Thursday, April 18, 2024

Hair Day --BUT I'M HERE!


Today is my hair-- I know, I know!! David thinks it's all the time but it's really every 6 weeks!! That said, I might be out in time but... not sure I'll want to watch. I'm telling you Tuesday's show and last week's episodes are just NOT IT. 

SO, If I'm here I'll blog..if not, SO SORRY !!

We all need to send Sonya Flowers!! 


OMG Dex training montage had me ROLLING... Guitar RIFFS!! ROCK AND ROLL Cheese ahahahaha. Then Det. Bennett comes in with the results for Anna. Dex scored in the 99th percentile EVER for any cadet EVER. ahahhaha He still has reservations about him thinks that Dex might be good but he might need police protection. 

Trina and Ava have coffee. Ava calls the lab back when Trina leaves. The lab guy says that "her husband" is getting about 1/4 the dose he should be. 

Lois and Sonny talking about Lois' wedding. She thinks he's "off".  She wants him to come to the wedding. He's like: NOPE. She's like: YEP. HE says he'll go. Ava comes home. Lois tells her Lucy's a good real estate agent. Lois leaves. Ava asks if he's taken his meds yet and if they make him sleepy. He says they used to.. now he's used to them so no. She just looks at him and stares while he takes them. Then they talk about her seeing Trina and Ava tells him about Dex joining the PCPD. HE freaks out. 

Cyrus makes a statement to Anna about the  night Sonny attacked him. He signs it. 

Michael shows up at Bobbie's to "HELP" and asks Carly about her "new boyfriend".  They laugh. Say Nina's stupid for thinking anything was going on with her and Jagger. Then Jagger comes in. Some weird exchange between him and Carly and he thinks she may have been the one to set up his beating. BUT he flirts with her and gives her his phone number. JUST DUMB

Bachelor party: Brook took The Savoy so Chase has to have his at the Ax throwing place. Chase invites Dex. Dante isn't happy. 

Cyrus recognizes Dex in the PCPD lobby. Stares at him. They talk and Dex apologizes. 

Lois talks to Finn about the rehearsal dinner and making sure she's copied on all the emails to Tracey about it. Then asks how his Dad is doing. HE says not good. Lois suggests she get a back up for Greg if he can't talk at the wedding but she'll do it quietly.


  1. "David thinks it's all the time but it's really every 6 weeks!!"


    "We all need to send Sonya Flowers!!"

    Hmmmm. Why yes you do! :D Or just add my name to the contributor section along with you and Dave! :) Just kidding. :)

  2. I can't get used to Ava's hair
    -----I know it's GH writing (sigh) but I want Ava to act on this like NOW----but she will drag it out by going to someone (WHO - maybe Portia) and get advice......sigh.....but I want her to take care of it now.
    -----I mute the tv everytime Joss speaks.............she is horrible......
    -----I TOTALLY thought the whole 'fix-it' thing was going to result in JohnJag stepping up and fixing it for Carly ----cause it was a stupid side story
    ------lotsa chit/chat and dialogue still going on like all week.
    ------not sure what Cyrus is expecting to happen.

  3. Anything keeping JK on air is fine with me. These days ex-cons, and present cons, often hold office. That said I think that Cyrus should be deputy mayor and Jordan should be the "face of Deception".
    Dex's training bit was interesting. It stood out with the pace and music. I liked it. Will he be the cause of Sonny's downfall?
    Lois can be so annoyingly lovable. RS does a great job and I am glad she is still in PC.

  4. Police station obstacle course training:

    Chase, Bennett, and Dex: Uh I thought Bennett didn't want Dex to be a cop? So why is Dex doing the obstacle course? Oh and another question, why is he doing this with a shirt on? Chase should be shirtless too! :D

    Inside the police station: DANTE!!!! :) Everyone claps and so did I!!! :)

    Chase and Dex: I told Dex to stop calling him sir!!! :)

    Chase: Detective. When we are at the station. You can call me Chase when we are on the street.

    SEE?! So stop it! :)

    Chase, Dex, and Dante: Oopsy! Secret is out. Geez Dante you screwed up! ROFL! Oh well that's okay. You can make it up to me by taking all your shirts off. :)

    Chase and Dante: I love the fake surprise look on Chase's face! HAHAHAHAHA! Great scene! :)

    Cyrus and Dex: Oh that was nice of Dex to apologize to him. Will this be an apology tour Dex?

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Cyrus: Hmmm his statement will be kept quiet until just the right time? Hmmm Anna are you a python that will strike at the right moment?

    Bennett and Anna: I'm so confused. Will Dex be a cop or not?!

    Central perk coffee place:

    Trina and Ava: Oh! Ava didn't hear that Jex broke up?! I'm surprised! I just want to hug Trina!!!

    Ava on her phone: Oooooo!!! Very good. Now will Ava tell Sonny the truth? Maybe not? I had a feeling that guy on the phone was going to say 10% Man that is low!

    Sonny's home:

    Lois and Sonny: The green beans are going to the wedding! :) Lois wins the line of the day.

    Lois: I can see you dancing the funky chicken during the reception next to Ned. Hey! And Michael. Hi Michael. And Tracy!


    Lois, Sonny, and Ava: That's really funny that Lois was trying to help Ava move to somewhere else hahahaha.

    Sonny and Ava: Ooooo! Slamming that desk. Ouch your poor hand! Now throw bareware! :D Will Ava tell Sonny about his meds? Love Sonny's bathroom!!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Dante and Finchy: Glad to see Dante is okay now!!! :)


    Carly, Joss, and Michael: Michael can fix a stove?! Huh?! I love that Michael was teasing his mother hehe.

    Carly and Joss: Oh boy! Carly had to explain the whole thing about John! Oy! The Greenies don't want to hear this again!

    Carly and John: Ooooo flirty flirty! Now she has his phone number. She should have given him HER phone number too! Well, once she calls him, he will have her number. ;)

    Carly looking at her phone: Oooo she is smiling looking at John's number! She likes him. ;)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 2003* MORE DOBSON! YAY! :D

    1. Lois is a good friend to Sonny and I could watch her dance the Funky Chicken every day. I was howling, lol!
      Ava, Ava, Ava. Ignore the writers and Frank and tell Sonny about his meds now! We so had the moment for barware tossing and again we're denied!
      I liked Dex and the obstacle course. Yes, a little cheesy but it was different. :)
      And yes, we could have used some shirts being tossed to the ground. HAHAHAHAH!

  5. Ridiculous that Carly is sharing with Joss that an FBI agent was beaten, may be Sonny may not be, I don't know but if it weren't for me it would have been worse. Like this is a street punk that got beat up. He's in the frickin FBI!

    Dex took a bad turn, um yeah for like 2 years this wasn't a month long thing. I am not sure why he is still on.

    Please have Ava do something about the meds, don't ruin our favorite gal.

    1. I do not like Ava having the info on Sonny's meds and not saying anything about it. I think it is terrible!

    2. AGREE!!!!!!!!!! I'm sitting on pins and needles hoping this is coming soon!!!! May sweeps is in two weeks -------- TODAY was the first day of my countdown - come on Ava!!!!!!!!! Be our shero!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Watching Dex run through a parking lot is certainly a choice. We have officially bottomed out.



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...