Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 It's Tuesday--- and here I am because I'M NOT ON VACATION!! lol I will be out Thursday to visit my brother. 

Curtis stands up in his living room. Stella sees him and asks how long he's been able to do that. He says a little while but wants to surprise everyone. He doesn't want anyone to see him struggle, he just wants to walk and then tell them. Stella gives him a pep talk. Porita walks in. Stella leaves quick. Portia tells Curtis Dante is awake. 

Dex interviews with Detective Bennett about the PCPD Job. Bennett doesn't like him very much. Asks about the military and his private work. Wonders why Corinthos Coffee wasn't on the list. He tells him he didn't like Sonny's mob business and he got out and then went to Anna. Dex keeps harping on helping others and having purpose. 

Joss and Donna are making lasagna with Carly. Carly's happy because her BFF is back. Donna says "Jason"? They talk a bit then Michael and Wiley come over. The kids and Joss play a video game and Carly asks Michael if Jason was with him when he was on the lamb. Michael finds out Jason was a mob informant. He's stunned. Then Willow comes in and Michael goes to see Wiley. Carly thanks Willow for helping Jason. They talk about how great Jason is and Willow says she knows Drew broke up with Carly. Carly's like: Meh, no biggie LOL 

Jason visits Anna. She says he's still in trouble but off for murder charges. She says they have mutual goals now. She wants to know all about Pikeman. HE says he can't say. She says, because of John Cates? And she calls Cates into the office. Cates lays into Jason for telling Anna they are working together. Jason lays into him for not telling him they knew each other in HS and that he knows his mother. Jagger says he doesn't CARE HOW JASON FEELS, just get the job done. It goes on and Jagger wants Jason to be in PC as bait for Pikeman. Jason says no and Jagger says "want me to press charges on CARLY CORINTHOS for RICO violations"?? Anna's all @@! Jason says he'll do it but leave Carly OUT. Anna says she's on this case too. Jagger says Anna could be a suspect because she worked with Brennan in the '80s. She says "you think I put him in Pentonville to take over"? He says they have to figure out how to take Pikeman down and Jason will have to do it. And Jagger leaves. Anna says it all makes sense that Jason is an informant "to save Carly". He says she can never know. Anna asks why--and he just leaves. 

Drew visits Nina. Her new assistant, Madison lets him in (she's cute). I have no idea why they are bothering with this scene. It's a rehash and ..just pointless. I guess chem-testing? HE wants to WORK WITH HER ON THE FALL ISSUE ??? WHAT? Huh. Um...what. They keep yapping at each other. He brings up Nixon falls, the SEC...she brings up losing her daughters and Wiley and Sonny and she has nothing but Crimson. Then she gets an article to read and Drew wants it sent to him and he thinks they can work together. VERY weird scenes. EESH


Curtis stands and walks a bit to Portia

Carly and family eat and she's thankful for Dante getting well and Jason being home. 


  1. ---FINALLY we have confirmation that it's Carly
    ----so JohnJag is GOOD? a jerk but good? I'm so confused that Pikeman stole arms years ago and they can't find the arms but they want the people? Valentin first told Sonny the arms go to 3rd world countries to help them - is that non-existent now?
    -----Anna MIGHT be head of Pikeman, he says but never does JohnJag mention ROBERT, FRISCO, Victor, or Valentin?????
    ------the extent I hate Drew and Nina separately is doubled together - they are SO gonna have angry sex, etc.....(still think the assistant is gonna have a storyline down the road) I'm probably looking for something not there but WHY did he want the article on fitness, etc?
    ----Finola H eyes and facial expressions are so awesome - better than words spoken - she was FANTASTIC today.
    ------Love Curtis but we need a storyline for him - never even goes to Savoy anymore
    ------Still have no idea if the prison warden worked for Pikeman or not

    1. "Mufasa says, they are SO gonna have angry sex"

      Mmmm hmmm and Ava and Sonny will have sex too. They already kissed!! Don't tell Nina they kissed!!! *Snicker*

  2. by the way - I am SO waiting on Spinelli to run into Jason's arms

    1. Hahahahahaahhaha! Can't wait for that! :D

    2. lol yes. I really want to see that scene too.

  3. I think Drew is going to mess up Nina's story

  4. This seems like a different show. Even with some filler and confusion.
    Finola has been great. She has finally been casted correctly. Even though we have been led to believe that Val is the boss, we know better. I think the eventual reveal will be a surprise.
    Dex acted his heart out today. Might have been his best scene.
    Curtis deserves a story line. Besides run the bar what has he done? Give this man something big. Weren't he and Drew(BM) private detectives or is that something I wanted to be. He should be, and go to work with Diane and Alexis. All good lawyers have a PI on contract.

    1. You're right on with the Dex scene today.

    2. The person who plays Dex has definitely been going to acting classes. He was good today. He should invite the guy who plays Cody with him the next time.

    3. Totally agree about Dex's acting and Kevin, I'm snorting over here about Cody, lol!

  5. Crimson Nina's office:

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Oh good Nina is back at Crimson! Why is he harassing her? Geez! Nina needs to try to slap him and then he grabs her wrist, then he makes the first move and kiss her, then they have zex in her office. :) And yes Nina! If there was a button to push to make Jason disappear he would push it. :)

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Maybe we could work together after all.

    And you are happy about that?

    Nina: Stranger things have happened.

    Oh you mean like zex? :)

    Police station/Anna's office:

    Anna. Jason, and John: Ooooo Jason is all yelly!!! Me likey! Rico violations for Carly!!! WOW!!! :0

    Anna and Jason: Jason is protecting Carly! Of course!!! And of course he doesn't want Carly to know! Hmmmm once Carly knows she will jump Jason and they will have zex in the kitchen! ROFL!

    Interrogation room:

    Dex and Bennett: Interview time! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Dex take off your shirt! What? I'm bored. :)

    Purtis home: CURTIS CAN STAND! YAY! :D

    Curtis and Stella: I can understand what Curtis is saying, but Stella is right. :)

    Purtis: CURTIS CAN WALK YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D So happy and excited! Now Curtis take your shirt off. :)

    Carly's kitchen:

    Carly, Joss, and Donna: Making lasagna!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey where are the tribbles? Are they helping too? Are they with their friends the green beans and badger bob watching tv upstairs? Are they all on clean up duty?

    Carly and Joss: I guess Joss didn't block Dex on her phone. I mean if you aren't going to answer him if he calls, then just block him.

    Carly and Willow: Oh Willow now that you saved Jason, Carly will be in your debt forever!

    Carly and her family: LASAGNA TIME!!! YUM! :D

  6. Thanks for the heads up Karen, I will skip today as to not watch all about Carly.
    lmao about Dex possibly working at the pcpd.

    1. The scene between Jagger and Jason in Anna's office is worth seeing.

    2. Yes. it is. And iI certainly didn't see this ep as being all about Carly.
      Don't let your hate get in the way of reality, Linda. Watch it and decide for yourself.

  7. I do think they were chem testiing Nina and Drew today. While I would not mind seeing them have angry zex a couple of times to get back at Sonny and Carly, I would not be sad to see both characters eventually leave the show. Drew serves no purpose and is miscast, and they've written Nina into a corner.

  8. So Carly screws up and Drew goes to jail for her. Carly screws up again and Jason becomes an fbi informant for her. Is this some weird twin vibe going on or Drew still has Jason’s memories inside him lol

    1. Carly just out there ruining quartermaine’s lives. From AJ, Jason, Drew, and let’s not forget Michael. He never had a chance with Sonny as a surrogate father; that again was Carly’s decision lol

  9. Today's Show:
    -I love how the show acknowledged again of how terrible of a cook Carly is! Granted I have no room to judge LOL...

    Round 2 of Drew and Nina squabbling (Summarized as follows)
    Drew: You suck Nina!
    Nina: Ha Ha you need me because of Carly.
    Drew: You're still suck and you were a terrible mother!
    Nina: I'm a victim, but I'm still going to guilt trip you over Jason
    Me: Shut Up both of you already!!!!
    Drew/ Nina: (lite flirty comments)
    Me again: So we are really going to have Drina?

    While the Curtis scenes were nice, it still annoys me how this plot was just the repurposed plot of "Sonny in a wheelchair ". Not very original.

    Shiloh mention today ! Now let us never speak of him again...unless it's about his hilarious lopside punching bag fight with Jason!

    Jagger is basically blackmailing/coercing Jason, someone who is connected to a man that Jagger hates (Sonny). Threaten to file Rico charges on Carly, just to threaten Jason. AND he accused Anna without evidence of being connected to Pikeman. This man has terrible ethics.

    I noticed Dex never mentioned of Michael hiring him to spy on Sonny during the interview. That was a weird omission.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...