Wednesday, April 17, 2024



So, yesterday, Canada got one show, we got another. I sort of watched the "Canada" show on Twitter and see no reason to watch it today. 

I know Laura tries to talk Cyrus into pressing charges against Sonny. Um--even tho LULU is still in a coma, but whatever. 

Then Alexis and Finn have a talk and it shows that they have more chem than Liz and Finn ever did.

ALSO--- everyone thinks Gregory should have been Jeff Webber. 

There you have it! Sonya will fill in the blanks! 


  1. These episodes have gotten worse each day. This scene with Laura and Cyrus is unwatchable. Also the Laura/ Anna turn around on Sonny makes no sense, and I am not a Sonny fan

    1. it's just hard to watch and WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. ----I refused to believe it for a long time - basically cause Maurice Benard said this is his favorite writing and having a great time - BUT BUT today with Anna and Laura (who are NOT saints and have issues with family members) turning their backs on Sonny made me realize they ARE making Sonny's character in a no-turning back without going to jail and not being on GH ----
    ------Sonny was not on his meds when he attacked Cyrus ----- hopefully one day they will address that (Laura I mean) but CYRUS is 10 times worse than Sonny and Laura made him like a saint.
    ------at least Greg acknowledged his ex-wife......
    -----unlike some others, I didn't enjoy Laura and Anna talk, nor Liz and Greg nor Finn and ALexis (still waiting on a cure for Greg!) and Brook Lynn and Chase - anyone else think it felt like filler material from old writers?
    ---YEAH BENNETT!!!
    ----good call, Karen, not watching
    ---BUT at least Cyrus acknowledged his radio show is no more (thanks writers)and told about his deal with Nina and told Laura he goaded Sonny and honestly TODAY I saw a different Cyrus??
    -----May sweeps coming April 29th - SURELY it'll be Sonny/Valentin/Pikeman stuff? and not just wedding?

    1. Agree about Cyrus. He was a known drug trafficker when introduced and a mob boss with a violent reputation, indicating he had many people killed. One beating and a few months in jail doesn't seem sufficient.

    2. I don't remember any mention of Sonny's meds when he beat the crap out of Cyrus. It was a scene emblazoned in my mind and did change my opinion of him a bit. He is heading to the "jumping the shark" status.

  3. Karen picked a great day to tune out

  4. Yes yes Karen I'll fill in the blanks! :)

    Theme: Enlightenment.

    Brase home:

    Brase: Great scene! Their conversation was so real!!!! They talk about money and the prenup and when they have kids! Awwwwwww! :) He even cooked for her!! I love them together so much!!!

    Brooky: Our marriage isn't going to fail.

    Uh Brooky! You are in a soap opera! :) Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: But first I need to take a couple bites of this gorgeous green chicken.


    The hospital meeting:

    Alexis and Finchy: Finchy and his enlightenment. He talked about how he slept with his dad's wife and what kind of son does that. Alexis talks about her girls. It was a nice scene. Why can't they just kiss?!

    Finchy's home:

    Liz and Gregory: Gregory talked about how his wife died and I thought he was talking about Jackie at first. Liz talked about how Jake is so angry at Jason! So much anger. Well Liz don't you remember when you were a teenager and you were so angry? Liz talked about how she is angry with Jason too.

    Liz, Gregory, Little V, Jake, Aidan, Gregory, and Finchy: Time for family dinner!!!! :) Finchy comes home. Finchy asks how Jake is! I love family scenes. :)

    Fiz: Liz teases Finchy about how if it weren't for him, she would have been in love with Gregory. Very boring scene.

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Laura: Anna and Laura have enlightenment about Sonny! Anna not friends with Sonny anymore. They are both out of the Sonny club!

    Anna and Bennett: Bennett wants to pass on Dex and doesn't want to hire him! Geez what the heck is Dex gonna do for work?

    Central Perk:

    Laura and Cyrus: Laura is trying to persuade Cyrus into pressing charges on Sonny! Cyrus has enlightenment. He doesn't have his radio pod cast anymore! He hated the sound of his own voice!! He knows he has to work on himself. Cyrus knows it was his fault that Sonny beat him up. Laura can see that Cyrus has changed. Yes I do too! :)

    1. Cyrus told Laura Sonny had a reason to be mad at him but he neglected to say that he went into the confessional after Nina and pretended to be a priest in order to get the info he taunted Sonny with. If he was really "reformed" and had found God he definitely wouldn't have done that.

    2. "Di says, Cyrus told Laura Sonny had a reason to be mad at him but he neglected to say that he went into the confessional after Nina and pretended to be a priest in order to get the info he taunted Sonny with."

      Cyrus probably just forgot. ROFL!

      "If he was really "reformed" and had found God he definitely wouldn't have done that."

      Ah yes..:) That is very true! So maybe Cyrus has half changed. :) *Snicker*

  5. Thanks for the recap Sonya! We had thunderstorm interuptus thru the entire show. Bah!

    From what I saw: I love Chase and BLQ too! :) My funny line is when she said "orthodonture! Our kids will have great teeth!" HAHAHAHAH!
    Bennet is one fine looking man. I really like his character and what he said to Anna.
    I saw a different Cyrus too, but he sure ain't no saint. And I'm enjoying everyone leaving the I Love Sonny Club. However when the meds aren't right story comes out, I'm SURE everyone will forgive him and sign back up for the club. Pooh!

    1. "Julie H says, Thanks for the recap Sonya! We had thunderstorm interuptus thru the entire show. Bah!"

      You're welcome! Awwww that's too bad. :( Did you watch it online yet?

      "From what I saw: I love Chase and BLQ too! :) My funny line is when she said "orthodonture! Our kids will have great teeth!" HAHAHAHAH"!

      Hahahaha yeah that was good too! :)

      "I saw a different Cyrus too, but he sure ain't no saint."

      ROFL! Who really is in life? :D Well, except the Tribbles! :)

      "And I'm enjoying everyone leaving the I Love Sonny Club."

      Yeah me too! :)

      "However when the meds aren't right story comes out, I'm SURE everyone will forgive him and sign back up for the club. Pooh!"

      Oh nuts. Yeah so we should enjoy it as much as we can for now.

  6. Karen I tweeted to Maurice B and he reposted - I wrote about backing Sonny in a corner and it looks like he is leaving.....just interesting that he reposted......lots of comments about it.


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