Friday, April 26, 2024

Bad Art from a Bad Man


Sonny wants to commission an art piece for the city and Laura asks him "Why would you think we would be interested in THAT"? Then Ava steps out and Sonny asks Laura what's wrong. (Ava listens in the wings tho). He says he'd like a nice painting his kids can look at in City Hall and be proud. Laura asks if they'll be proud once the find out he had a man beat almost to death. Sonny's like: WHAT? aren't we friends? Sonny reminds her they are connected by Spencer and Rocco. She says he's killed people and been terrible his whole life and she's looked the other way. She can't do it anymore. His donating to GH or the City isn't going to erase it anymore. :eyeroll: Goes on and on. Cyrus' crimes don't negate his. Who's going to protect his girls from him? Then she says she hopes he does the right thing. The City WON'T ACCEPT his donation ...not while she's mayor! She stomps out. Ava comes out from the "back" and acts all "Where's Laura"?! 

Molly goes to see Alexis to talk about Kristina. Tells her about Joss and the fight and TJ being upset. She wants Alexis to talk to Krissy. 

Leo is eating a Lunchable because he's sick of Yuri's PB and Js. Tracey scolds Olivia because she's too buy too cook and thinks they need to hire someone. Olivia says she can feed her family. Tracey pushes. Olivia says fine, they can hire a cook but SHE gets to pick them. 

Sasha is at The Metro. Carly asks her if she wants a job. Sasha says thank you and maybe, but she's still looking for something that "feels right". OH! Then Olivia comes in and talks to Sasha about being the COOK FOR THE Q'S. Um... OKAY? Oh yeah, Sasha LOVES to cook! wow. In FACT she USED TO WORK IN A KITCHEN! In the HAMPTONS! Olivia loves that and thinks it's the universe telling them she should work for her at the Qs. Plus, Cody is there. 

Nina and Carly talk about the Metro Sale. Then they both drag Ava because Nina tells her he knew Jason and Sonny were not friends anymore and didn't tell her. 

Finn thinks Gregory might need an in-home health care person. Greg freaks out and says nope. Finn says what if he was a temp paralysis and can't dial 911. Greg won't listen. Then Finn leaves and Tracey comes in to visit. He's still mad. She says in-home care might be a good idea. His pride isn't worth Violet's well being.  Also, it might be good if he goes to Turning Woods assisted living. 

Finn goes to talk to Alexis about Gregory because I guess Elizabeth was busy. He tells her is concerns. She says he should go to an AA meeting to take care of himself. 


Carly and Nina agree that AVA is BAD BAD BAD for Sonny

Greg thinks Staying at Finn's with a health worker is better than going to Turning Woods

Sonny is sad because Laura isn't loyal to him anymore

Sasha gets to be the Q cook and have room and board!! 


  1. I just - I dunno - so confused
    ------Sasha and this grandmother? Someone said that is why she worked for Valentin cause of her grandmother's bills.....did she die? Never mentioned at the wedding or Liam's birth and death or in mental hospital. She has always wanted to cook and did cook?
    -----SO glad Sonny reminded Laura that Cyrus held HER HOSTAGE! And what in the world did Laura mean by get it right, Sonny.......
    -------Tracy saved the day for me.
    -------I don't even RECOGNIZE Laura anymore and I hate it. I HATE HATE that the Ava who was scared to death and moved in with Sonny and so sweet is this person who is not telling him about his pills.......(who killed Austin?) bottom line is they are taking Ava a place of no return AGAIN CAUSE about pills........
    -----Maybe Willow can be Finn's nurse

  2. Seemed like maybe Tracy would be offered the job to care for Greg. Surely she always wanted a job in health care just like Sasha always dreamed of being a cook. LOL Guess it's job fair day on GH.
    UhOh....Laura is now on that long growing traitor list.
    Preview shows AH back as Nic...for a second. Wish they would recast the father as well as the son.

    1. I guess he says goodbye to Laura and Ace????


  3. Q home:

    Young uncle Leo and Tracy: Huh?! A lunchable?! When his mother is Italian?! What?!

    Tracy and Olivia: So that is what the lunchable is called there? Luncharoos? ROFL! Oh so the Q's have no more cook?! Well that's not really surprising. Italians like to cook themselves. But Olivia you are so busy!!! Maybe you can hire the Tribbles to cook! :) Great scene! Love the way Tracy's hair was today! :)

    Finchy's home:

    Finchy and Gregory: Great scene! So real!!!!! Poor V! Yeah it was very scary! Come on writers where are you going with Gregory here? :(

    Tracy and Gregory: Great scene! Great advice Tracy! I was waiting for Gregory to kiss her! :)

    Alexis's office:

    Molly and Alexis: This would have been a good scene off camera! :)

    Finchy and Alexis: Great scene! So raw!!!! Yes Finchy, Alexis is right! Go to the AA meeting! It's not selfish!! This would have been a great blooper for the blooper reel if Alexis would say, who's is your father? ROFL!

    The metrocourt:

    Carly and Sasha: Sasha working at the metrocourt? I just don't see it. What would she be doing? Matchmaking Scotty and Trish? ;) ROFL!

    Olivia and Sasha: Ooooo a Q cook!!! I like it. I can see that!!! Cowboy Cody eats there every night?! GREAT! :D Eating what Olivia cooks and get paid for it? Hey! I'm in! :) Will Sasha wear a little cook outfit? :)

    Carly and Nina: Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: Have you? That's terrible.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wait I thought Carly and Ava made peace. I thought Carly talking smack about Ava was all over.

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Laura: Hahaha Laura just cannot get a simple straight answer from Ava, because Sonny had to interrupt them! The answer in Ava's head would be I love living with Sonny! I love him! :)

    Laura and Sonny: Oooooo great scene! GO LAURA GO! :D Laura is not in your I love Sonny club anymore Sonny! Too bad. :)

    Ava and Sonny: Ava couldn't you have waited a minute until you came out of hiding!! Hahahahaha! I mean Laura just left! :)

    Preview: NIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to a warehouse* Jason meets Lorenzo Alcazar! :)

  4. I wonder if they will call Sasha "Cook" Or "Cook 4" (is it 4 now? 3??)

    1. I think she will be cook 4!!! :) Oh please writers let people call her cook 4 or cook!!!! :D

    2. "Di says, Or cookie. lol"


  5. The email notifications are back! sonya and I are very happy.
    KAREN....if you did something, thank you! Thank you anyway....

    1. YES YES YES! I was surprised and happy seeing your name in my email!! :D Whatever you did Karen, thank you!

  6. I like people starting to treat Sonny like what he is -- a criminal. Long overdue. As far as Sasha goes, however, I wish they would just ship her and Cody out of town.


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