Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Never-Ending Night


Joss visits Jason. She talks to him about telling Krissy about Dex going to kill Dex. OH! We have a new fire escape set! Jason says most kids think their parents are better than they are --or something like that. She says she was cruel to Kristina tonight. Jason finds out Dex is going to be a police officer and says that's not a good thing. 

Krissy visits Molly and is upset about what Joss told her about Sonny ordering Dex to kill the "broken down old man" Cyrus. Cripes. Molly KNOWS he did but... ??  Kristina says how much good her Dad has done and he'd never hurt someone like that--unprovoked. Molly is all side-eye because she has the file and statement Cyrus made LOL 

Sam shows up to Chases' party.. after Chase leaves.  She bitches about Jason and Danny. And keeps bitching. 

Dex is sad the other cops were mean to him. Anna talks to him about it. She says worth the trouble to become a cop. Anna thinks Dex will make a great police officer. 

Oh yeah, Drew and Jordan are talking too. Not sure about what. Nothing really. 

Lois, Tracey and Brook make it home. Tracey goes off to bed. Then Lois and Brook talk about the seating chart. Then Lois talks about her wedding and then how much she loves Chase.

Gregory is on the couch with oxygen when Chase and Finn get home. Violet's freaked out. She had to get his machine and help him so didn't call Finn right away. Chase is worried about the wedding because it's supposed to be next week. 

Chase goes to the Q house. Tracey is up. He says he's not sure that Greg can officiate. Tracey won't believe it and says talk to him. Then Greg calls and tells Tracey to tell the kids they will NOT cancel the wedding. 


Jason promises to keep an eye on Dex and won't let Sonny kill him 


  1. ----I still want a Jason in my life.
    -----Sam is the worst - TODAY we finally see she is jealous of Jason/she acted like she and Jason were together when he left (he broke my heart twice) and it's mumbling jargon...>Dante deserves better
    -----Krissy is the worst too - 'my dad doesn't hurt defenseless people' (i.e. Cyrus) - scream
    -----Joss is the worst too - acting like Jason never killed anyone but at LEAST she realized the anger is destroying her/she still is hypocritical.
    -----Drew and Jordan _ NO NO NO Jordan and Bennett: YES YES YES
    -----weird show cause never sure what time it was.

    1. "Mufasa says, Jordan and Bennett: YES YES YES"

      Hmmm I haven't thought of them together. They haven't flirted yet! :)

    2. Dante DOES deserve better. And oh my, he was looking particularly hot yesterday! :)

  2. Drew has no chemistry with anyone, as much as they are trying him out. I don't think Carly does either. Jordan and Bennett would work.

  3. Chase's bachelor party:


    Sam: Sorry I'm late.

    Huh?! So Sam and her bread were invited to the bachelor party too?!?!!?! Why wasn't she at the bachelorette party!? This is so goofy. And Sam you cannot forbid your son to stay away from his father! He WILL rebel!! You need to stop!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Jordan: Hmmm still bonding and flirting I see. So what's it going to be writers? Jordan and Brick? Or Jordan and Drew aka Ryan Lavery? Or both?!

    Anna and Dex: Is Dex 5? Come on now! Dex can handle idiots Anna. Don't baby him. Unless he needs a bottle. :)

    Jason's home:

    Jason and Joss: Ooooo Joss has enlightenment about herself. Very nice. :) Will this change Joss? Hmmmm?

    Tolly home:

    Molly and Krissy: Geez Krissy you need to calm down! Stress is not good for the baybay! I'm surprised Molly didn't say that! Molly give her some Tribbles! Tribbles are relaxing! :)

    Finchy's home:

    Finchy Chase, Little V, and Gregory: Oh no oh no!!!! :( Dammit Gregory needs to find out he was misdiagnosed! Poor little V!! :( Brase are getting married next week?! I thought it was the next day! Since they are having the bachelor/bachelorette party! This is so goofy.

    Q home:

    Lois and Brooky:

    Lois: I have to separate the two of them otherwise there would be a nasty cake flinging incident.

    ROFL! Lois would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. I love Lois's hair and earrings! One earring says Brooky, what does the other one say? Lynn? :)

    Lois, Brooky, Chase, and Tracy: Yeah Tracy is right about Gregory!!!! Brase should talk to him!!!!

    Tracy on the phone with Gregory: Tracy wins the line of the day!

    Tracy: I embellished a little bit to make it sound better.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Great scene! :) Tracy didn't even take the phone off her ear to talk to Brase! So Gregory must have heard everything she said! :)

    1. "The Bread" was invited, Sam just came along for support! :)
      And I would have loved a cake flinging incident. Darn that Lois, taking away our fun.

    2. "Julie H says, "The Bread" was invited, Sam just came along for support! :)"


      "And I would have loved a cake flinging incident. Darn that Lois, taking away our fun."

      Hahahaha! That would have been epic fun! :)

  4. Every time they show Jason's room with his bed perfectly made like a magazine article I chuckle. Be more believable with just a regular bed and pillows prop dept.

    Eden is a great actress, but Joss really irks me. Kristina too, but Joss edges her out a tad.

    After a fun day yesterday today was dull.

    KEMO's boobies are all over the place.

  5. Ellen Travolta will return as Gloria in mid May, with George Russo being cast as Carmine, Lois's dad. No word on if Kim Delaney is returning as Jackie Templeton. Delaney was in legal trouble earlier this year, for an alleged hit and run.

    1. if they would just state WHY she wasn't there, I would be okay----or just recast - but they never say if she is coming.



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