Friday, April 5, 2024

Donut Delights


I didn't watch yesterday's show--just some clips. I really liked Portia reading Laura about Heather. I mean, COME ON. 

Dante is home . Rocco and Scout come in but Danny isn't with them. DUN DUN DUN Oh, he was getting donuts to celebrate. Dante and Sam talk about Danny not seeing Jason. He thinks he should but will back up Sam on whatever she wants. The family then all eats donuts. 

ANNA visits Brennen at Pentonville. They talk about the past and he's surprised Anna's police commmish. She mentions Pikeman. She wonders how he could be the head of the WSB AND Pikeman. He says she must think he's good. Anna is talking about the weapons going through the WSB and it makes sense he did it. He says he's being framed. She wants a name. He says he doesn't have one. 

Jordan goes to see Drew at Aurora about 'promoting the city of Port Charles"  She's happy he's doing it and she feels good about their partnership. Jagger BARGES in to ask Drew questions about Jason Morgan. He says that Drew can't associate with Jason because he's also a felon or something. 

Molly is in Bobbie's. Carly and she talk about the trial. Carly's ok that Molly was ADA on the case because Dante cleared Jason so all is good. Molly and Krissy sit down. Kristina says she got her ultrasound and Molly says she's sorry TJ And her COULDN'T BE THERE???????? HUH? 

Joss comes in to talk to Carly and says Hi to Molly but not Kristina. Joss tells Carly Dex wants to be a cop but Sonny will kill him if he is--and says Sonny needs to be put away forever. Kristina gets up and tells her to shut up about her father "he's done a lot for you". Joss says she was just his step daughter and he's a thug. She tells Molly to show Krissy the files on Cyrus and how Sonny beat him up and how many people he's had killed. Kristina gets upset. Molly tells Joss that Krissy is pregnant and don't be so mean. LOL 

Carly tells Joss she's too rage-filled and she made her choices. Joss says she still loves Dex and is afraid he'll get hurt being a cop. 

Brook tells Lois she's afraid she won't have a dress for the wedding. The seamstress says the fabric is too old and is falling apart, can't work with it. Lois is going to try to come up with a solution to use part of the dress. Then they both have to leave for appointments. 

Sonny is at the Metro Bar and Eva LaRue shows up. Chem test. like HUGE. He tells her about Dante and that he's better. He asks about Blaze. They talk about their daughters being gay AGAIN. 

I guess both Brook and Lois had appointments at the Metro because they see Sonny and Eva talking together at the bar.  
Sonny and Lois talk about Natalia and she says she can tell she's a stage mother. 

Eva/Natalia is mad that Brook was late and wonders if her wedding is going to interfere with her being Blaze's manager. Then she wants her to play bigger venues but Brook Lyn says that Blaze wants smaller venues. Mom is also afraid her private life will come out. 


  1. ----Metro Court and Nina didn't walk in and see Sonny drinking? Or Lois mention it? NOBODY cares?
    ----are the writers TRYING to make JohnJag unbearable? was it an act that he told Drew he wants to bring Jason in? SO confused -----------help
    -----I do not want Natalie with Sonny plus she still has no clue he is a Mob Boss
    -----Think Lulu is waking up soon - Dante and Sam are too happy, lovey-dovery -----their quotes to each other seem like "doom' is ahead.
    -----Confusing about the wedding - I THOUGHT they hurried the wedding and down-sized cause of Greg -------and now the wedding is on as planned 'since Dante is home' - help on this too.............................clearly the writers were never gonna have the original dress from the 80's---guess Brook Lynn will wear a veil made from the dress
    -----did Victor start Pikeman when HE was head of WSB???? Anna said 'higher up' people
    -------huge difference between interesting characters/villians and ANNOYING characters: for me I would ship off JOSS, Kristina, Drew, Natalia, and Nina....

    1. I think JohnJag may be protecting Jason's cover, in hopes he can go back to Pikeman. Maybe?

  2. Didn't understand the Jason jagger conversation. I thought he was working for jagger????

  3. Take five steps forward and three back was my opinion of today's show. And it's Friday.
    Joss seems to have a limited dialogue lately. Her anger is displaced in Kristina. Sonny's life is not her fault.
    Sam too is over the top with protecting Danny from his father. His life may be adventurous but he is a good guy and does not work for Sonny anymore.
    JohnJag barging into Drew's office was dumb. Talk about chem tests...I don't mind Drew and Jordan. Two model types posing all over the place. Why not.
    In the preview...Ava looks different.
    Eclipse drama on Monday.
    Anyone here feel the earthquake today? I may be one of the few in CT that did not.

    1. Yeah I don't like Ava's hair cut that I saw..

    2. "Two model types posing all over the place. Why not." LOL

  4. Hey, Sonya, do you follow Karen on "X"? She retweeted Jaggar with his shirt off!

    1. Yeah I do follow her! She did?!!! I didn't see that!!!! :0

    2. Enjoy:

    3. Oh thanks Judith!!! Oh it's the actor shirtless not working!! :D

  5. It was a stinker for a Friday show

  6. Q home:

    Lois and Brooky: When Lois was working on her nails, I thought it was Brooky at first. Oh oh the dress! Well, that's okay you can use the dress for something else for the wedding it's okay! :)

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Jordan and Ryan Lavery: Hmmm? They want to get to know each other? Chem testing?

    John, Jordan and Ryan Lavery: Drew aka Ryan Lavery wins the line of the day.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery: I won't. Who the hell are you?

    BAHAHAHAHA! The look on his face when he says that! ROFL!

    Jordan and Ryan Lavery: Oh now they are having eye sex! They going to have a fling? :)

    Bobbie's: Hey look! The greenies are on the table! :) The greenies, the green beans, the Tribbles, Badger Bob, and Tommy Tapeworm are all besties! :) They go out a lot together. :) And sometimes not all together.

    Carly and Molly: I'm really surprised that Carly isn't blaming Molly! The old Carly would!

    Krissy and Molly: Hmmm? Say what?! Molly and TJ didn't go to the sonogram appointment? Why the hell not?! That makes no sense! If Molly and TJ couldn't go why didn't they reschedule the appointment? So dumb. Stupid scene.

    Joss, Carly, Krissy, and Molly: Yeah Joss are you really surprised that Krissy is upset with you? You are disparaging her father! You wouldn't like it if anybody disparaged your dad! You are even upsetting the greenies!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sonny and Natalia: Hmmm more chem testing?

    Brooky and Natalia: Brooky is handing Natalia very well! :)

    Sonny and Lois: Ooooo seems like Lois doesn't like Natalia hahaha.

    The airport lounge waiting area:

    Brennan and Anna: Are they bonding? :) Come on Anna do you really think he will tell you anything? Come on Brennan take of your shirt. :)

    Sante home:

    Sante, Rocco, Scout, and Danny cheeto: Awwwww #Family! Donuts first for dinner!!! Yum! :) I would like a donut. :)

    Sam and Danny Cheeto: Oh Sam really?! His father is dangerous? You have always known that!!!! You should have thought of that before having a kid with him!

    Sante: Now that it's just the two of you, take off your shirt Dante. :D

    Previews: Ava has got a new hairdo!!!!! Oh Carly yelling out of her car window. ROFL!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to June 28th 2011* More of Lucky and Liz talking about baby Aidan and that Nik knows that Aidan isn't his kid.

  7. I did like the confrontation between Joss and Kristina, but that was all. Because "GH" will be preempted Monday, I think the episode order will be off for a while. For example, next Friday's episode won't really be a "Friday episode," it will be one intended for a Thursday. I think the pacing will be messed up for a while.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...