Monday, May 13, 2024

Stupid Streaming Services


I should have just stuck with cable LOL.. I can't seem to "verify my location" on You Tube TV today so... no live show for me! I'm hoping I can get it straight by the ChaLyn Wedding! 


  1. -----I have NO clue why Sasha and Michael had that conversation and Sasha acted like she and Willow aren't friends and "maybe I should have asked you both before I took the job"
    -----WHY IN THE WORLD would Willow tell DREW about helping Jason? And I still think Drew and Willow are gonna kiss or something---------it's more than friendship
    ------so Drew and Jason haven't seen each other nor Spinelli and Jason (although in the previews I think Spinelli finally sees Jason).....and HOW they gonna explain Monica not being there?
    ----I LIKED Cody's convo with Gregory.
    -----Carly was HORRIBLE today and I usually don't think that - but even ANNA wasn't stern enough for her..
    ----- Jordan telling Stella and Trina too was just she gonna tell Sasha????
    ------yep I still have and like Directv

  2. Carly awful, obnoxious, belongs in jail

  3. Boring show today!

    Cowboy Cody's horse house:

    Cowboy Cody and Tracy:

    Cowboy Cody: You have a great seat.

    ROFL! And the look on Tracy's face! Hahahaha. Come on just have a fling you two! :D

    Cowboy Cody, Gregory, and Tracy: Great advice Cowboy Cody! Yes grab that brass ring! Now take your own advice and tell Mac you are his son!!

    Tracy and Gregory: OH! So the rehearsal dinner is tomorrow. I think that it's great that Tracy wanted to ditch the rehearsal dinner to hang out with him! Awwwwwwww. :) Come on Gregory! Don't stop her! She wants to stay! :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Jordan, Trina, and Stella: Great scene!!! Confusion and understanding!! Love Stella! :) Love that Jordan is trying to understand too! :) Trina was angry until she found out it was Laura! Haha! :)

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Ryan Lavery and Nina: Nina gushing over Willow. Zzzzzzzzz.

    Ryan Lavery, Nina, and Willow: Talking about that new cult called new tomorrow! :) Or as I like to call it, tomorrow land. :) The color of Willow's dress is pretty on her.

    Ryan Lavery and Willow: He has nothing personal with Nina, but Willow does? HA! Ryan Lavery your nose is growing! Why is Willow telling him about finding Jason at the boathouse? Are they bonding? Is something going to happen between them? I can feel it!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Trish: HI TRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She needs to be on more!

    Anna and Carly: Oh stop arguing Anna!!! Can we just stop?!!?!?! Zzzzzzzzzz. Carly did win the line of the day.

    Carly: Apparently all spies do. Where is yours? In your pocket? Or in your purse somewhere?


    Nina and Carly: Taking more pot shots at Carly eh Nina? Oh then of course she apologizes! I need and want a brawl dammit!!!

    Q mansion:

    Sasha and Michael: OH NO! I do not want to be reminded of their past relationship! UGH! Make it stop!!!

    Sasha and Cowboy Cody: Awww she made him dinner! :) When will she kiss him again? :)

    Michael and Cowboy Cody: Yeah Michael shut up. Sasha isn't ready for a relationship! So just stop!

  4. Carly, Michael and Joss the most obnoxious characters on the show. Michael is not Sasha's keeper!

    1. I wish I could like this a hundred times. They are obnoxious aren't they.

  5. seeing Karen's post on Twitter reminded me of Nina/Carly which I had tried to block out...
    what the heck? NINA saying CARLY was right when NINA lied to Sonny? Ava is manipulating Sonny? He's off meds? I don't like Nina AT ALL but it wasn't like Sonny woke up and just said, "Go away Nina'.
    TRULY the writers are not thinking/drunk - whatever......STUPID STUPID writing.

  6. Carly is a smart woman. Sometimes annoying and pushy. Never have I seen her act like a little girl who didn't do anything wrong but because she was yelled at she's going to do it again. Character change?
    Willow hates Nina. Willow loves Nina. Willow hates Nina. On and on and on...
    Anna looks great.

  7. also Willow betrayed Michael's confidence about Jason... yep they headed for breakup

  8. So glad Anna told Carly off! She never gets what she deserves for her actions. Willow and Drew's newfound close friendship came out of nowhere. It seems they have toned down Drew a bit, too.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...