Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Two Ladies Having Coffee


NO GH Monday due to eclipse coverage. Which is ok, because I'm in the TOTALITY PATH-- and will be having a little party with Half-Moon cookies and other delights. We will be on our deck grilling and then in the driveway gazing! 

Dante is still up and around, walking. Brook and Chase are talking to him. Chase asks him to be his groomsman. Then Sam comes in and they leave. She tells Dante how mad Jason made her about asking Danny not to tell her about his boathouse stuff. Shes' not sure she's changed or she'd just seeing him clearly for the first time. Kristina comes in, they see she's getting a bigger belly. Then Stella comes in and says Dante can go home. 
Dante and Sam talk about the fact Ava is still living with Sonny. He and Kristina both think it's weird. 

Sasha goes to the Horse house where Cody is mucking out the stalls. She is going to "find her purpose" by helping him. Dear GOD :Eyeroll: and she has on NEW bright RED overalls. They talk about horses. It's riveting. She says he should tell Mac and he's like no, he only likes horses or something. 

Tracey sees Greg at GH . She's there for her wellness check up, he's seeing a doctor for a follow up.

Liz does Greg's initial check in. He asks her in the future not to because he wants privacy and wants to keep things separate. The doctor says he's declining but with meds and such should be ok for the wedding in a month. Tracey sees him back in the hall. She says Alexis wouldn't be at the wedding if he didn't invite her. He has more tests to do. She flirts a lot with him. Then she goes to the coffee corner and sits with Stella to have coffee. Cute scene about the new Face of Deception and being older lol. 
Tracey talks about her mother having a lot of friends and she doesn't and Stella says " I take it you're more like your father" LOL! Tracey says the one friend she does have is "going through a lot" ...(Gregory) 

Liz goes to talk to Finn and says his dad still wants to do things for himself. He says he called his neuro buddy in the Ukraine and misses Doctors without Borders. She tells him about the JakeJason meeting. She ALSO says she doesn't know what she ever saw in Jason and why she thought he was enough. She's so happy she found Finn. Brook and Chase come in and say NOW they want to have a big wedding because Dante is better and can they manage? Liz and Finn say they will help them. 

Kristina goes in to see Nina and says what Nina did to Carly and Drew was messed up but she thinks it got out of control. She also knows how happy Nina made Sonny. She says she thinks he misses her because why else would Ava and Avery be there? Nina notices that Krissy is pregnant and she tells her she's having the baby for TJ and Molly. Then Blaze comes in with Maxie and Maxie tells Nina that Blaze is the new face of Deception. Krissy is PISSED. I guess because Blaze didn't tell her. 
Maxie and Nina talk. Nina wants to send Sonny a note of congratulations about the baby and Maxie says that's too desperate. Nina says she has a 'secret weapon". Maxie is like: AVA? you think she's going to help you and do something nice? Besides Maxie didn't like Nina as Mrs. Corinthos, she lost herself. 


Greg tells Chase never to call his doctor again

Brook and Chase talk about going to Palm Beach for their honeymoon

Tracey and Stella make a date to play Backgammon! 


  1. ----LOVE Stella and Tracy
    ----LOVE Greg wanting his privacy - SOOOO realistic
    -----FINALLY Maxie is dressed appropriately and told Nina the TRUTH
    -----------------------but not caring about other characters today: Sam declaring her son won't be around his father? Liz lamenting about Jake when clearly their scene was SO good earlier this week......Chase/Brook Lynn/Dante - nothing-----and Nina's delusion is annoying
    -----so a few gems today and then just a whatever day for me.....

  2. still waiting on Jason and Spinelli reunion and wonder where BRICK is in all this?

  3. LOTS OF INTERACTION TODAY AND I LIKED IT. Jane Elliot of course was wonderful and I I liked the light hearted Sasha and Cody scenes, but...

    Why are the writers encouraging this Nina have hope thing by bringing Kristina to see her. I know it was just to run in to Blaze and hear the news but good lord STOP. Loved Maxie telling her not to contact him. More of this and no more encouraging support for the 2 of them to reconcile.

  4. Kristina was everywhere today. Finally she has a bump. Blaze is just blah. She has the most "drama" shots. Camera pauses.
    Tracy and Auntie were a pleasure to watch. Looking forward to their developing friendship.
    Sam is annoying with this "Jason is the devil" crap.
    I lived in Palm Beach for 15 years. It is a beautiful place but maybe not ideal for a young couple like them. Chase is right...he can do better.
    It all seems so natural and relaxed, except for Nina.

    1. Yeah. I lived in West Palm Beach for a while and I thought the same thing. Not a great choice for a young couple. (Makes me wonder if "GH" is going to do a location shoot.)

  5. Where the heck has Ned been? Through the whole Dante thing, not even a mention. I do think WK is on tour with his band but still.

    1. I miss Ned and I miss Felicia. Both add a lot to the show, IMO.

  6. Crimson/Nina's office:

    Nina and Maxie:

    Nina: MAXIE! MAXIE!

    ROFL! Nina would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Maxie has a very good point, although Nina is not desperate Maxie. She just loves Sonny and wants to reconcile. Nothing wrong with that. Nina trusts Ava! BAHAHAHAHA! Yeah but once Nina finds out that Ava and Sonny kissed, Nina will be so PISSED!!!! HAHA!

    Krissy and Nina: I'm so confused. Krissy do you like Nina or not?!!

    Maxie, Krissy, Nina, and Blaze: Uh huh. Blaze is going to want to hide her relationship with Krissy isn't she?

    Cowboy Cody's house home:

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: Love the new overalls on Sasha! Looks great on her! Oh you two just kiss already!! Cowboy Cody take off your shirt. :)

    The hospital:

    Gregory and his doctor: Oh come on! Please new writers let Gregory be misdiagnosed! Please I beg of you! :(

    Friz and Brase: Yup! HIPAA! It sucks! :( Now Chase and Finchy take off your shirts. :)

    Gregory and Friz:

    Gregory: Hamilton don't end run me again.

    Ouch! Oh boy! He is your father Finchy and what he says goes! :)

    Gregory and Tracy: Oooo a little flirty flirty there! :) Gregory wins the line of the day.

    Gregory: You vixen you.


    Dante's room:

    Sante and Krissy: The nurses love Dante! Hahahaha. Yes Krissy's baby bump popped out! :) 5 months?

    Brase: They are adorable! :) What do you have up your sleeve Chase for the honeymoon hmmmm? Now I told you to take off your shirt!

    Central perk:

    Tracy and Stella: Great scene!!!! New besties!!!! I love how Tracy asks her why hasn't she retired haha. Ooooo they have a date! Awesome. :) I love that Tracy brought up Lila awwwww. :)

    1. I ff'd Sasha/Cody until the end. I just don't care for them at all.
      Everything else was great. Tracy and Stella were so good and I love Brase too! And seriously, Maxie has been looking awesome the past few days.
      I'm sorry there were no naked chests for you today, the new writers need to get on that, STAT! :)
      And we're still waiting for our Nina/Carly brawl, lol!

    2. "Julie H says , Maxie has been looking awesome the past few days."

      Yeah she has!! Wow!! :) Did the writers bring new people for the clothing? :)

      "I'm sorry there were no naked chests for you today,"

      Yeah. :(

      "the new writers need to get on that, STAT! :)"

      ROFL! Well, today they had Cowboy Cody shirtless!!! YAY! :D

      "And we're still waiting for our Nina/Carly brawl, lol!"

      ROFL! Yes! Dammit Come on!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I like the burgeoning friendship between Tracy and Stella. They make an interesting pair. Also, I loved Maxie (who is looking great these days) being more like the Maxie of old and dropping some truth bombs on Nina.

    Based on the previews for Thursday, we're going to have two consecutive days of Cody and Sasha. Why, Lord, why? Buy this pair bus tickets out of Port Chuckles.

    1. Oh, forgot to include what I really dislike: 1) Why is Sam forbidding Danny from seeing his dad? Stupid. 2) Why would Kristina be mad that Blaze didn't tell her about the modeling gig? Grow up, Kristina.

    2. OMG yes, I forgot this!!! I mean, it's soapy because you know Danny's going to want to see him ALL.THE.TIME NOW lol

    3. "Karen says, you know Danny's going to want to see him ALL.THE.TIME NOW lol

      Hahahaha. Yeah he will!!! I saw the look on his face when Sam hugged him!"


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...