Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Party Time!


Happy Tuesday!!Here we go!! 

So there's a new set!! Surf Lounge or something? Stella, Trina and Joss are eating there before going to the bach party. 

New set it looks like... ??? Stella , Trina and Joss are eating out and I have no clue about it. Anyway, Joss tells them about the shower and Stella tells them to go. Trina can go out with her anytime. Trina is hesitant to go-- Joss is like You'll have fun! We will leave if it's not good. 

Bach Party: Curtis, Drew, Michael, Dex, Chase, NED! Bennett, Anna, Jordan, Dante... few other PCPDers. They are at the Ax throwing place. Dante and Bennett give Dex the stink eye. Bunch of banter.  Chase gets a Red Sox baseball from the force and Dante is sad to give it to him because he's a Yankees fan. Finn gives him cuff links. Then Dex walks over to the "squad" guys (you know, the desk guy and other PCPD extras) and they turn their backs on him!! Dante sees it. He tells them that Dex saved his life. They don't care LOL. Then speeches. Very nice. 

BTW, Det. Bennett's first name is: Calvin! 

Savoy: Tons of ladies. Tracey, Brook, Lois, Olivia, Krissy, Blaze.Sasha, Maxie, Willow- and then Lois says she forgot about the music LOL. Spin walks in and Lois says: "OMG he's not the stripper, is he"?? Spin is there to set up the music. Maxie says she has to check the play list. They play a bunch of games which I'd say are shower games more than bach games but---???? It's cute. Tracey wins the one game and beats Lois. Joss and Trina come. Gifts are given: Joss/Tri a Metro Court Spa Day and Lois gives her a brooch that Brook loved when she was a girl.  Spinelli takes a bunch of photos of people with props. Krissy and Blaze kiss in their photo and I bet it will leak!  Everyone dances. It's fun.. Olivia and Lois are great.  Then Joss tells Tracey that Bobbie would have danced and a drunk Tracey is like: YOU ARE CORRECT and gets out there. 

Kristina and Joss fight about Sonny. Joss says You don't know what he did to Dex, do you? She tells her about sending Dex being sent to kill Cyrus. Krissy looks shocked. 


  1. A fun celebratory day! GH needed it.
    SO happy to see Ned!
    Spinelli is such a hoot. His dance at the end was so SPINelli!
    No angst, no BS. Enjoyed it all.

  2. so when we actually see the bachelor/bacherlorette parties, the couple actually weds!
    ----that pic of Blaze and Krissy is FOR REAL gonna show on social media - maybe even Joss does it?
    ------Anna has a crush on Dante/love their friendship
    -----where was Cody?
    -------how old are Joss and Trina supposed to be?
    -----odd in the previews that Kristina said "Joss has gone too far'......what does that mean? I just hope they don't make Krissy have problems with her pregnancy CAUSE of Joss..
    -----nice that people were happy.....(Liz and Portia aren't there either)

    1. Think Trina and Joss are 20

    2. I thought in the previews joss said to Jason I think I've gone too far

    3. right - Joss realized she told Krissy about Dex and Cyrus..

    4. but Krissy said it too right? to Blaze - I thought Joss said "I made a mistake' I DUNNO! LOL

  3. Port Charles surf lodge: NEW SET!!!! YAY!!!!!!! :D Looks really nice!!!!! :)

    Trina and Stella: Ooooo they are going to eat lunch! Trina sounded really rude to Stella. Is only young people go to this place?

    Trina, Stella, and Joss: I don't know if pushing Trina to go to the Bachelorette party is a good idea.

    Bachelor Party: Okay! All the men should take off their shirts. :) Uh what is Jordan and Anna doing there at a bachelor party? That is odd. Anyway, so Dex walks in and the guy there just shuns him?! SERIOUSLY?! What is he 12 years old?

    Jordan and Curtis: Now that he can walk, are they going to have a one night stand?

    Jordan and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Jordan you didn't look uncomfortable when you were talking to Curtis, so I don't know what the heck you are talking about. Are they supposed to bond in this scene? Will they have a 1 night stand?

    Finchy: You may know her as the other woman in Chase's life.

    HUH?! What?! What was that line about? And I got a strange vibe between Chase and Blaze when they were smiling at each other. Are they going to get drunk and then sleep together? Oopsy!

    Bachelorette party: Why is there a Chase and Brooky sign on the wall? Chase isn't there. How odd. Lois forgets the music? Come on writers! Lois would NEVER forget music! ROFL! I love Maxie's hair. Why is Spinny at a Bachelorette party? ROFL! I love the games they are playing. I love that Brooky has her own signature drink. Lois wins the line of the day.

    Lois: Oh please tell me he isn't the stripper.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh oh Tolly's baby is moving around! And now that Joss and Krissy are arguing is Krissy going to go in early labor? What is Krissy drinking?!?!! I love that Tracy got drunk and is dancing hahahaha!

  4. Because Jordan and Anna work or worked with the PCPD

    1. Are you talking to me? :) But this was a Bachelor party. They should have just combined the bachelor and bachelorette party and then everyone could have been together. :)

  5. The line about Blaze was because they performed together in the past

  6. STILL waiting on SPINELLI seeing JASON #ridiculous

  7. Sorry if this sounds really tacky, but is that a Jesus tattoo SB has on his arm? Wonder when he go that?

  8. Loved the new restaurant. It looked like the nail salon with new furniture to me.
    Today's show was very enjoyable. I loved it when Lois and Liv shouted Bensonhurst, lol! And I also enjoyed the shower games. :)
    I find Krissie rather obnoxious (like the actress, though) and really she started the snit fit with Jos. I also loved it when Jos spilled the beans about Cyrus. To me that's VERY soapy! I'm looking forward to the fallout. Will Molly tell Krissie it's true?
    Tracy shaking her groove thing was all that and a bag of chips, lol!


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