Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wedding WHOOPIE!


Today's the day! Let's start the wedding shennanigans!!  HOW YOU DOING!? Good I hope. 

HERE WE GO: All the ladies are in VERY flowery dresses. 

Ned and Tracey share a good moment at the Q house. She's sorry she missed his wedding to Lois. It's a really nice speech and Ned is surprised. 

Liz, Finn, Chase and Violet are in Finn's apartment getting ready.  Finn tells Liz he's scared his Dad can't finish the ceremony. Greg comes out and gets ready to go. 

Church: A bunch of people but you need to know that Jordan was looking at Curtis and Jordan kiss and was a bit jelly!! 

Everyone arrives. Gio comes in with his violin. He's Brook's cousin. Joss talks to him. He says he's there to play for the wedding and he also FIXES CARS and is looking for Sonny. 

Sonny arrives with Eva LaRue and Blaze and Krissy sees them together. Kristina tells Sonny to be extra charming. Blaze isn't happy her mother is there with Sonny. They walk in. Sonny tells her Dex is an employee that's been disloyal. Then he cold-shoulders Michael. Tells LaRue that Michael disappointed him. 

Jordan and Drew decide to sit together. 

Jason and Spinelli see each other for the first time. Spin jumps and hugs him. Jason says he's sorry he didn't see him yet it's "COMPLICATED". 

Spinelli is all nervous waiting for Maxie. He talks to Anna about wanting to have another chance and it scares him. Anna tells him it's nice to start over and exciting. Spinelli sees Jason finally and tears up. Jumps on him basically. Jason says he's sorry he hasn't seen him but he's been busy.

Drew sees Jason. Stares at him. 

Brook gets ready in her bedroom. Her mom is proud. Lois has on a dove gray and white pant suit with necklaces and a giant flower. Meh. They talk about life, love yada yada. Tracey also has some really nice words. She gives Brook Lyn a bracelet that was Lila's. 

Jason sees Drew and the Q's ...says Monica told him to go. 

Lois and Ned walk in and Brook Lyn comes into the foyer. Maxie is with her. Maxie's dress is nice. Ned tears up. 

WATCH THE WEDDDING. At least the last 20 min or so. Wally K made me tear right up with his speech to Brook Lyn. 

Willow and Maxie are matching because they are bridesmaids. Love the dresses. 

Gregory Harrison did his "episode" with his speech SO WELL and SO true to life. WOW. 


  1. No mention of Jackie? Even if they couldn't get Kim Delaney, they should've had Chase get a letter from her or something to address her absence. Of all the send up behind bringing her back and then poof. Stupid. Otherwise wedding was lovely. Who feels old remembering when Ned and Lois got married and suddenly it's 27 years later and now the wedding of their daughter.

    1. "Who feels old remembering when Ned and Lois got married and suddenly it's 27 years later and now the wedding of their daughter."

      I didn't before, but I do now!!! Wow! 27 years! Whew time flies!

    2. They could've at least said Jackie was off in a warzone doing some reporting and couldn't get back in time.

      Also, the reunion between Jason and Spinelli should've happened weeks ago.

  2. good day:
    ---Dresses were beautiful and everyone gorgeous
    ---reunion between Jason and Spinelli was everything I wanted (except Jason's reason for not seeking out Spinelli
    ---Greg excellent acting and they DO get married so I think Tracy AND Greg finish the ceremony.
    -----did Ned get the pre-nup from Finn?
    ---still don't get Curtis and Portia being there BUT BUT at least NO LUCY!
    ----wonder where the kids are - Michael's and Liz's boys?? Yuri???
    I cannot scream loud enough - NO MOTHER there and even Greg TOLD Chase to take it all in, etc.....pitiful
    I STILL don't think Natalia knows about Sonny BUT today it did occur to me maybe Natalia DOES know and is playing Sonny
    ----Good day!

    1. "Mufasa says, did Ned get the pre-nup from Finn?"

      I sure hope so!!!!

  3. Most everyone looks lovely. I was surprised that BLQ didn't get the usual "something borrowed" etc. from her friends.
    Natalia's dress looked like it had blood stains all over. Why was Sonny invited again? Just because he's from the old neighborhood?
    Gregory is doing a fine job so why do they make him falter? Couldn't he just have made it through with no problem? No, not on GH.
    Just seeing WK reminds me how much he is needed. Hope he gets a story again soon.

  4. Finchy's home:

    Fiz, Little V, Chase, and Gregory: Is little V okay from that day she got scared that her grandpa couldn't breath or move? Poor little girl. :( Love Liz's dress. Did she get a haircut? Or did she just curl it up? Where is Chase's mom? Did Chase and his mama have a falling out?

    The bedroom:

    Brooky and Lois: GAH emotional scene!!! :'(

    Brooky and Tracy: GAH! Emotional scene!! :'( Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: UGH! I know I'm regretting it already.


    The church: Portia is practically naked! 1 wrong move and wardrobe malfunction! ROFL! Curtis and his glasses! Yum! He needs to be shirtless while wearing the glasses. :D Sam and her bread are saying hi to everyone. Krirssy is wearing a bepto bismol dress. I love Anna's dress! Olivia and her bread talking to Natalia and her bread. Natalia is giggling to Sonny like a school girl!! *Facepalm* I love Ned and Tracy's scene!! Awwwww! :( Geez a lot of families had emotional scenes that made me cry! :'( I love how Little uncle Leo kept waving at Ned as he was leaving to go inside the building hahahahaha! Jason and Spinny great scene!! Spinny practically jumped on him and into his arms! I like Jason's reactions and explanation! Great continuity there. I love how Jason stopped Spinny from touching him again hahahahaha. I wonder if the Tribbles, Greenies, The green beans, Badger Bob, and Tommy tapeworm were there. Gio is handsome and he is great with the violin! WOW!!!! Can we keep him? I liked the scene with Gio and Joss. :) Joss and Dex had eye sex. I'm glad that Spinny brought up Anna being Maxie's godmother, because I forgot! ROFL!

    Brooky and Ned:

    Ned: I will walk you down that isle, and I will hand you over to the man you love, but I can't give you away!

    DAMMIT! HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CRY NED! ;( Who wrote that line! I need to know!!!! :( Beautiful wedding dress! I don't know why it had to be hidden and I don't know why she had to hide it in the bouquet! Awwww Gregory. :( Oh no! :(

  5. I haven't commented lately, because really you wubbers have said it all. I haven't been very happy.

    But this episode was great. Everyone looked fabulous and I really appreciated so many cast members. Added bonus, NO CARLY! Tracy just had me blubbering everywhere. To funny about "Granny". It was the same with my grandmother, I could call her anything I wanted, but NOT Granny. That made me smile.

    That Gio can sure play the violin and he's a cutie! Natalia's giggling just grates on my last nerve. It's constant and sickening. Speaking of sickening, I'm sick of Sonny, too. Enough about how everyone's "disappointed him". Don't care if his meds are off or not.

    I'm really looking forward to today, especially with Gregory. Sniff. The actor was outstanding in his slow freezing up.

    1. yep for the first time I am sick of Sonny. BUT I amazed at his acting - he even WALKS differently with no full meds ---- I hate Natalia ------I want Pikeman OVER and Sonny back on meds!!!

  6. Gregory gasping for air for an extended period of time, especially when his son is a doctor and watching, was awful!!!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...