the lam and escapes from GH by using Epiphany as a "hostage".
    .....Except the whole thing is a ruse and Epiphany is secretly aiding Jason.

  7. Fun Fact: Hudson West who plays Jake, has been playing Jake since before Steve Burton's return back in 2017! Back then, Jake thought Drew was his Dad and Jason was unaware that Jake was still alive.

    I wonder if the current "Take Down Sonny" plot, is secretly going to be Maurice Bernard's retirement storyline. He has referenced retirement for the last couple of years. It would explain why there has been the sudden shift to the Anti-Sonny arc (aside from the writers change out).

    I agree that the real reason Blaze's mother is being overbearing over the contract, is that she is trying to keep Blaze's sexuality a secret. This is why she doesn't want Blaze being interviewed, as it would publicize Blaze being a lesbian.

    My fan wish is that Jason's leverage is that BRITT IS STILL ALIVE. Liesel faked her death to protect her from Heather. After Heather was captured, Britt wanted to remain "dead" because she doesn't want her family & friends to see her suffer with Huntington's disease. Because Britt isn't actually dead, Cates is threatening Jason that he'll arrest Britt for fraud, unless he works for the FEDS. This would also explain why Jason isn't grieving over Britt's demise. And FYI, Kelly Thiebaud's show (Station 19) is ending this Spring...

    1. Hmmm but then why get all mad at Scotty and break up with him? She didn't have to do that.

  8. To the person who said they aren't getting emails to let them know that someone responded to their comments, I haven't been getting the emails either!!!! You have to press the notify me button everytime you make a comment on people's post! That is new!!!! I don't like that.

  9. Glad it's not just me. And today the ads are gone. They do come and go.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...