Tuesday, May 7, 2024



IT's breakfast time in PC

Anna has Sasha’s old set! Bennett is having the cadets move her. Felicia comes to visit. Anna tells her Char is in boarding school. Felicia is like: YOU been talking to Valentin? Then the doorbell rings and flowers are delivered from Valentin.

Nina is lunching with Valentin. They are talking about Sonny and.. stuff and Crimson.

Sonny is meeting with Jordan. He wants to give money to the city. Then he mentions they are having a grandchild together.

Willow is meeting with Drew. He thinks she might be doing it just because he "saved her life" after Greenland. He tells her he wants her to take it but if it's too much, not to bother. This is so stupid. It's just another CONVO ABOUT NOTHING. Then Drew asks Nina to do a story on the charity and Willow for Crimson. Nina is thrilled.

Carly is meeting with Jason. She's talking about his erratic behavior. She mentions Ava tampering with Morgan's meds but doesn't think she did it with Sonny's. Why? He's been 'off' since Nixon Falls and what would she gain from it. They are trying to figure out who could get him to do his blood draw. Carly finally decides Stella might be the one. Then Jagger walks in to ask Jason some questions. Carly's all pissy and wants to call Diane. Jason says no. She leaves but stays to listen. Those idiots don't close the door and start talking about Pikeman. Oh THIS is how Carly gets her damn nose into this story. Got it.

Laura is visiting Heather. Gives her an update about Ace and a photo. And Heather talks about protecting her daughter. Heather expresses remorse. Laura says it's all from the poisoning. Heather cries. Laura looks concerned. Heather is sad she spent all her time in mental institutions and jail.


Basically Jagger tells Jason the entire Pikeman/Brennan saga and Carly hears it all and knows the Brennan connection

Drew tells Jordan he got the grant money

Sonny watches Dex jog in the park.


  1. Good morning Port Chuckians! :) I want all the men to take their shirts off. :)

    Anna's new home: WHOA! Sasha's old digs.. I did not see that coming. Love that Anna lives there now!!

    Anna and Bennett: Hmmm got a vibe between them today. Is something going to happen between them? I can see it. He is being sweet. Come on Bennett! Let's see you take your shirt off. :)

    Anna and Felicia: Great scene!!! :) Yeah Anna doesn't trust V.C., and V.C. is really playing her and I hate that!! Felicia wins the line of the day.

    Felicia: Then I don't have to check you for a head injury.


    Airport waiting area:

    Laura and Heather: GREAT SCENE!! Heather made me cry GAH! :( I love that Laura was supporting her. Love that picture of Ace awwwwwwwwww! :) Now show Heather a picture of the Tribbles! :)

    Jason's warehouse:

    Jarly: Yes yes Sonny being a jerk blah blah blah. Now kiss already. :)

    Jarly and John: Oh hello John. John do me a favor and take your shirt off! :D

    Jason and John: I'm still waiting John! And of course Carly is eavesdropping. I'm sure Carly is fantasizing about John taking his shirt off. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and V.C.: Ooooo is this a date? :D Okay V.C. take your shirt off. :)

    Jordan and Sonny: Oh so Sonny didn't get what he wanted from Laura, so now he is going over her head! Just take your shirt off Sonny!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: Oh good! I'm glad Willow is going to work for the tomorrow land place. Or whatever it's called. ROFL! When they hugged goodbye I felt that vibe!!! Will something happen between them? Just take your shirt off Ryan Lavery!

    Ryan Lavery, Willow, and Nina: Ooooo an interview with Nina! Interesting. I hope it goes well.

    Ryan Lavery, Jordan, and Sonny: Hmmm. So Sonny doesn't want to sell the gym? I must have not been paying attention. ROFL! I don't remember Sonny wanting to sell the gym to Drew aka Ryan Lavery.

    The REAL park:

    RA RO! Will Sonny kill Dex soon? And hey Dex is running with his shirt on! And so are all the other cops!

    1. Sonya, I'm glad you finally admitted you want all the males in Port Chuck shirtless, lol! You're commentary was better than the show so thanks for that!
      I did enjoy Flea and Anna, and yes, the apartment is much better suited to Anna. :)
      I'm super tired of the Sonny story and Carly going all snarly....same old song and dance.
      That picture of Ace was adorable!!

  2. Didn't Oscar and his mom live in that apartment as well?
    Pikeman is annoying. Get it over and done already.
    Sonny. The whole downhill tumble is so hard to watch. Not because it's sad but because it seems stupid when everyone knows him so well. Going behind Laura's back to make a "donation" is super slimy.
    I was expecting more from the new regime. Call me crazy.

    1. Yep, that was the old Nero apartment, too. It's much more befitting Anna's style that Maxie's old apartment.

  3. Laura befriending a serial killer is a bad look. It would jeopardize any politician's reelection. At least have Laura feel more conflicted about it. We also got a Steven Lars reference. When was the last time that happened?

    1. Color me shocked about Steven Lars. At least they remembered he was in jail. And really, he should be out by now, lol!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...