Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Surgery: KIss The Cook


GH just keeps getting weirder and weirder!! I never know what I'm going to see when I tune in and while that's usually a GOOD thing, this is just making me shake my head. Maybe I should watch after a few cocktails and then it will all come together??  

Why don't I just have a Tequila Sunrise this morning? It might make this whole blog writing easier! 

First things first. With the news of Nick Chavez not returning to GH, Twitter went a little mad. No, we knew he was going on to bigger and better but some held out hope he might finish at GH and give some 'closure' to that love story. Will he be recast? I personally don't think so--at least not for awhile. They sure didn't run to recast Cam either. I bet we get some new boys in town in their 20s. But? What do I know, right? 

THE BOYS:  We had a bachelor party for Chase at The AXE Place (I have no idea the name of it).  It was a place to honor Chase (great guy), get a little chem in for Jordan and Drew, have Dex shunned by the beat-cops and let everyone forget Curtis was just in a wheelchair a few weeks ago! NED WAS THERE. That's my big take away. Thank you to Wally Kurth for show-hopping for a day! 

THE GIRLS: We had a bachelorette party for BLQ at The Savoy that involved a Joss/Krissy fight, Tracey dancing, Spinelli doing the music and honoring Brook Lyn. Loved the decorations. Tracey was hilarious and it was a good mix.  It was a light, fun day and I really didn't have a lot of complaints other than Elizabeth wasn't there and N'neka wasn't tending bar. 

THOSE GIRLS  : I'm pointing out that Spinelli was taking photos at the party and Blaze and Kristina kissed. Who wants to bet he puts them on socials and they are seen by the public? 

ACE FACTOR: Laura is all harried over the budget and Trina stops by to say hello. The nanny has the day off and Tri offers to take Ace to the park. I think it's her way of honoring Spencer and remembering him. Hopefully she won't take the nanny job "full time" or we'll all lose our minds. TJ stopped by the park to complain about his whole surrogacy situation. Good to see Trina and TJ acting like family. 

BAD MAN: Cripes. WE GET IT. Everyone has flipped on Sonny and he's getting ish from all sides. Carly, Jason, Laura, Anna... and Joss.  This MIGHT be ok if his meds also weren't being tampered with. I still get the feeling that everything will be a wash once the town finds out he wasn't properly medicated and THAT'S WHY he beat up poor old man Cyrus. I don't even know that this point. Laura's going off on him was hard to watch because she's turned her head SO many times before and THIS is what does it? Girl, YOUR DAUGHTER IS IN A COMA because of Cyrus!! Make it make sense. Same with Anna. They built up this trust between the two over the years and now? BOOM. Again, with the parallel story of Sonny off his meds this seems disingenuous. Kristina will be the next person to have the lightbulb go off about her father and where does that leave him? Jumping off the balcony? Descending into a madness that only Ava will control? Jail (ha ha)? 

GOOD MAN:  St .Jaysus continues his quest to sort out Port Charles since he was away. He buys back Carly's 1/2 of The Metro Court, he counsels both Josslyn and Danny and tries to smooth things over with Sam. On top of all of that, he's busy trying to lure out the BIG BOSS PIKEMAN by staying in town and putting "his life on the line".  His virtue is unmatched. Yeah, maybe he left his kids for 2 years but it was for the noble cause of saving Carly --who was being saved by Drew.  Ah... there it is. 

FROM THE WTF BOX:  Here we go. Guess what!!??? Sasha is looking for a new job!! She slug horse dung for awhile and Carly even offered her a position at The Metro Court. (not sure doing what, maybe cleaning toilets?) And then... OMG -- get this. THE QUARTERMAINES NEED A NEW COOK! Olivia can't keep up!! Leo is reduced to eating Lunchables!! Tracey's cranky! Yuri is making PB and J sammies!! Why Sasha you say? Well, she made a Shepard's Pie for Cody and it tasted really good. Oh, and did you know she worked in the Hamptons as a sous chef? OH! OH! Wait, there's more: SHE COOKED WITH HER GRAMMY!! So.. just makes sense, right? ROOM and Board at the Q house. Aww, she'll be next to Cody. Snuggly. How quaint. WHY THE HELL didn't Nina offer her a position at Crimson?? I don't get it. Why get a new "assistant' person and not just have Sasha work there? They have a good relationship--is that why? Can't have Nina have any friends?  UGH 

The number of flips that had to be done to pull this one off was amazing. Simply amazing. 

SCENES OF THE WEEK:  These scenes were so good, I put a clip up of them! While I'm sad about the whole Ava/Nina friendship dissolving, CW and MW were SO good, I sat mesmerized by their acting. WOW.  Nina figures out that Ava was vying for Sonny all along (Which I don't believe) and Ava basically says: Yeah, I'm the one for Sonny and you're not. We watched for weeks as Ava skulked around, convinced she was going after Sonny or being blackmailed by Val but it turns out NO!! She really wanted some power and Sonny D to go along with it! 

MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND:  Is THAT here we're going with Nina and Carly? Grumpy Dueling Grannies going to save Sonny from Big Bad Ava?  I guess we all need someone to hate on this show and this next phase it's Ava Jerome. I HATE The fact she knows Sonny's meds are off and isn't telling him. HATE IT. The fact that Carly might benefit from it makes me ill. 

OFF THE RAILS TJ:  Whoa there. TJ is SO upset about Kristina being Sonny's daughter that he's basically obsessing. He's angry that Kristina is OUT AT A PARTY at the Metro! He's angry she and Josslyn had words!! I'm wondering if they would have had him make Molly quit her job if she had been the one pregnant. It's all a bit much, a bit too late. Not to mention the whole "NOW I'm not so sure we should have had Kristina carry our child" thing. :eyeroll: Ok then! 

GREGORY SCARES VIOLET:  Finn and Chase are 20 minutes out and the sitter left. Violet meets them at the door,, out of breath because she had to get Papa's ventilator machine. This felt like a real scene to me, especially the way Greg Harrison played it (he's good). Finn has a tough discussion about needing a plan and a home health monitor and Gregory is having none of it. Finn goes off to talk to Elizab..I mean Alexis and Tracey talks to Greg. Crisis avoided for now.  Also: A good time for a "Life Alert" PSA.

FIX IT:  Put Spinelli and Jason in a scene. It's getting to the point of stupidity now. Please have Laura at least mention Lulu to in context to Cyrus. Longer scenes are great but with a show that has the cast the size of Montana, you need to mix it up a bit. Why did you hire Eva LaRue again? Why is Jagger an afterthought if he's driving the FBI case? Valentin? Either get JPS to work more hours or make someone else Pikeman head-honcho. It's embarrassing. Stop piling on one character or another. For weeks it's been Nina and now it's shifting to Sonny and Ava. Tedious. The wedding is taking so long I can't deal. Fish and cut bait on Cody and Sasha the "HELP" at the Q house. YOU HAVE TO ADDRESS the Monica situation one way or another. Period. 


Everyone had fun at the Bachelor parties. Games, music and angst were had by all 

Sonny's not fit to donate a painting to City Hall because he's DANGEROUS

Jason talks to Sam about Danny, Sam complains to Dante about Jason

Gregory has an episode when left alone with Violet; Finn's concerned

Alexis helps Finn figure things out and Tracey helps Gregory

Who's at fault when it comes to Sonny? AVA

Laura's so damn busy; Trina steps in to help with Ace 

Josslyn tells Kristina how awfful her Dad is, then feels bad and has to talk to Jason

Jason promises to keep Dex safe from bad wolf Sonny 

Sonny and Jason have words, Sonny uses the word "Betrayal" quite a bit 

Nikolas is being transferred to an out of state prison

Maxie continues to look great 

Dex gets the cold shoulder from the guys at the PCPD. He's sad

The Q kitchen is falling apart because Olivia's busy. Sasha agrees to be their Cook #4 

Monica was not consulted about the Cook. 

NEWSWORTHY:  Did you know that Cynthia and Laura went on a little east coast tour together? That's our own BuzzCast Na'Vell with them in Philly.  With all the wars over them, I hope people see they are friends and have a great time together. 

ADAM HUSS IS BACK: On Monday, Ava goes to visit Nikolas. Laura mentioned he was being transferred out of state. Ava's been denying his phone calls so I guess she saunters over to say goodbye. PS I think he's back just for this blip, nothing more. 

OUR "EMMA" Turned 18!! Brooklyn Rae Silzer posted this on Twitter. So beautiful! 

                                                                 PARTY PHOTOS: 

                                                                      THAT'S A WRAP!! 

PS:  I'm liking NuMolly more and more and enjoyed her scenes with Alexis and Kristina. She seems the sane person at the moment. With Krissy on my last nerve, it's good to have a Davis girl I can tolerate! As for the rest of the show, I think you get my drift. Yes, new writers flip things around but make it make sense. Move the damn Pikeman story along. I think I told you I watch the Aussie show: Neighbours: A New Chapter now on FreeVee and boy do I see how stories can work in real-time. 



  1. Great SS! Thank you.
    Party day was fun and entertaining. Loved seeing Ned and wish he would be on more.
    The scenes are longer and the dialogue is improved but trimming the cast and wrapping up the Pikeman deal would help a lot.
    Talk about jobs. When was the last time Sam worked? Lately just runs around obsessing about one thing or another.
    Sonny is so clearly impaired it is impossible to believe that no one is noticing.
    I don't think anyone would mind if a "soap opera miracle" would occur pertaining to Gregory. He is so good. And with Tracy, even better.

  2. agree about Sam - don't like her wardrobe but right - she doesn't work and is obsessed with Danny - forget about Scout and Rocco...
    ----agree about the pills - WHAT are they doing to Ava? and with PILLS again? I need her to be the hero --- HOW are they gonna find out about the pills? AND I hate THIS Laura----and did Anna forget she moved in with Sonny?
    ------100 percent that this Sasha thing came outta the blue - not sure where they are going with her but I guess at least she isn't in the mental ward.
    ----sweeps start tomorrow - SOOOOOOOO disappointing if the WEDDING is the big thing? I want it to be finding out about Sonny's pills and ENDING this Pikeman fiasco......never even mention Charlotte anymore/Tarot cards/therapy, etc.
    -------SURELY it's gotta get better.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...