Thursday, May 2, 2024



I don't think I missed much yesterday!!  NOTE: I spell Aidan both Aidan and Aiden. Sorry. 

Ok, so some commercial test is going on at the Qs kids are there: Violet, James, Georgie (New one?) then Michael has Amelia and Wylie in the barn. Sasha, Chase and Gregory are in the living room. Greg is there too. I GUESS that they are trying out a new commercial? Scotty's taping it on his phone...IN THE LIVING ROOM. Brook is horrible and wooden. Lucy wants to take over. She's horrible too. Lois does it and is PERFECT! weelp 

In the kitchen Tracey bitches about the kids having off school and her hiring Sasha to cook without asking her. ANYWAY, Sasha is making lunch but she's in the living room...but she's making lunch and.. this is a mess. Tracey demands a dish for dinner.  Aidan is going to help Sasha lunch because you know, he likes to cook. 

Then in the stables, Sasha and Cody talk (don't ask) about her job and she's afraid that Tracey is going to fire her. Cody says that she can move UP IN THE BARN WITH HIM. Lordy. 

Hospital is having a staffing shortage and Felicia is trying to find people to work longer. Willow says she just did a 12 hour and then Liz calls her to please pick up Aidan because she can't get away. 

Willow takes Aidan to her Gatehouse where she can't find anyone (they are at the Qs) AND THAT'S A NEW AIDEN??  YEP it's a new Aiden. He goes to the Q house for lunch. Then Michael comes in with Willow (Wylie is at the barn still) and she wants to nap but he sees some brochure. I think it's the Bone Marrow place she might work.  She justifies wanting to work there. They make the love. 


Everyone wants to have Lois being the spokesperson

Tracey tells Sasha she can be the cook and doesn't have to pass any tests. 



  1. I thought it was a new Aiden too. Thought maybe my poor eyes were getting wose. lol

    1. Hahaha. Nope. There was a new Aiden! :)

  2. Wow what a busy show today! Everyone going to one room to another!

    The hospital:

    Willow and Felicia: Uh Felicia, Maxie said that Bailey was with you! Where is she?! This is a great scene. So real! But again, WHERE IS BAILEY?!!?!?!

    The Q mansion:

    Olivia and Tracy: Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: There are children in every corner in this house.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! The last time we saw all of them together was on Halloween! They all came out of the closet today! Wow recast Georgie and recast Aidan! Hello newbies! :)

    Tracy and Sasha: Oh testing time! :) Hmmm will Sasha look at the recipe book?

    Sasha and Aidan: Yes! Aidan can help you! Good!!! :)

    The living room: I'm not sure what that scene was about. Brooky yes was wooden, Lucy uh yeah no.. Lois was perfect! :) Uh yeah Chase no. :) Brooky was not perfect. ROFL! Love seeing Scotty there! :)

    Cowboy Cody horse home:

    Michael, Ohsaka walnut, and Cowboy Cody: Oh look! Ohsaka Walnut has grown! Cute little girl awwww! :) Michael holding her awwww! :)

    Cowboy Cody and the kids: Tying cowboy Cody up! Hahahaha! They are all having fun! :) Well until Sasha showed up and then the kids ran off. How odd.

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: Uh Sasha what are you doing there? I thought you were cooking with Aidan? Sasha don't be scared of Tracy! ROFL! Cowboy Cody is so sweet to offer his bedroom to her. :) OH! Her phone timer went off for the food she made okay good. :)

    Outside the Q mansion:

    Tracy and Gregory: Great scene!!! :) Oh lunch time! Great continuity! What the?! That looks like pound cake!!! Hahahahahahaha!

    Mildew home:

    Mildew: She tells Michael that she sleeps better when he is laying next to her, but he doesn't go up. Weird. Oh wait he is up now haha. This scene with them having zex and hearing a crash, so realistic. :) I think they were at the end of the zex. :)


    Aidan, Little V, James, Georgie, and Cowboy Cody: Oh oh what a small mess! ROFL! When Little V and James wanted to go upstairs to get Mildew, the look on Georgie and Aidan's face! BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to a clothing store* Brenda and Carly meet for the first time! ROFL!

  3. ---Michael actually said, "I thought now that Jason is back that Elizabeth wouldn't have (many or as many) financial worries." Elizabeth will not take money from Jason-- duh
    -----I like Lois as spokesperson - guess it means she is staying - but her Brooklyn attitude won't do well.
    -----SURELY Gregory isn't going to leave for a short rip with Tracy and die at that place she mentioned -----------it seemed a long story for it not to mean something.
    ----Tracy and Gregory were the only reasons to watch today's show.
    MAY SWEEPS - yeah, right.

  4. I enjoyed the Tracy and Gregory scenes. I thought they were well-written. Also, line of the day has to go to Tracy -- "Where, for the love of God, is the nanny? There are children in every corner of this house." LOL

    Still don't like Cody and Sasha but they have now been tolerable for two days in a row -- a new record.

    Something is clearly going to happen to Willow and Michael soon. Whenever someone says anything like, "I love my life," it doesn't last long. Might be fun for Nelle to show up alive. That would shake things up for multiple characters -- Willow, Michael, Carly, Joss, Brook Lynn.

    Did y'all see the news that Lane Davies debuts May 22 as Fergus Byrne? That is Neal Byrne's brother. Lane, of course, played Dr. Cameron Lewis in the early 2000s and was Zander's dad.


    1. "Kevin says, Did y'all see the news that Lane Davies debuts May 22 as Fergus Byrne? That is Neal Byrne's brother. Lane, of course, played Dr. Cameron Lewis in the early 2000s and was Zander's dad."

      Didn't Neal have 2 brothers? And whoa! That actor is going to play Lane? Interesting! :)

    2. Apparently, Nancy Lee Grahn and Lane Davies played together on "Santa Barbara" and had great chemistry. Patrick Mulcahey wrote for them then, too.

    3. yes, I didn't put it up.. Forgot to. I can't believe he's going to be FERGUS BYRNES -- which is a weird name but anyway, here we go again. I mean I LIKE the guy but

    4. I get it. Soooo many characters right now. If it were up to me, I would clean house a little -- Cody, Sasha, Jordan, Drew, Nina, Finn.

  5. I OVED Julia and Mason on Santa Barbara - LOVE


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...