Monday, November 6, 2023

Wasted Time


Finn and Liz are home, working at GH saying how quiet it is. DUN DUN DUN

Crew make out in Kelly's. He happy to be out of prison. Carly tells him about the Judge Kim thing she and Alexis did. Drew calls Carly his hero. Carly's mad he got 6 months probation "how dare they"! She's insufferable. 

Brook Lyn is dressed as a ref and Chase as a football player. He got home too late to do candy. They talk about NOTHING. 

Laura got up with baby Ace (who looks new). Esme wonders why she's so nice to her. Laura says she's family, she loves her yada yada. Gross. Esme says she has to leave Laura's house. "it's too small here". Laura says they can make it work but wonders if it's due more to Spencer being there. She wants to live above Kelly's and Laura will help pay rent because "she's family"

Danny tells Sam and Dante that Jake and Char are missing. He talks about her changing costumes. They ask about the Tarot cards. He says she learned them in boarding school. Dante gets a call from the PCPD even though he's on LEAVE and they tell him about the shooting at Maxie's old place. After he's gone, Danny and Sam sit and talk about Charlotte and what happened. She's concerned about her. 

We repeat the shooting but Jake runs in yelling Charlotte. Anna lifts her hood and sees her face. Checks her pulse. Anna switches to medical/police mode. Tells him to call 911. Remains calm. Jake asks why she shot her. Then Valentin comes in, freaks out. They go to the hospital. Dante talks to Anna who loses it "I discharged my weapon on a child"...Finola was magnificent in that scene. 

Charlotte goes to the hospital to be operated on. Valentin is so upset "Why Anna Why" he asks. Jake is talking to Liz--- he wants to know if Charlotte will be ok. Anna is so upset and Valentin is asking her why. Anna says it was an accident and it was dark. He says "I can't DO THIS NOW". Dante takes Anna to the station. 

TODAY'S SHOW WAS SOOOOOOOOO FILLED with other crap it really KILLED the Charlotte shooting. IT was AWFUL. 


  1. No arguments here. Totally killed a good sl. Tragic!

  2. ----new Danny is so good...
    ----I truly can't remember if Michael run ELQ? is Drew Aurora? Ned is Eddie so he's out.
    ----wasted show except Charlotte - beyond stupid that Dante was called when on administrative leave........why wasn't Chase called and Dante even acted like he was the cop in charge...
    -----Finola Hughes deserves an Emmy for today's performance......and that sound you hear is the sound of Anna/Valentin officially over -------------when that jerk Val said "WHY ANNA?" and "I can't hear this right now" and the clincer to Jake, "This is not your fault" NO IT IS YOUR FAULT...
    -----I hope the backpack has Victor's letter is in there.
    -----Esme was very open and honest today and I liked her. Gosh I love Laura.
    ------Robert gonna kill Valentin when he finds out what Val has been lying about but previews show SONNY and ANNA - love their friendship.
    -----I really tried at first but I don't get Crew at...........all............

    1. I hope Anna's key is in there too. Charlotte was the only one committing a crime here and she should be held accountable when she wakes up.

    2. FORGOT about the key - YES!!!

    3. And it's a very distinctive key too. Dante will recognize it immediately.

    4. Same for me Mufasa about Crew. We know they're both attractive and good actors I just don't see the chemistry for whatever reason.

  3. Kelly's:

    Crew: I don't care about them right now!!! Get back to Charlie!!!!! Wait Drew didn't go see his daughter?! But he told her she would be the first person he sees when he gets out of jail!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anna's home:

    Anna, Charlie, and Jake: Jake!!! Where the hell have you been? Did you see The Tribbles, the green beans, and badger Bob trick or treating and decided to say hi?! Charlie looks bad!!! Anna acting like Jake doesn't know how to call 911! ROFL! The 911 operator sounds like Siri! ROFL! Oh there is V.C.!!!! :(

    Anna, Jake, and Dante: Dante I don't understand why you are there!! Chase should be there not you! Just take Jake to the hospital!!!! I think the scab writers are confused.

    Brase home:

    Brase: Chase looks HAWT in his football garb! :) Um but they should not be talking! He should have had a phone call from the police station to go to Anna's!!!! Oh and Chase had a great idea I think about Tracy selling Deception to Brooky then she sells it back to Lucy!

    Kevlar home:

    Laura and Vampira: When will Vampira get her memory back? Yeah it's a good idea that Vampira and Ace move out, but Spencer won't like it! Someone has to tell him that Vampira has feelings for him, then maybe Spencer will agree that she should move.

    Sante home:

    Sante and Danny aka cheeto: No young man no candy for you until tomorrow! :)

    Danny aka cheeto and Sam: Awwww Danny aka cheeto! You are such a sweet and caring boy! It's not your fault what happened to Charlie!!!!

    Sam on the phone with Dante: Now Sam has to tell her son that Charlie was shot!!!!

    The hospital:

    Fiz: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Vanna: Why V.C.? I can tell you why!!!! It's all your fault!!!

    Finchy and Anna: Awwww Finchy is a good friend.

    Liz and Jake: Jake is taller than Liz! ROFL! I'm glad she sees Jake! She was so worried!

    Jake and V.C.: No Jake it's not your fault!!!!

    V.C.: It's not your fault.

    *Looks at Anna*

    IT'S NOT ANN'S FAULT V.C.! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. "Why, Anna, why?" Sorry folks but Valentin is an idiot. And IMO it's nothing new. I could always take him or leave him. Anna , on the other hand, was perfect today. Hoping that they are done. Maybe someone completely new can bring Anna Devane back.
    How about a double date....Carly/Drew and Liz/Finn. Oh the excitement. Yawn.
    Danny is a new cast, right? Cute kid. And even before Sam said it I thought he sounded just like Jason.

  5. Show is so stupid now. Finola is THE best actress. She deserves the Emmy for this.

    1. I agree! She was just outstanding! Had to fast forward Drew & Carly-ugh.

  6. Stick a fork into Vanna, they are done. Please, please for the love of everything soapy do NOT put Sonny and Anna together. I can handle them as friends but putting them together would be like when they paired Anna with Luke. That didn't work either.

    Val it isn't Anna's fault. It is your fault for not telling Anna vital information.

  7. I distinctly heard Sam say to Dante that he had been done with leave for just a few hours and they were calling him already. So I think Dante being there was normal. I do wish Chase had been there, too. Finola was magnificent! I can't gush enough about her. SHAME on Valentine and I hope they find the keys, the tarot cards and Victor's letter in that backpack. AND I hope Laura spills all about Val's suspicions about Charlotte. Loved Danny and the actor. And Jake was good too.
    Carly and Drew sucked the momentum right out of the show.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...