Friday, May 3, 2024

Poke The Bear


I hope some of you watch Neighbours: A New Chapter on Amazon FreeVee it's grand. I don't get mad at it like GH lol. 

Sonny goes to Dante's to bring him new boxing gloves. Says he's the only person in his family he can trust. Sonny's hair is SO BLACK ahahah. I mean SO black. He's also concerned that Dex is joining the PCPD. Tells Dante not to trust him. Leaves. Dante looks confused. Sam comes in later and they talk about Sonny's visit. He says he thinks he may have crossed the line between son and cop. 

Carly goes to Sonny's but he's not home. She tells Ava she'll wait for him. Ava says she's a guest in th house and Carly better cool it. Carly tells her she'll see the father of her kids ANYTIME SHE WANTS. Then Sonny pops in. Ava goes to the other room. Carly tells Sonny Donna is NOT coming over for sleep overs. Period. She doesn't want her around Sonny. They argue and Carly finally realizes he might not be taking his meds...she runs into the bathroom to check them. Grabs the bottles. Talks to Sonny, wants to call the pharmacist. He says you think so little of me? Ava just stands there and watches. FK this

Drew and Nina go to visit the congressman. (real outside parking lot shot!)  They go in and Nina mentions her father's connection to him 2x. He's the guy from the Tracey Ullman show. Good character actor. He tells Drew to leave, Drew doesn't shut up about some project. He and Jordan want to redo some of the docks, and get more hours at the library and more public transport. They need federal funds. Congressman says he's can't help. He has stage 4 lung cancer and is stepping down. Drew says stay on until December and DO This for the town, it can be his legacy. Congrssman wants to know if Drew would turn them into luxury condos. Drew says to trust him. Guy asks Nina if he should. 

Alexis asks Sam and Krissy which suit to wear to her hearing. Then Krissy feels the baby kick. She talks about how wonderful it is to carry a life and how important it is and yada yada. Sam and ALexis look at each other like: Um.. wow. Then Sam leaves to pick up Danny. Kristina and Alexis talk and Kristina is worried about TJ's attitude. Alexis says to give some grace since it's a new situation. Krissy says she's falling in love with the baby. 

Joss and Trina are running in the park. Joss wants to drop her major of pre-med.  Trina asks why. Joss basically isn't into it LOL. Trina says she'll work at The Gallery this summer and wants to be busy so she doesn't grieve too much. Joss says she only wanted to be a doctor to help Dex. :eyeroll: They have some weird ass montage of Joss talking about Dex and Dex getting dressed in the locker room? 

Carly thinks the dosage is off of Sonny's meds, He throws her out. Ava says she was out of line. 

I hate this

Dante thinks about quitting the force because of DAD. 



  1. This business of having every character change their career (or proposed career) is NUTS. What will be drawn out of the hat next???

    1. Agree. One or two is fine, but this is getting ridiculous.

    2. OMG! You're right! It's overkill!

  2. Sante home:

    Dante and Sonny: Hmmm Sonny gives Dante 1 glove. :) Sonny is so angry he must forgot the other glove. *Snicker*

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Krissy, and Sam: Uh Krissy doesn't talk to Molly about what the baby is up to? That is so odd!!!

    Alexis and Krissy: Yes!!! Alexis is right!!! Give some grace!!! You don't need to sing it, just give it! :)

    Sonny's home:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's car:

    Dina: (Drew and Nina) He got so close to Nina, that I thought he was going to kiss her! *Fans self*

    Congressman's building:

    Ryan Lavery, Nina, and the woman who works for the Congressman:

    Nina: Oh really?

    The woman: No.

    ROFL! That woman was great and she would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Congressman's office:

    Ryan Lavery, Nina, and the Congressman: I heard the Congressman's voice. and his voice was very familiar. OH! IT'S THAT ACTOR! YAY! He was also on friends! Chandler's boss who slaps the coworkers butts! ROFL! Awww the congressman has stage 4 cancer. How sad. :( That just made me really sad. Ryan Lavery wins the line of the day.

    Ryan Lavery: I'm deeply saddened by this news.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! No you are not!!!! :)

    Sante home: What the heck is Dante going to do with 1 glove! :) (I see a part of the other glove in the bag, but that ruins the joke so shhhh) Sam only grabs 1 glove! I guess Dante can use his old glove on the other hand.

    Sonny's home: The green beans are happy to see Carly. :)

    Ava and Carly: I thought they had a truce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sonny and Carly: The light bulb turned on in Carly's head! ROFL! Damn I love Sonny's bathroom! :) Ava just don't stand there!!! Say something!!

    Sonny and Ava:

    Ava: Carly is being unreasonable.

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AVA!!!! Hmmm I thought Sonny was going to kiss Ava when he walked up to her.

    The REAL park:

    Trina and Joss: Yes yes we know! Joss doesn't want to be a doctor anymore! I'm grateful, but did we really have to have a conversation about that? I'm surprised Joss didn't tell her already. Oh boy! Dex and Joss having eye sex! Yes Trina it's obvious that Joss is still in wuv with Dex!

    Police station locker room: What was all that about going back and forth with him and then Trina and Joss? I thought something was going to happen to Dex. Dex shirtless alert!!! Dex in a towel alert! :D

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to January 30th, 2004* Carly talks to Sam about Brenda! :)

  3. things that didn't make sense:
    Dante is thinking of quitting the force
    Drew talking about the riverfront area/no proposal in hand/just redid it years ago/he was a jerk
    I KNOW I am in the minority but I like Carly figuring out about meds/Sonny. It makes sense since she has closest to him....WHY she didn't take ONE pill was stupid....but hopefully she will realize Ava + placebo = Morgan's meds and sneak back in and take a pill....
    --I STILL hate this storyline and hate hate what they are going to do with Ava
    ----don't care about Krissy, Joss,etc. and of COURSE it's about JOSS - not Trina
    ----and don't understand this point with Drew and Nina and the project...

  4. Nicholas C did his 'formal' farewell to GH on Instagram

  5. If they wrote Ava as smart as she has been in the past, she would use Carly's confrontation to say it prompted her to test Sonny's meds and reveal they are being messed with. She will look like a hero.

    Also, how much do you want to bet they have Drew run for that Congressional seat once the older guy dies? Drew is an ex-Seal and war hero, businessman, and father to a son who died from cancer. In the real world, he would make an attractive candidate.

  6. Here is the message from Nicolas Alexander Chavez...

    I’m so appreciative of the opportunity that GH gave me, and I wouldn’t be as busy as I am professionally if it weren’t for the talented producers, writers, directors and fellow actors.

    Frank Valentini is a mentor and a friend, and we’ve had some pretty extensive conversations about my future on the show. While there are no current plans for me to return, we are still talking very openly about future possibilities for Spencer in Port Charles.

    Beyond the people I’ve already mentioned, I want to take some time to thank and honor the GH fan base… especially the Sprina fans… who must be THE most loyal and kind fan base in the universe of entertainment.

    Words fail to show the depth of my gratitude, thank you, I love you all very, very much.

    1. Such a talented and seems like nice young actor. He was such a good actor that he had chemistry with both "Trinas" as well as many of the other staff. When he first started he was just ok, but "blossomed" as a very talented young actor so quickly. I sure hope to see him in future tv shows and hopefully movies.

  7. So many talented actors on this show that are just being wasted and should honestly look for employment elsewhere because this show is not doing anything for them at all at this point....and for the last few years if you ask me. It's a gravy train for some but clearly not for all. Pets before VETS is Frank's way to go. 1.3 ratings. GREAT JOB losing over 100K viewers weekly! BRAVO!

    1. It is sad. I go on this blog, but I have stopped watching ):

      On a good note. Love Ava's look in that photo. She looks gorgeous with that hot pink blouse and the new hairstyle. Wish I looked so great!!!



Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...