Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Another Day




to try to watch the show. 


Lois and Brook in Kelly's ...Lois recognizes Jagger. Lois goes over. They are all HELLO! It's been FOREVER! He says he owes Brook an apology for questioning Danny the way he did. Brook says thanks. Lois finds out he has a son named Stone. Brook decides to leave. Jagger and Lois have coffee. He says his son is 21 living in a group home in Quantico. 

Carly's at Pentonville questioning Brennan. She says she heard Anna mention Pikeman. He's like: not true. He asks about her. They talk about Donna's dance recital (seriously) Then she says PIKEMAN again and mentions her BFF Jason being back and PIKEMAN and the FBI like Brennan is going to tell her anything. She says she knows about the FBI thing because she knows Jagger Cates and proceeds to tell him he's under investigation. WTF..who does she think she is? 

Jason finds his way out of the warehouse and goes to Anna's to talk about...Pikeman. Anna shows Jason her box about him. She wants to know what the FBI has on him and Carly. He says the FBI has a recording of Carly telling the Five Families she's the head of the Corinthos organization. (When Sonny was in Nixon Falls)> Jason was supposed to do it but he was shot. So she did and the FBI now has evidence against her. Jason thinks if Carly knew he was saving her, she'd go to jail so he could get out of it. OH BROTHER. Anna doesn't think the FBI will ever let him go even if he does bring in Pikeman.

Chase and Finn talk in Finn's office about Greg going to Coney Island before the wedding and he thinks it's too much. Finn says don't say anything. Finn says he'll tell him it's not good to fly from a medical standpoint. Chase says no, he'll tell him. They talk about Finn's estrangement from his father long ago. He feels badly. They leave it as Finn is talking to Greg about staying home. 

Sam asks Dante how quitting the force went. Dante's like: Um, I didn't. Sam's not happy. She said she never should have gotten her hopes up.  They talk about it. A LOT. She says she did fall in love with Dante when he was a cop and shouldn't expect him to change. They kiss. Crisis avoided. 

Kevin and Laura eat lunch at The Metro. She can't believe she has sympathy for a serial killer. The Kevin talks about Colbalt poisoning. Then Laura wonders if Heather should be serving so much time. Kevin gets a phone call. Valentin comes over and they talk about Charlotte being in Switzerland. 


Finn has to find an AA meeting ... I guess he's struggling. 


  1. rinse/repeat/rinse
    BUT it must be said
    -----Chase STILL has NEVER mentioned HIS MOTHER coming/not coming to this wedding!
    -----Sam JUST NOW hates Dante being a cop? Bring back Lulu and get rid of Mumbles
    -----Laura FORGIVES Heather but HATES SONNY????
    -----Charlotte never/ever/never stated that she missed school. She had Jake and Tarot cards and the HOUSE and HORSES and "Papa, this is the happiest I have ever been."
    -----Brennan figured out Carly knows things BUT you know if this thing wraps up in May - go for it ----------------I still think Valentin is leaving GH/living in Switzerland.....with the 'project'..
    Now I WILL say - JohnJag's eyes are is Jason's...
    May sweeps is just not--------well the writers obviously don't know yet it's May sweeps.

    1. "Mufasa says, Brennan figured out Carly knows things BUT you know if this thing wraps up in May - go for it"

      Go for what? You mean with them being a couple? :) We can call them Barly! :)

    2. no sorry - that he figures it out/Carly messed up, etc etc

    3. "mufasa says, no sorry - that he figures it out/Carly messed up, etc etc"

      Ahhh.. I'm sure he will figure it out!! :)

    4. JohnJag is a handsome man, for sure.

  2. Airport lounge:

    Brennan and Carly:

    Carly: I've been thinking about you.

    Thinking what Carly? About him being shirtless? :) Come on Brennan take your shirt off. ;) Some flirty flirty going on.

    "Karen says, who does she think she is?"



    Lois and Brooky: Oh look at that. They went to Logan's department store. The Greenies on the table are upset! They love that department store! OH! Lois recognizes John even when he has a new face. ROFL!

    Lois, Brooky, and John: I like that John apologized to Brooky! :) That was a nice scene. :) Brooky don't know what to do with that. ROFL!

    Lois and John: Oh! His son is 21 and in a group home. Guess it's not Dex! ROFL! Hmmm is this chem testing? :) Yeah I can see them together. John take off your shirt now!

    The hospital:

    Chase and Finchy: Yeah I don't think this is a good idea! Gregory won't be very happy about this!! Come on you two take off your shirts! :) I can't wait until summer. ;)

    Finchy alone: Awww Finchy! :(

    "Karen says, Finn has to find an AA meeting ... I guess he's struggling."

    Yeah he really does need to find one. :(

    Police station:

    Brase: Great scenes!!! :) Especially when they start making out! :) Okay time to take your shirt off Chase. :)

    Sante home: Since when does Sam have a problem with Dante being a cop?!!?! It's just so out of the blue! Enough talk! Dante take your shirt off now!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Kevlar: Great scene! Great advice Doc!!

    V.C. and Laura: Will Charlie ever come back to Port Chuckles?! I hope so!!!! V.C. go home and walk around with no shirt on. :)

    Anna's new abode:

    Jason and Anna: Is that box Jason's box of pain? I don't want Anna to use V.C.!!! Stop it writers!

    Previews: Gregory upset! See I knew it!!

  3. Wow...Sam was a b****! Dante deserves better. Wonder why they even had the short lived resigning scenes.

    1. Just when I thought I couldn't hate her any more than I do. Dante is such a ray of sunshie, why wrap him in such a dark cloud. Wake up Lulu!!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...