Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Lost and Found


I find myself here week after week, probably sounding like a broken record!! GH has become a series of micro-scenes that last seconds, not minutes and are filled with chit-chat. Yes, I said CHIT CHAT. Anyway, Frank's promised "shocker" on Friday did arrive at the very last minute so there's that. 

Brunch today? Did you get up late? I'm hoping to sleep WAY in because next week is going to be busy with Turkey Time. 

BIGGEST FUMBLE OF THE WEEK:  I am starting with this because last week ended with the Vanna fight on in the stairwell. LAST WEEK. Let that sink right in. What happens? Did Laura tell Anna what Charlotte said about Victor? HELL no!! Did Valentin? AHAHAHA, surely you jest. What DID they do? Meet up with NINA to talk about the situation and find the letter and cards he left for her in the bedroom. Can you guess which day this was? MONDAY. If you look at wardrobe, it went from morning on Monday to night on Friday. That's it. That's all the time we had for 5 days. BUT guess what, not one hint that they were going to tell Anna/ Not even a damn text!! Anna has to go and cry to Sonny about it all. Robert is shown with Felicia but not the two of them with Anna. I honestly don't know what to say at this point about pacing/editing and story flow that hasn't already been said. It was a MESS. 

FACE OF THE WEEK: SO, I guess Cody is another Deception face now because "they have chemistry and can sell things" according to Morgan Fairchild. And, no I don't know her character's name on the show LOL. I don't mind Heart and Home scenes but this one was just--weird. The Scotty part was weird and the whole Cody part is weirder. NO they don't have 'chem' and charm. I mean, I saw nothing in the photo shoot or there that was anything but dull. There wasn't even any cute banter written in! Oh, btw, Cody likes Sasha, Sasha likes Cody but the timing is off for Sasha. 

SOMETHING FOUND  OF THE WEEK: Well, in a series of losses, one gain stood out. Ned remembered the whole Nina told the SEC about Drew and Carly thing that happened before he hit his head. So, what does he do? He lets Olivia talk him out of telling for now to "keep the peace". We see a preview for Monday when he goes to Aurora---will he tell Michael and Drew then? Odds are not in our favor. 


SOMETHING LOST OF THE WEEK: Something bigger was lost but Anna also lost her files on "Forsythe" leading us to believe that there IS a Forsythe and Char didn't burn down her house. Can't wait. :eyeroll: 

SPRINA OF THE WEEK: Trina goes to Ava and Spencer goes to Joss. Trina is angry and Ava tells her to talk to Spencer. In later "riveting" scenes, Curtis and Marshall do the same. Meanwhile, Joss tells Spencer he's an ass for saying he'd basically choose Ace over Trina. Spencer sent a lot of flowers to the dorm. He also visited Esme to try to talk her out of the move and had zero luck.  Nicholas Chavez leaves this Dec-Feb for his Netflix filming. That will probably influence things one way or another for sure! 

ANOTHER FINN FIASCO OF THE WEEK:  Oh my goodness. So, a malpractice suit wouldn't be a bad story for a hospital if we'd seen the patient for even a couple of scenes or maybe a short story arc. But Noooooooo. Out of the blue, Portia and Terry pull Finn into the office to talk about some guy that died of cancer. Elizabeth will stand by his side in this fight. Yeah. HooHa. Can't wait. 

LOSS NUMBER OE OF THE WEEK:  So, there was a lot of gathering steam for this conclusion. Cyrus telling Mason to take a plea, Austin and Ava's confrontation and then Austin's going to Dante to say he'll spill for immunity. Maura West was of course, the highlight of all of this because come on, she's a damn goddess. RoHo's performances were very subdued and I felt like it was just...lack luster. When Austin ended up shot and probably dead, that kind of made sense. When he was talking to Dante he knew he was a dead man. We didn't see who shot him of course, but some guy with shiny black shoes. I'd venture a guess on Nikolas since he was seen there before and it looked like Cassadine feet. BUT!! Who knows. It could all change on a dime. 

LOSS NUMBER TWO OF THE WEEK: Opinion is split on this one; did Andrea really lose the baby?? (if so, why not more dramatically at GH not Mercy?) It does pave the way for Krissy to eventually be the carrier. BUT! A big take away was that TJ went to Portia FIRST on this whole thing. Hmmmm. Interesting.  Note: Molly number 4 seems to be doing the trick on that character. I'm not mad one bit. 

SUBPLOT OF THE WEEK: I know many people think the Adam side-show isn't needed but hear me out. I'm liking another college kid drama and NOT having to see Jex just have sex every time they are on. It also gives Joss another focus besides Dex's "Danger Job" with Sonny. Unfortunately in true GH style, the story feels so isolated because Adam is the ONLY other college kid seen and doesn't interact with anyone else. He should have been Dex's cousin (THAT would have been soapy) or somehow related to Nurse Amy or ANYONE in PC. 

SORT OF SUBPLOT TWO OF THE WEEK: So this is hooked to the whole "Ned remembers Nina and the SEC" thing but it's also it's own little capsule. Nina tells Carly she'll sell her back 1/2 of The Metro Court. She's doing this because Michael is basically blackmailing her into it. Carly considers the offer, talks to Sonny and Michael about it and then says she can't take any money to help because she needs to "do it on her own". Um.. knock knock, but I think you might still be on the hook for damages to the government, but I'm not sure. Anyway, Nina dug a more giant hole for herself with Sonny by acting like it was an altruistic gesture. 

WHERE'S WU OF THE WEEK: I'm just saying I miss Selina and Brad too. Damn it. 


Jake brings Charlotte white roses at GH ...two microchipped Cassadine victims falling in WUB

Nina offers to sell Carly 1/2 of The Metro Court back 

Ned remembers the SEC conversation Nina and Martin had before he lost his memory

Yuri likes country music. Blaze wrote a country song. 

Cody and Sasha sell out The Deceptor but Sasaha isn't ready for love with him yet

Cyrus tells Mason he's goin' to jail 

Austin tries for an immunity deal with Dante and is later shot at his house

Andrea loses the baby; everyone is sad

Jordan is taking the Deputy Mayor position

Trina is angry at Spencer, Spencer is trying to make amends but failing

Esme is determined to move out of Kevlar's place

Willow thinks her family is finally coming together

Anna is still in the dark about Victor's letter (which Laura reads to Val and Nina)

Anna's old files go missing from her new apartment

NEWS AND NOTES: Roger basically confirms he's out at GH on a Cameo to one of his fans. n So that! What a mess up of epic proportions on his "new" character. WOW. Happy trails to him! 

That's about it! I'm thinking of drastically changing the blog in the New Year. It will be a daily recap when I can but Sunday Surgery will just be a "Week in a Wubshell" and News/Notes. I feel like my long winded opinions are just not needed at this point! I may do an "opinion" paragraph now and then but that's it. I'm also probably dropping live tweeting. I'm not happy with Twitter and people aren't on another platform that I like enough to migrate to. SO... we shall see. We have the WUB AWARDS to go and our yearly predictions. The old writers are back and we should see their stuff in mid-December I think. Not entirely sure on that front. 



  1. If Roger Howarth is indeed out, I may take a break from "GH." The writing and editing are a mess, and I couldn't care less about many of the current storylines. The only things that are consistently good currently, IMO, are Maura West and Finola Hughes.

  2. What a bummer if Roger is leaving GH? I came over to watch GH when OLTL was cancelled knowing that Roger and Michael were crossing over. Frank and the writers definitely had done a grave disservice to an incredibly skilled actor. I'm taking a break from the show as well. It's Maurice's show and has no imagination. Karen - What's the deal with calling Roger's performance lackluster? Kind of like kicking a man when he's down. Really?

  3. Thank you for another great SS!
    I am sad reading that RoHo is out. 'Austin' is not his fault. Such a poorly written character that even a fine actor could not make work. That is really bad. After all the time he played him I still can't remember his name. Bad sign.
    The show is choppy. Editing and timing are dreadful. Everyone is hoping the real writers can bring things back together but I think it all started to fall apart way before the strike.
    Maura West is a goddess!

  4. "Did Laura tell Anna what Charlotte said about Victor? HELL no!! Did Valentin? AHAHAHA, surely you jest. What DID they do? Meet up with NINA to talk about the situation and find the letter and cards he left for her in the bedroom. Can you guess which day this was? MONDAY. If you look at wardrobe, it went from morning on Monday to night on Friday. That's it. That's all the time we had for 5 days. BUT guess what, not one hint that they were going to tell Anna/ Not even a damn text!! Anna has to go and cry to Sonny about it all. Robert is shown with Felicia but not the two of them with Anna."

    Yeah it's probably all off camera! UGH!

    "Oh, btw, Cody likes Sasha, Sasha likes Cody but the timing is off for Sasha."

    That probably means they are twinsies!!!! ROFL!

    "SOMETHING LOST OF THE WEEK: Something bigger was lost but Anna also lost her files on "Forsythe" leading us to believe that there IS a Forsythe and Char didn't burn down her house. Can't wait. :eyeroll:"

    I don't give a damn about Forsythe! I want Char to have done it all!!!! :D

    "Nicholas Chavez leaves this Dec-Feb for his Netflix filming. That will probably influence things one way or another for sure!"

    Spencer will probably take Ace and hide!!!

    "Note: Molly number 4 seems to be doing the trick on that character. I'm not mad one bit."

    She is doing a great job! Great crier! She fits in really well. She looks like like sisters!

    "WHERE'S WU OF THE WEEK: I'm just saying I miss Selina and Brad too. Damn it."

    Yeah where the hell are they?!

    "Roger basically confirms he's out at GH on a Cameo to one of his fans. n So that!"

    WOW! After Pawtucket Holtster got shot I googled and it says Roger is leaving.. WOW WOW WOW! I did not hear anything about that! Did anybody else? Why are they killing him off?!!?! :(

    "What a mess up of epic proportions on his "new" character. WOW. Happy trails to him!"

    I wonder if he is coming back as a new character!!! I hope so. I don't want Roger to leave!!! :(

    "I feel like my long winded opinions are just not needed at this point!"

    I think they are needed!! I enjoy them!

    "I'm also probably dropping live tweeting."

    Oh no!!!! :( I love them. I'm really going to miss your live tweeting!

    "The old writers are back and we should see their stuff in mid-December I think. Not entirely sure on that front."

    Oh I can't wait until their stuff is back!

  5. I still haven't confirmed anywhere that Roger is gone - I think he's still alive.
    ----I am just befuddled that I am befuddled cause by NOW we should KNOW things don't make sense you know? LAURA not telling ANNA is stupid.......and ANNA just telling Sonny that Valentin had the video deleted and NOT mentioning Nina made no sense.....poor Anna STILL doesn't know about Victor....................I loved Vanna but no more cause Val is a jerk
    -----one more week of sweeps and no reveal in sight: coulda been great with Nina's secrets coming out, Michael's secrets coming out------so much drama...
    ------I'll repeat what I said earlier - still think Greg is misdiagnosed/Blaze after Kristina for some reason/Finn's lawsuit might involve Liz at some point/don't understand Felicia's new role/think Carly will find the money and buy her 1/2 of Metro Court
    -----I think Nik shot Austin......and Ava STILL won't give up Cyrus and will feel the way TOTALLY dropped whoever was buying Spoon Island...
    ------my biggest frustration is this Forsythe being crammed down our throats outta the blue......
    ----Karen, your tweets are EVERYTHING so I hope you don't stop!!!! LOVE your opinions too!!!!

    1. The whole Austin-Holt story is/was so convoluted and confusing. It's one of those things that gets to a point where no one cares who did what and who the boss is. RoHo is SO much better than that. I too hope he is not gone. His present character can go but not him. Do all roads lead to Todd Manning?
      Never mind the stupidness of the potentially interesting Charlotte story. Anna should be first on the list for all info! Hope they bring her back to her old self someday soon.

  6. I didn't believe for one moment RH was out, until I read his instagram post, now I am questioning it. But still have to "see it to believe it."

    1. I THINK people are reading his post from October when he had COVID - he was out for a 2-3 weeks at that time --- I don't think it's about the shooting of his character.

  7. maybe Forsythe is head of Pikeman --------------Cyrus isn't --------------remember he was doing things to Sonny in prison cause of jealously between Laura and Sonny..
    ooooooooooooo maybe he is head of Pikeman AND Michael's source at SEC...........

  8. Karen, you've been working very hard for us and the show's been going through a frustrating period (that's me wishing it to a change of some sort)(hopefully positive). Take a break. Enjoy. But interesting, opinionated folks seldom need to stay quiet for long. :)

    1. Don't I know it lol... Sunday Surgery just takes me 90 min to 2 hours to do-- which is insane I know. Just trying to save some time LOL

  9. Aren't Jake and Charlotte cousins on the Spencer side?

    1. No.. Jake's parents are Elizabeth and Jason. Char's parents are Lulu and Valentin . Laura is "step gram" to them through Aidan/Lucky.

  10. I love Roger, he's one of the best actors on the show. Problem is that Austin was poorly written, and he wasn't on with any consistency. I'd love to see him back as Todd Manning, but many times can they kill off a character (Howarth & Easton) and bring them back as somebody else? I'd be okay with Todd Manning, just to get RH back, but will the writers actually do it again? Dunno.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...