Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Molly runs into Blaze outside of Bobbie's. Blaze wants to double date and hang out. Molly says yes because she's dying to know what happened at the wedding. She didn't know about Krissy's breakdown over Sonny beating Dex! Blaze tells her but says Kristina is okay now. Molly goes off to her Mom's house. 

Krissy and Sam at Alexis. Like the Q house, Alexis has wall paper, Trees. Anyway, Sam says that she thinks Kristina will do the right thing even if it comes to a cost to Sonny. Alexis comes home. Then Molly comes in. She tells them Ava Jerome turned her in. Everyone hates on Ava. Krissy gets a text to go to Bobbie's to see Dante. Molly is alone with Alexis and tells her about Kristina seeing Sonny beat on Dex and she's not sure if she should tell TJ. Alexis says keeping the baby healthy is the only thing that matters. 

Dex meets Dante at Bobbie's. Dex says he's not pressing charges because of Kristina, the trial and Sonny wouldn't get much jail time anyway. OMG Dante is like, my father never OPENLY Flaunted the law but now he's just doing whatever he wants. Dex must have left then Krissy is suddenly sitting down. She says it was like Sonny was wearing a mask and Dante must have seen him like that when he shot him. Dante said, no he's was cold. Kristina says "well, it was a mistake because he didn't go to jail". Dante's like..wellll...nooo....He says he was happy as hell to have a father, no matter who it was. He also loved Morgan, Michael and Krissy. 

Sonny is jogging in the park, sees Joss. Tells her to speak her mind. She tells him Dex isn't pressing charges for his children's sake. She says to thank Dex that he's free. Then Joss runs into Blaze. Blaze says that Joss was right about Sonny.

Sonny sees Dex on a bench in the park. They talk and Sonny says "It's DONE"..meaning I guess he's not going to kill Dex. He says he's done. He doesn't even think about him Dex looks all sad. 

Willow is still telling Drew he's the biggest hero on the planet. Wants him to RUN SO BADLY. Then Michael comes home and she says "TELL MICHAEL"! Michael doesn't think it's a good idea because of Curtis' Wellness Group at Aurora and the fact his stocks would have to go into a blind trust. Not a good time. Willow disagrees!! SQUEE! He's BE SO GOOD!! :eyeroll: Then Willow does a speech about Drew's goodness and how he'd make a great politician and it's SO convincing MICHAEL changes his mind!! Drew is running. 

Maxie's house. The kids want Spinelli to move back in and so does Felicia. Felicia takes the kids out for ice cream and Maxie misses Spin too and wants him to move back in too. Spinelli doesn't want to because they aren't a real couple and he'd be in the guest room and it would be weird. BUT!! THEN he decides to move back in! Everyone is all happy. 



  1. Did anyone else want to pass Molly a paper bag today? lol little Alexis. lol

  2. Molly and Willow need to move in together - in Switerland with Charlotte - what annoying whining kids.....WILLOW acting like the nerd in high school and the star football player asks her for help in writing his campaign speech---------I'm telling you - Drew and Willow coming down the path.
    ------Maxie looks amazing!!! Dex's make-up is perfection......kuddos to hair and make-up department.
    ------SO any bets WHO tells TJ about Dex and Sonny?
    ------WHERE are Sonny's bodyguards?
    ------another day passes and Dante, Dex, Kristina etc NEVER mention Sonny's meds - they just act like Sonny is behaving NORMALLY????
    -----you can tell sweeps is over......and nothing changed except Gregory died.....

    1. Yeah. It's like they're erasing the fact that he's bipolar. Sounds like Kristina knows nothing about any problems at all. Believe me when I'm talking on the phone with someone who's off his meds I can tell. I will ask How are you? And if the conversation doesn't improve i'll ask if they've taken their pills today.

  3. In recent days we heard that Finn had troubles with alcohol and that Ava was behind Alexis' loss of her law license as she was defending her brother. Both of these stories recently dreamed up by the writers. After weeks of no one mentioning Sonny's illness maybe he is no longer bi-polar. Could they be that crazy? After seeing what they have done to Ava it is surely within the realm of possibility.
    Yes, Molly was percolating today.
    Maxie and Spinelli are happy. For how long? It is GH after all.

  4. Wow. This is happening yet again. I posted. brought the post up. reread it. Come back 10 minutes later and the post below me is showing that it posted 2 minutes before. Same topic. really weird.

  5. Mildew home:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?! Willow is acting so strangely. I think something is going to happen with them!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Mildew: So Willow is acting like Mary Poppins and Michael is realistic. Oh look Mary Poppins convinced Drew aka Ryan Lavery to run and for Michael to vote for him. She is magical! Now all that Drew aka Ryan Lavery has to do is tell Willow aka Mary Poppins that he is going to change his name to Quartermaine!

    Bobbie's: Ooooooo I love the Bobbie mugs! :)

    Dante and Dex: *Facepalm* I want to talk about the makeup department. They did a really good job on his eye. How did they do that? Must be a fake thing over his eye? Hmmm.

    Dante and Krissy: I love the talking about the past.And I love the Greenies on the table. Aaaaaand that's all I got.

    Molly and Blaze: I'm just waiting or Molly to say TJ was right!!!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Molly, Sam, and Krissy: The Ava hate is spilling from the walls. :)

    Alexis and Molly: Great scene! I love the Molly struggle, and her talking a mile a minute. Like mother like daughter! :) You need a paper bag Molly? :) I'm just waiting for Molly to say TJ was right!

    The REAL park:

    Sonny and Joss: Joss should be a lawyer. *Snicker*

    Sonny and Dex: What was the point of this scene?! I mean Sonny didn't even apologize so really there was no point of this scene.

    Maxie's home:

    Felicia, Spinny, Maxie, James, and Georgie: Georgie spent 2 hours trying to fix her laptop? Yeah right. I don't buy that for a second. She could have called her daddy along time ago and he would have fixed it lickity split! Uh Spinny, aren't you going to tell your daughter that her outfit is too short?

    Spixie: Awwwwwwwwww! My Spixie heart! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to November 19th 2002* Krissy was born! So today she is 22 years old! *Giggle* OH! LOOK! Cameron Lewis! :)

    1. 100% agree about Dex's makeup job. So realistic and I give 3 thumbs up to the makeup department! Maxie looks fabulous, I don't know why but keep it up.

      I just love Dante/Dom so much. I loved him rehashing history. He's like George Clooney to me, could read the phone book and I'd be infatuated. :)

      Are they going to kill off Ava? Dang, everybody hates her now. I do not approve.

      Gotta say I got the heebie jeebies when some said Willow/Drew would become "a thing". I can see it now. Don't want to, but I can, lol!

  6. Ah faith restored in so many things this afternoon, ☺

  7. Got rid of the Herpes,.

    Opportunity of a lifetime,

    You can win back Ex with his help..

    Thanks (( robinsonbuckler11@)) gmail. com


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...