Thursday, May 23, 2024


 I'M BACK! I caved and got YOUTUBE TV back today. I lasted what? 3 days LOL 

Dex and Kristina talk about turning in Sonny or not. He ends up leaving and I'm not sure if he's pressing charges?? Oh he said he'd think about it. 

Carly and Anna talk about Jack Brennan stabbing himself. He said he wanted to get out to see Carly again. Carly's like: UM, I barley know him. She leaves. Then Dex comes in to ask advice about Sonny. Anna wants to know what happened but Dex says it's off the record. He wonders if not reporting Sonny would taint the badge. 

Brook tells Ned she loves him. They hug. Lois and Ned talk in the kitchen about their marriage and being in love. How great Brook Lyn is and that Gregory is missing out on having a grandbaby. They drink wine. Hug. Lois' nails are all new. In one night. Gio arrives to stay at the Qs house. 

Finn and Liz. He's like, You're saying to give the bourbon up for you? Liz says NO! For that little girl! Finn tells her to either stay and make bracelets with Violet or leave. She's not talking Violet with her. She leaves BUT She calls Chase at the Qs and tells him to get over there. 

Chase and Brook go over to Finn's. Brook sees the liquor open.  She takes Violet for a walk. Chase wants the whole story about Greg and the booze. 

Violet is in Kelly's and tells Brook that she's afraid to lose HER dad. 

Alexis and Diane and Fergus. Mumbo Jumbo. Alexis says she was never given the chance for a fair hearing first time around. She has the right to know her accuser: it's AVA JEROME!! what????????? what the HELL is this??????? AVA???

Ava is talking to Sonny and telling him Kristina was probably hysterical due to her being pregnant! OMG. WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO AVA!?? THEN Sonny says Kristina was probably scared because Jason grabbed him. :EYEROLL: Ava says it's all Jason's fault. Then Carly knocks on the door. She asks if he's seen Kristina. He says no. She says Krissy is really hurting. Then he tells her what happened and says it would have never happened but JASON stepped in. She asks what he will do when he's out of people to blame as traitors. Ava just observes. I hate this for her. 

Kristina and Blaze talk and Krissy calls the baby "my baby"... I think Blaze heard that. 

THIS IS SO strange today. The whole AVA think turning in Alexis to the board because Julian said he knew she was seeing Neil or something? Made ZERO SENSE. 

and Tomorrow Tracey is on talking to Stella so we didn't get to see her reaction !!! I mean, why not have a Chase/Tracey/Ned scene???????


  1. ----I still think Dom is so good cause he is not in scenes with Sam/Mumbles.
    ----honest question - how long does one have to 'think about pressing charges'
    -----I HATE this Ava - I would rather her be a mob boss.....enabling Sonny and telling him Kristina is pregnant and THAT is why she overreacted and blaming Jason??? That Carly is keeping him away from his children???SCREAM!
    -----I KNEW they weren't gonna show Chase telling Tracy and that makes me sad and mad and disappointed etc - we DESERVED to see that...
    ---Neil died in Sept 2020 of overdose in Alexis' bed and Julian died NYE 2020 - but Julian and Britt were together and SAW Neil and Alexis----that was the whole deal with her disbarment......lying about sleeping with her psychiatrist....right?
    ----SO WHY NOW is this all about Ava being horrible? Shoulda been his brother- I DO NOT like the direction is going with Ava..I do not want a whodunit OR an Ava that can't be redeemed.....NINA woulda made more sense than Ava!
    -----WHAT did Anna want Carly to do?
    -----THIS is the ANNA that we heard tell Cates when she had SOMETHING she WOULD arrest Sonny?
    ------not much Finn today - kinda obvious these scenes were filmed all together but chopped up....

    1. LOL, so agree about Dom!
      This crap with Ava.....I just can't and won't talk about it. Ticks me off to no end.
      Also can't talk about us not seeing Tracy finding out about Gregory. Really? I'm beyond insulted.
      Lois and Ned, such affection for each other. I loved it!

    2. Where is Cates anyway? I almost forgot about him!

  2. Ava...what a mess. No longer the queen but a lying weasel. I hate this. And I don't like this whole Sonny thing either. But MB is good.
    Elizabeth is a caring, loving person who would not react the way they have written her. Changing her character as well it seems. Why was there a random bottle of booze, with some note, in a house of an addict where no one drinks. Soap opera liberties gone too far.
    Tracy and Gregory were so good together. These writers are not. Let's hope the recent reshake clears things up.
    Krissy said "my baby" more than once. Even in a louder tone.

    1. The random note was a thank you card from Brook Lynn's grandparents based on the signatures on the note

  3. Oh oops! New post hahaha. Okay I will put my post here. I can't delete the other one.

    "Oh, VIOLET .. ahhhhh. What a good little actress!!"

    RIGHT?! She is fantastic!

    Finchy's home:

    Fiz: Ooooo kicking her out! Hahaha. Chase should be there anyway.

    Liz on the phone with Chase: Oh good! I'm glad Liz called him!!!

    Finchy, Brase, and little V: Awwww family! :) Love the hugs!

    Chase and Finchy: Now this feels right. :) 2 brothers grieving being there for each other.


    Brooky and Little V: Awwww that's nice that they went for a walk and ended up at Bobbie's. When I was a kid I had friendship bracelets! I'm glad it's still in style and still around!

    Q mansion:

    Lois and Ned: Oh they are adorable. I love their scene. The things she was saying to Ned, I wonder if it was really Rena Sofer saying it to Wally Kurth! :) Rena Sofer just got remarried to her 2nd ex husband! Congratulations to them! :)

    Lois and Gio: Hello Gio!!! I wonder how long he is going to stay at the Q's! I wonder how long he is going to stay on GH!

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Carly: Oh Anna! You don't really expect her to not go see Brennan do you? Why did you tell her what happened to him?!

    Anna and Dex: It's okay that he doesn't press charges for now. For the baybay's sake. I want the baybay safe!!! When the baybay is born, THEN you can press charges!

    The metrocourt hotel room:

    Kraze: MY baby?!?!!!?!! This isn't the 1st time she has said this!!! The plot thickens!

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Ava: Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: But really it's Jason's fault.

    Wait what?!?!! BAHAHAHA! She is brainwashing him. She has still got it. I like it, but yeah she really should tell Sonny about his meds. She can do both! Tell him about the meds and brainwash him. Tell him the truth Ava!

    Sonny, Carly, and Ava: Yup yup! ALL Jason's fault! ROFL!

    Sonny and Ava:

    Ava: It's almost as if Carly wants you to be estranged from your children.

    More brainwashing! Oh Ava let us in on what your plan is! What are you doing?! Please I beg you! Let us in!!! :)

    NYC courtroom:

    Alexis, Fergus, Diane, and the judges: WAIT WHAT?!?!?!!? AVA?!!?!?!!?!?!?!

    Alexis and Diane: HUH?!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to December 10th, 2015. Dante, Valerie and Olivia.

  4. Is Maura West quitting, or retiring? Pissed Frank off??? So weird

  5. Got rid of the Herpes,.

    Opportunity of a lifetime,

    You can win back Ex with his help..

    Thanks (( robinsonbuckler11@)) gmail. com


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...